{-# OPTIONS --cubical --no-import-sorts --safe #-}


This file defines

sucPred : ∀ (i : Int) → sucInt (predInt i) ≡ i
predSuc : ∀ (i : Int) → predInt (sucInt i) ≡ i

discreteInt : discrete Int
isSetInt : isSet Int

addition of Int is defined _+_ : Int → Int → Int

as well as its commutativity and associativity
+-comm : ∀ (m n : Int) → m + n ≡ n + m
+-assoc : ∀ (m n o : Int) → m + (n + o) ≡ (m + n) + o

An alternate definition of _+_ is defined via ua,
namely _+'_, which helps us to easily prove

isEquivAddInt : (m : Int) → isEquiv (λ n → n + m)


module Cubical.Data.Int.Properties where

open import Cubical.Core.Everything

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Transport
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence

open import Cubical.Data.Empty
open import Cubical.Data.Nat hiding (_+_ ; +-assoc ; +-comm)
open import Cubical.Data.Bool
open import Cubical.Data.Sum
open import Cubical.Data.Int.Base

open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary.DecidableEq

abs : Int  
abs (pos n) = n
abs (negsuc n) = suc n

sgn : Int  Bool
sgn (pos n) = true
sgn (negsuc n) = false

sucPred :  i  sucInt (predInt i)  i
sucPred (pos zero)    = refl
sucPred (pos (suc n)) = refl
sucPred (negsuc n)    = refl

predSuc :  i  predInt (sucInt i)  i
predSuc (pos n)          = refl
predSuc (negsuc zero)    = refl
predSuc (negsuc (suc n)) = refl

-- TODO: define multiplication

injPos :  {a b : }  pos a  pos b  a  b
injPos {a} h = subst T h refl
  T : Int  Type₀
  T (pos x)    = a  x
  T (negsuc _) = 

injNegsuc :  {a b : }  negsuc a  negsuc b  a  b
injNegsuc {a} h = subst T h refl
  T : Int  Type₀
  T (pos _) = 
  T (negsuc x) = a  x

posNotnegsuc :  (a b : )  ¬ (pos a  negsuc b)
posNotnegsuc a b h = subst T h 0
  T : Int  Type₀
  T (pos _)    = 
  T (negsuc _) = 

negsucNotpos :  (a b : )  ¬ (negsuc a  pos b)
negsucNotpos a b h = subst T h 0
  T : Int  Type₀
  T (pos _)    = 
  T (negsuc _) = 

discreteInt : Discrete Int
discreteInt (pos n) (pos m) with discreteℕ n m
... | yes p = yes (cong pos p)
... | no p  = no  x  p (injPos x))
discreteInt (pos n) (negsuc m) = no (posNotnegsuc n m)
discreteInt (negsuc n) (pos m) = no (negsucNotpos n m)
discreteInt (negsuc n) (negsuc m) with discreteℕ n m
... | yes p = yes (cong negsuc p)
... | no p  = no  x  p (injNegsuc x))

isSetInt : isSet Int
isSetInt = Discrete→isSet discreteInt

_ℕ-_ :     Int
a ℕ- 0 = pos a
0 ℕ- suc b = negsuc b
suc a ℕ- suc b = a ℕ- b

_+pos_ : Int     Int
z +pos 0 = z
z +pos (suc n) = sucInt (z +pos n)

_+negsuc_ : Int    Int
z +negsuc 0 = predInt z
z +negsuc (suc n) = predInt (z +negsuc n)

_+_ : Int  Int  Int
m + pos n = m +pos n
m + negsuc n = m +negsuc n

_-_ : Int  Int  Int
m - pos zero    = m
m - pos (suc n) = m + negsuc n
m - negsuc n    = m + pos (suc n)

sucInt+pos :  n m  sucInt (m +pos n)  (sucInt m) +pos n
sucInt+pos zero m = refl
sucInt+pos (suc n) m = cong sucInt (sucInt+pos n m)

predInt+negsuc :  n m  predInt (m +negsuc n)  (predInt m) +negsuc n
predInt+negsuc zero m = refl
predInt+negsuc (suc n) m = cong predInt (predInt+negsuc n m)

