{-# OPTIONS --cubical --no-import-sorts --safe #-}
module Cubical.Algebra.Group.Algebra where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function using (_∘_)
open import Cubical.Foundations.GroupoidLaws

open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Unit

open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Base
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Properties
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Morphism
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.MorphismProperties

open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation hiding (map)

-- open import Cubical.Data.Group.Base

open Iso
open Group
open GroupHom

     ℓ₁ ℓ₂ ℓ₃ : Level

------- elementary properties of morphisms --------

-- (- 0) = 0
-0≡0 :  {} {G : Group {}}  (- G) (0g G)  (0g G) --  - 0 ≡ 0
-0≡0 {G = G} =  sym (IsGroup.lid (isGroup G) _)  fst (IsGroup.inverse (isGroup G) _)

-- ϕ(0) ≡ 0
morph0→0 :  { ℓ'} (G : Group {}) (H : Group {ℓ'}) (f : GroupHom G H)
            fun f (0g G)  0g H
morph0→0 G H f =
  (fun f) (0g G)                                        ≡⟨ sym (IsGroup.rid (isGroup H) _) 
  (f' (0g G) H.+ 0g H)                                  ≡⟨  i  f' (0g G) H.+ invr H (f' (0g G)) (~ i)) 
  (f' (0g G) H.+ (f' (0g G) H.+ (H.- f' (0g G))))       ≡⟨ (Group.assoc H (f' (0g G)) (f' (0g G)) (H.- (f' (0g G)))) 
  ((f' (0g G) H.+ f' (0g G)) H.+ (H.- f' (0g G)))       ≡⟨ sym (cong  x  x H.+ (H.- f' (0g G))) (sym (cong f' (IsGroup.lid (isGroup G) _))  isHom f (0g G) (0g G))) 
  (f' (0g G)) H.+ (H.- (f' (0g G)))                     ≡⟨ invr H (f' (0g G)) 
  0g H 
  module G = Group G
  module H = Group H
  f' = fun f

-- ϕ(- x) = - ϕ(x)
morphMinus :  { ℓ'} (G : Group {}) (H : Group {ℓ'})  (ϕ : GroupHom G H)
             (g :  G )  fun ϕ ((- G) g)  (- H) (fun ϕ g)
morphMinus G H ϕ g =
  f (G.- g)                             ≡⟨ sym (IsGroup.rid (isGroup H) (f (G.- g))) 
  (f (G.- g) H.+ 0g H)                  ≡⟨ cong (f (G.- g) H.+_) (sym (invr H (f g))) 
  (f (G.- g) H.+ (f g H.+ (H.- f g)))   ≡⟨ Group.assoc H (f (G.- g)) (f g) (H.- f g) 
  ((f (G.- g) H.+ f g) H.+ (H.- f g))   ≡⟨ cong (H._+ (H.- f g)) helper 
  (0g H H.+ (H.- f g))                  ≡⟨ IsGroup.lid (isGroup H) (H.- (f g))
  H.- (f g) 
  module G = Group G
  module H = Group H
  f = fun ϕ
  helper : (f (G.- g) H.+ f g)  0g H
  helper = sym (isHom ϕ (G.- g) g) ∙∙ cong f (invl G g) ∙∙ morph0→0 G H ϕ

-- ----------- Alternative notions of isomorphisms --------------
record GroupIso { ℓ'} (G : Group {}) (H : Group {ℓ'}) : Type (ℓ-max  ℓ') where
  constructor iso
    map : GroupHom G H
    inv :  H    G 
    rightInv : section (GroupHom.fun map) inv
    leftInv : retract (GroupHom.fun map) inv

record BijectionIso { ℓ'} (A : Group {}) (B : Group {ℓ'}) : Type (ℓ-max  ℓ') where
  constructor bij-iso
    map' : GroupHom A B
    inj : isInjective A B map'
    surj : isSurjective A B map'

