
A couple of general facts about equivalences:

- if f is an equivalence then (cong f) is an equivalence ([equivCong])
- if f is an equivalence then pre- and postcomposition with f are equivalences ([preCompEquiv], [postCompEquiv])
- if f is an equivalence then (Σ[ g ] section f g) and (Σ[ g ] retract f g) are contractible ([isContr-section], [isContr-retract])

- isHAEquiv is a proposition [isPropIsHAEquiv]
(these are not in 'Equiv.agda' because they need Univalence.agda (which imports Equiv.agda))
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --no-import-sorts --safe #-}
module Cubical.Foundations.Equiv.Properties where

open import Cubical.Core.Everything

open import Cubical.Data.Sigma

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv.HalfAdjoint
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Path
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels

open import Cubical.Functions.FunExtEquiv

     ℓ′ : Level
    A B C : Type 

isEquivCong : {x y : A} (e : A  B)  isEquiv  (p : x  y)  cong (e .fst) p)
isEquivCong e = isoToIsEquiv (congIso (equivToIso e))

congEquiv : {x y : A} (e : A  B)  (x  y)  (e .fst x  e .fst y)
congEquiv e = isoToEquiv (congIso (equivToIso e))

equivAdjointEquiv : (e : A  B)   {a b}  (a  invEq e b)  (equivFun e a  b)
equivAdjointEquiv e = compEquiv (congEquiv e) (compPathrEquiv (retEq e _))

invEq≡→equivFun≡ : (e : A  B)   {a b}  invEq e b  a  equivFun e a  b
invEq≡→equivFun≡ e = equivAdjointEquiv e .fst  sym

isEquivPreComp : {A B : Type } {C : Type ℓ′} (e : A  B)
                isEquiv  (φ : B  C)  φ  e .fst)
isEquivPreComp {A = A} {B} {C} e = EquivJ
                   (A : Type _) (e' : A  B)  isEquiv  (φ : B  C)  φ  e' .fst))
                  (idIsEquiv (B  C)) e

preCompEquiv : {A B : Type } {C : Type ℓ′} (e : A  B)
              (B  C)  (A  C)
preCompEquiv e =  φ  φ  fst e) , isEquivPreComp e

depPostCompEquiv : {A : C  Type } {B : C  Type ℓ′} (e :  c  A c  B c)
                  (∀ c  A c)  (∀ c  B c)
depPostCompEquiv {A = A} {B} e = isoToEquiv pcIso where
  eIso :  c  Iso (A c) (B c)
  eIso c = equivToIso (e c)

  pcIso : Iso (∀ c  A c) (∀ c  B c)
  Iso.fun pcIso f c = Iso.fun (eIso c) (f c)
  Iso.inv pcIso g c = Iso.inv (eIso c) (g c)
  Iso.rightInv pcIso f i c = Iso.rightInv (eIso c) (f c) i
  Iso.leftInv pcIso g i c = Iso.leftInv (eIso c) (g c) i

isEquivPostComp :(e : A  B)  isEquiv  (φ : C  A)  e .fst  φ)
isEquivPostComp {A = A} {B} {C} e = snd (depPostCompEquiv  _  e))

postCompEquiv : (e : A  B)  (C  A)  (C  B)
postCompEquiv e = _ , isEquivPostComp e

hasSection : (A  B)  Type _
hasSection {A = A} {B = B} f = Σ[ g  (B  A) ] section f g

hasRetract : (A  B)  Type _
hasRetract {A = A} {B = B} f = Σ[ g  (B  A) ] retract f g

isEquiv→isContrHasSection : {f : A  B}  isEquiv f  isContr (hasSection f)
fst (isEquiv→isContrHasSection isEq) = invIsEq isEq , secIsEq isEq
snd (isEquiv→isContrHasSection isEq) (f , ε) i =  b  fst (p b i)) ,  b  snd (p b i))
  where p :  b  (invIsEq isEq b , secIsEq isEq b)  (f b , ε b)
        p b = isEq .equiv-proof b .snd (f b , ε b)

isEquiv→hasSection : {f : A  B}  isEquiv f  hasSection f
isEquiv→hasSection = fst  isEquiv→isContrHasSection

isContr-hasSection : (e : A  B)  isContr (hasSection (fst e))
isContr-hasSection e = isEquiv→isContrHasSection (snd e)

isEquiv→isContrHasRetract : {f : A  B}  isEquiv f  isContr (hasRetract f)
fst (isEquiv→isContrHasRetract isEq) = invIsEq isEq , retIsEq isEq
snd (isEquiv→isContrHasRetract {f = f} isEq) (g , η) =
    λ i   b  p b i) ,  a   q a i)
  where p :  b  invIsEq isEq b  g b
        p b = sym (η (invIsEq isEq b)) ∙' cong g (secIsEq isEq b)
        -- one square from the definition of invIsEq
        ieSq :  a  Square (cong g (secIsEq isEq (f a)))
                            (cong (g  f) (retIsEq isEq a))
        ieSq a k j = g (commSqIsEq isEq a k j)
        -- one square from η
        ηSq :  a  Square (η (invIsEq isEq (f a)))
                           (η a)
                           (cong (g  f) (retIsEq isEq a))
                           (retIsEq isEq a)
        ηSq a i j = η (retIsEq isEq a i) j
        -- and one last square from the definition of p
        pSq :  b  Square (η (invIsEq isEq b))
                           (cong g (secIsEq isEq b))
                           (p b)
        pSq b i j = compPath'-filler (sym (η (invIsEq isEq b))) (cong g (secIsEq isEq b)) j i
        q :  a  Square (retIsEq isEq a) (η a) (p (f a)) refl
        q a i j = hcomp  k  λ { (i = i0)  ηSq a j k
                                 ; (i = i1)  η a (j  k)
                                 ; (j = i0)  pSq (f a) i k
                                 ; (j = i1)  η a k
                        (ieSq a j i)