sucInt+negsuc :  n m  sucInt (m +negsuc n)  (sucInt m) +negsuc n
sucInt+negsuc zero m = (sucPred _)  (sym (predSuc _))
sucInt+negsuc (suc n) m =      _ ≡⟨ sucPred _ 
  m +negsuc n                    ≡[ i ]⟨ predSuc m (~ i) +negsuc n 
  (predInt (sucInt m)) +negsuc n ≡⟨ sym (predInt+negsuc n (sucInt m)) 
  predInt (sucInt m +negsuc n) 

predInt+pos :  n m  predInt (m +pos n)  (predInt m) +pos n
predInt+pos zero m = refl
predInt+pos (suc n) m =     _ ≡⟨ predSuc _ 
  m +pos n                    ≡[ i ]⟨ sucPred m (~ i) + pos n 
  (sucInt (predInt m)) +pos n ≡⟨ sym (sucInt+pos n (predInt m))
  (predInt m) +pos (suc n)    

predInt+ :  m n  predInt (m + n)  (predInt m) + n
predInt+ m (pos n) = predInt+pos n m
predInt+ m (negsuc n) = predInt+negsuc n m

+predInt :  m n  predInt (m + n)  m + (predInt n)
+predInt m (pos zero) = refl
+predInt m (pos (suc n)) = (predSuc (m + pos n))  (cong (_+_ m) (sym (predSuc (pos n))))
+predInt m (negsuc n) = refl

sucInt+ :  m n  sucInt (m + n)  (sucInt m) + n
sucInt+ m (pos n) = sucInt+pos n m
sucInt+ m (negsuc n) = sucInt+negsuc n m

+sucInt :  m n  sucInt (m + n)   m + (sucInt n)
+sucInt m (pos n) = refl
+sucInt m (negsuc zero) = sucPred _
+sucInt m (negsuc (suc n)) = (sucPred (m +negsuc n))  (cong (_+_ m) (sym (sucPred (negsuc n))))

pos0+ :  z  z  pos 0 + z
pos0+ (pos zero) = refl
pos0+ (pos (suc n)) = cong sucInt (pos0+ (pos n))
pos0+ (negsuc zero) = refl
pos0+ (negsuc (suc n)) = cong predInt (pos0+ (negsuc n))

negsuc0+ :  z  predInt z  negsuc 0 + z
negsuc0+ (pos zero) = refl
negsuc0+ (pos (suc n)) = (sym (sucPred (pos n)))  (cong sucInt (negsuc0+ _))
negsuc0+ (negsuc zero) = refl
negsuc0+ (negsuc (suc n)) = cong predInt (negsuc0+ (negsuc n))

ind-comm : {A : Type₀} (_∙_ : A  A  A) (f :   A) (g : A  A)
           (p :  {n}  f (suc n)  g (f n))
           (g∙ :  a b  g (a  b)  g a  b)
           (∙g :  a b  g (a  b)  a  g b)
           (base :  z  z  f 0  f 0  z)
           z n  z  f n  f n  z
ind-comm _∙_ f g p g∙ ∙g base z 0 = base z
ind-comm _∙_ f g p g∙ ∙g base z (suc n) =
  z  f (suc n) ≡[ i ]⟨ z  p {n} i 
  z  g (f n)   ≡⟨ sym ( ∙g z (f n)) 
  g (z  f n)   ≡⟨ cong g IH 
  g (f n  z)   ≡⟨ g∙ (f n) z 
  g (f n)  z   ≡[ i ]⟨ p {n} (~ i)  z 
  f (suc n)  z 
  IH = ind-comm _∙_ f g p g∙ ∙g base z n

ind-assoc : {A : Type₀} (_·_ : A  A  A) (f :   A)
        (g : A  A) (p :  a b  g (a · b)  a · (g b))
        (q :  {c}  f (suc c)  g (f c))
        (base :  m n  (m · n) · (f 0)  m · (n · (f 0)))
        (m n : A) (o : )
       m · (n · (f o))  (m · n) · (f o)
ind-assoc _·_ f g p q base m n 0 = sym (base m n)
ind-assoc _·_ f g p q base m n (suc o) =
    m · (n · (f (suc o))) ≡[ i ]⟨ m · (n · q {o} i) 
    m · (n · (g (f o)))   ≡[ i ]⟨ m · (p n (f o) (~ i)) 
    m · (g (n · (f o)))   ≡⟨ sym (p m (n · (f o)))
    g (m · (n · (f o)))   ≡⟨ cong g IH 
    g ((m · n) · (f o))   ≡⟨ p (m · n) (f o) 
    (m · n) · (g (f o))   ≡[ i ]⟨ (m · n) · q {o} (~ i) 
    (m · n) · (f (suc o)) 
    IH = ind-assoc _·_ f g p q base m n o