-- "Very" short exact sequences
-- i.e. an exact sequence A → B → C → D where A and D are trivial
record vSES { ℓ' ℓ'' ℓ'''} (A : Group {}) (B : Group {ℓ'}) (leftGr : Group {ℓ''}) (rightGr : Group {ℓ'''})
           : Type (ℓ-suc (ℓ-max  (ℓ-max ℓ' (ℓ-max ℓ'' ℓ''')))) where
  constructor ses
    isTrivialLeft : isProp  leftGr 
    isTrivialRight : isProp  rightGr 

    left : GroupHom leftGr A
    right : GroupHom B rightGr
    ϕ : GroupHom A B

    Ker-ϕ⊂Im-left : (x :  A )
                   isInKer A B ϕ x
                   isInIm leftGr A left x
    Ker-right⊂Im-ϕ : (x :  B )
                    isInKer B rightGr right x
                    isInIm A B ϕ x

open BijectionIso
open GroupIso
open vSES

compGroupIso : {G : Group {}} {H : Group {ℓ₁}} {A : Group {ℓ₂}}  GroupIso G H  GroupIso H A  GroupIso G A
map (compGroupIso iso1 iso2) = compGroupHom (map iso1) (map iso2)
inv (compGroupIso iso1 iso2) = inv iso1  inv iso2
rightInv (compGroupIso iso1 iso2) a = cong (fun (map iso2)) (rightInv iso1 _)  rightInv iso2 a
leftInv (compGroupIso iso1 iso2) a = cong (inv iso1) (leftInv iso2 _)  leftInv iso1 a

isGroupHomInv' : {G : Group {}} {H : Group {ℓ₁}} (f : GroupIso G H)  isGroupHom H G (inv f)
isGroupHomInv' {G = G} {H = H}  f h h' = isInj-f _ _ (
  f' (g (h ⋆² h')) ≡⟨ (rightInv f) _ 
  (h ⋆² h') ≡⟨ sym (cong₂ _⋆²_ (rightInv f h) (rightInv f h')) 
  (f' (g h) ⋆² f' (g h')) ≡⟨ sym (isHom (map f) _ _)  -- sym (isHom (hom f) _ _) ⟩
  f' (g h ⋆¹ g h') )
  f' = fun (map f)
  _⋆¹_ = Group._+_ G
  _⋆²_ = Group._+_ H
  g = inv f -- invEq (eq f)

  isInj-f : (x y :  G )  f' x  f' y  x  y
  isInj-f x y p = sym (leftInv f _) ∙∙ cong g p ∙∙ leftInv f _

invGroupIso : {G : Group {}} {H : Group {ℓ₁}}  GroupIso G H  GroupIso H G
fun (map (invGroupIso iso1)) = inv iso1
isHom (map (invGroupIso iso1)) = isGroupHomInv' iso1
inv (invGroupIso iso1) = fun (map iso1)
rightInv (invGroupIso iso1) = leftInv iso1
leftInv (invGroupIso iso1) = rightInv iso1

dirProdGroupIso : {G : Group {}} {H : Group {ℓ₁}} {A : Group {ℓ₂}} {B : Group {ℓ₃}}
                GroupIso G H  GroupIso A B  GroupIso (dirProd G A) (dirProd H B)
fun (map (dirProdGroupIso iso1 iso2)) prod = fun (map iso1) (fst prod) , fun (map iso2) (snd prod)
isHom (map (dirProdGroupIso iso1 iso2)) a b = ΣPathP (isHom (map iso1) (fst a) (fst b) , isHom (map iso2) (snd a) (snd b))
inv (dirProdGroupIso iso1 iso2) prod = (inv iso1) (fst prod) , (inv iso2) (snd prod)
rightInv (dirProdGroupIso iso1 iso2) a = ΣPathP (rightInv iso1 (fst a) , (rightInv iso2 (snd a)))
leftInv (dirProdGroupIso iso1 iso2) a = ΣPathP (leftInv iso1 (fst a) , (leftInv iso2 (snd a)))

GrIsoToGrEquiv : {G : Group {}} {H : Group {ℓ₂}}  GroupIso G H  GroupEquiv G H
GroupEquiv.eq (GrIsoToGrEquiv i) = isoToEquiv (iso (fun (map i)) (inv i) (rightInv i) (leftInv i))
GroupEquiv.isHom (GrIsoToGrEquiv i) = isHom (map i)