+-comm :  m n  m + n  n + m
+-comm m (pos n) = ind-comm _+_ pos sucInt refl sucInt+ +sucInt pos0+ m n
+-comm m (negsuc n) = ind-comm _+_ negsuc predInt refl predInt+ +predInt negsuc0+ m n

+-assoc :  m n o  m + (n + o)  (m + n) + o
+-assoc m n (pos o) = ind-assoc _+_ pos sucInt +sucInt refl  _ _  refl) m n o
+-assoc m n (negsuc o) = ind-assoc _+_ negsuc predInt +predInt refl +predInt m n o

-- Compose sucPathInt with itself n times. Transporting along this
-- will be addition, transporting with it backwards will be subtraction.
-- Use this to define _+'_ for which is easier to prove
-- isEquiv (λ n → n +' m) since _+'_ is defined by transport

sucPathInt : Int  Int
sucPathInt = ua (sucInt , isoToIsEquiv (iso sucInt predInt sucPred predSuc))

addEq :   Int  Int
addEq zero = refl
addEq (suc n) = (addEq n)  sucPathInt

predPathInt : Int  Int
predPathInt = ua (predInt , isoToIsEquiv (iso predInt sucInt predSuc sucPred))

subEq :   Int  Int
subEq zero = refl
subEq (suc n) = (subEq n)  predPathInt

_+'_ : Int  Int  Int
m +' pos n    = transport (addEq n) m
m +' negsuc n = transport (subEq (suc n)) m

+'≡+ : _+'_  _+_
+'≡+ i m (pos zero) = m
+'≡+ i m (pos (suc n)) = sucInt (+'≡+ i m (pos n))
+'≡+ i m (negsuc zero) = predInt m
+'≡+ i m (negsuc (suc n)) = predInt (+'≡+ i m (negsuc n)) --
  -- compPath (λ i → (+'≡+ i (predInt m) (negsuc n))) (sym (predInt+negsuc n m)) i

isEquivAddInt' : (m : Int)  isEquiv  n  n +' m)
isEquivAddInt' (pos n)    = isEquivTransport (addEq n)
isEquivAddInt' (negsuc n) = isEquivTransport (subEq (suc n))

isEquivAddInt : (m : Int)  isEquiv  n  n + m)
isEquivAddInt = subst  add  (m : Int)  isEquiv  n  add n m)) +'≡+ isEquivAddInt'

-- below is an alternate proof of isEquivAddInt for comparison
-- We also have two useful lemma here.

minusPlus :  m n  (n - m) + m  n
minusPlus (pos zero) n = refl
minusPlus (pos 1) = sucPred
minusPlus (pos (suc (suc m))) n =
  sucInt ((n +negsuc (suc m)) +pos (suc m)) ≡⟨ sucInt+pos (suc m) _ 
  sucInt (n +negsuc (suc m)) +pos (suc m)   ≡[ i ]⟨ sucPred (n +negsuc m) i +pos (suc m) 
  (n - pos (suc m)) +pos (suc m)            ≡⟨ minusPlus (pos (suc m)) n 
minusPlus (negsuc zero) = predSuc
minusPlus (negsuc (suc m)) n =
  predInt (sucInt (sucInt (n +pos m)) +negsuc m) ≡⟨ predInt+negsuc m _ 
  predInt (sucInt (sucInt (n +pos m))) +negsuc m ≡[ i ]⟨ predSuc (sucInt (n +pos m)) i +negsuc m 
  sucInt (n +pos m) +negsuc m                    ≡⟨ minusPlus (negsuc m) n 

plusMinus :  m n  (n + m) - m  n
plusMinus (pos zero) n = refl
plusMinus (pos (suc m)) = minusPlus (negsuc m)
plusMinus (negsuc m) = minusPlus (pos (suc m))

  alternateProof : (m : Int)  isEquiv  n  n + m)
  alternateProof m = isoToIsEquiv (iso  n  n + m)
                                        n  n - m)
                                       (minusPlus m)
                                       (plusMinus m))