--- Proofs that BijectionIso and vSES both induce isomorphisms ---
BijectionIsoToGroupIso : {A : Group {}} {B : Group {ℓ₂}}  BijectionIso A B  GroupIso A B
BijectionIsoToGroupIso {A = A} {B = B} i = grIso
  module A = Group A
  module B = Group B
  f = fun (map' i)

  helper : (b : _)  isProp (Σ[ a   A  ] f a  b)
  helper _ a b =
    Σ≡Prop  _  isSetCarrier B _ _)
           (fst a ≡⟨ sym (IsGroup.rid (isGroup A) (fst a)) 
           ((fst a) A.+ 0g A) ≡⟨ cong ((fst a) A.+_) (sym (invl A (fst b))) 
           ((fst a) A.+ ((A.- fst b) A.+ fst b)) ≡⟨ Group.assoc A _ _ _ 
           (((fst a) A.+ (A.- fst b)) A.+ fst b) ≡⟨ cong (A._+ fst b) idHelper 
           (0g A A.+ fst b) ≡⟨ IsGroup.lid (isGroup A) (fst b) 
           fst b )
    idHelper : fst a A.+ (A.- fst b)  0g A
    idHelper =
      inj i _
           (isHom (map' i) (fst a) (A.- (fst b))
          (cong (f (fst a) B.+_) (morphMinus A B (map' i) (fst b))
         ∙∙ cong (B._+ (B.- f (fst b))) (snd a  sym (snd b))
         ∙∙ invr B (f (fst b))))

  grIso : GroupIso A B
  map grIso = map' i
  inv grIso b = (rec (helper b)  a  a) (surj i b)) .fst
  rightInv grIso b = (rec (helper b)  a  a) (surj i b)) .snd
  leftInv grIso b j = rec (helper (f b))  a  a) (propTruncIsProp (surj i (f b))  b , refl  j) .fst

BijectionIsoToGroupEquiv : {A : Group {}} {B : Group {ℓ₂}}  BijectionIso A B  GroupEquiv A B
BijectionIsoToGroupEquiv i = GrIsoToGrEquiv (BijectionIsoToGroupIso i)

vSES→GroupIso :  { ℓ' ℓ'' ℓ'''} {A : Group {}} {B : Group {ℓ'}} (leftGr : Group {ℓ''}) (rightGr : Group {ℓ'''})
                 vSES A B leftGr rightGr
                 GroupIso A B
vSES→GroupIso {A = A} lGr rGr vses = BijectionIsoToGroupIso theIso
  theIso : BijectionIso _ _
  map' theIso = vSES.ϕ vses
  inj theIso a inker = rec (isSetCarrier A _ _)
                             (a , p)  sym p
                                        ∙∙ cong (fun (left vses)) (isTrivialLeft vses a _)
                                        ∙∙ morph0→0 lGr A (left vses))
                            (Ker-ϕ⊂Im-left vses a inker)
  surj theIso a = Ker-right⊂Im-ϕ vses a (isTrivialRight vses _ _)

vSES→GroupEquiv : {A : Group {}} {B : Group {ℓ₁}} (leftGr : Group {ℓ₂}) (rightGr : Group {ℓ₃})
         vSES A B leftGr rightGr
         GroupEquiv A B
vSES→GroupEquiv {A = A} lGr rGr vses = GrIsoToGrEquiv (vSES→GroupIso lGr rGr vses)

-- The trivial group is a unit.
lUnitGroupIso :  {} {G : Group {}}  GroupEquiv (dirProd trivialGroup G) G
lUnitGroupIso =
    (iso (grouphom snd  a b  refl))
          g  tt , g)
          _  refl)
         λ _  refl)

rUnitGroupIso :  {} {G : Group {}}  GroupEquiv (dirProd G trivialGroup) G
rUnitGroupIso =
      (grouphom fst λ _ _  refl)
       g  g , tt)
       _  refl)
      λ _  refl)

contrGroup≅trivialGroup : {G : Group {}}  isContr  G   GroupEquiv G trivialGroup
GroupEquiv.eq (contrGroup≅trivialGroup contr) = isContr→≃Unit contr
GroupEquiv.isHom (contrGroup≅trivialGroup contr) _ _ = refl