isEquiv→hasRetract : {f : A  B}  isEquiv f  hasRetract f
isEquiv→hasRetract = fst  isEquiv→isContrHasRetract

isContr-hasRetract : (e : A  B)  isContr (hasRetract (fst e))
isContr-hasRetract e = isEquiv→isContrHasRetract (snd e)

-- there is a (much slower) alternate proof that also works for retract

isContr-hasSection' : {A B : Type } (e : A  B)  isContr (hasSection (fst e))
isContr-hasSection' {_} {A} {B} e = transport  i  ∃![ g  (B  A) ] eq g i)
                                              (equiv-proof (isEquivPostComp e) (idfun _))
  where eq :  (g : B  A)  ((fst e)  g  idfun _)  (section (fst e) g)
        eq g = sym (funExtPath {f = (fst e)  g} {g = idfun _})

isContr-hasRetract' : {A B : Type } (e : A  B)  isContr (hasRetract (fst e))
isContr-hasRetract' {_} {A} {B} e = transport  i  ∃![ g  (B  A) ] eq g i)
                                              (equiv-proof (isEquivPreComp e) (idfun _))
  where eq :  (g : B  A)  (g  (fst e)  idfun _)  (retract (fst e) g)
        eq g = sym (funExtPath {f = g  (fst e)} {g = idfun _})

cong≃ : (F : Type   Type ℓ′)  (A  B)  F A  F B
cong≃ F e = pathToEquiv (cong F (ua e))

cong≃-char : (F : Type   Type ℓ′) {A B : Type } (e : A  B)  ua (cong≃ F e)  cong F (ua e)
cong≃-char F e = ua-pathToEquiv (cong F (ua e))

cong≃-idEquiv : (F : Type   Type ℓ′) (A : Type )  cong≃ F (idEquiv A)  idEquiv (F A)
cong≃-idEquiv F A = cong≃ F (idEquiv A) ≡⟨ cong  p  pathToEquiv (cong F p)) uaIdEquiv  
                    pathToEquiv refl    ≡⟨ pathToEquivRefl 
                    idEquiv (F A)       

isPropIsHAEquiv : {f : A  B}  isProp (isHAEquiv f)
isPropIsHAEquiv {f = f} ishaef = goal ishaef where
  equivF : isEquiv f
  equivF = isHAEquiv→isEquiv ishaef

  rCoh1 : (sec : hasSection f)  Type _
  rCoh1 (g , ε) = Σ[ η  retract f g ]  x  cong f (η x)  ε (f x)

  rCoh2 : (sec : hasSection f)  Type _
  rCoh2 (g , ε) = Σ[ η  retract f g ]  x  Square (ε (f x)) refl (cong f (η x)) refl

  rCoh3 : (sec : hasSection f)  Type _
  rCoh3 (g , ε) =  x  Σ[ ηx  g (f x)  x ] Square (ε (f x)) refl (cong f ηx) refl

  rCoh4 : (sec : hasSection f)  Type _
  rCoh4 (g , ε) =  x  Path (fiber f (f x)) (g (f x) , ε (f x)) (x , refl)

  characterization : isHAEquiv f  Σ _ rCoh4
  characterization =
    isHAEquiv f
      -- first convert between Σ and record
      ≃⟨ isoToEquiv (iso  e  (e .g , e .ret) , (e .sec , e .com))
                          e  record { g = e .fst .fst ; ret = e .fst .snd
                                       ; sec = e .snd .fst ; com = e .snd .snd })
                          _  refl)  _  refl)) 
    Σ _ rCoh1
      -- secondly, convert the path into a dependent path for later convenience
      ≃⟨  Σ-cong-equiv-snd  s  Σ-cong-equiv-snd
                             λ η  depPostCompEquiv
                               λ x  compEquiv (flipSquareEquiv {a₀₀ = f x}) (invEquiv slideSquareEquiv)) 
    Σ _ rCoh2
      ≃⟨ Σ-cong-equiv-snd  s  invEquiv Σ-Π-≃) 
    Σ _ rCoh3
      ≃⟨ Σ-cong-equiv-snd  s  depPostCompEquiv λ x  ΣPath≃PathΣ) 
    Σ _ rCoh4
    where open isHAEquiv

  goal : isProp (isHAEquiv f)
  goal = subst isProp (sym (ua characterization))
    (isPropΣ (isContr→isProp (isEquiv→isContrHasSection equivF))
             λ s  isPropΠ λ x  isProp→isSet (isContr→isProp (equivF .equiv-proof (f x))) _ _)

-- composition on the right induces an equivalence of path types
compr≡Equiv : {A : Type } {a b c : A} (p q : a  b) (r : b  c)  (p  q)  (p  r  q  r)
compr≡Equiv p q r = congEquiv ((λ s  s  r) , compPathr-isEquiv r)

-- composition on the left induces an equivalence of path types
compl≡Equiv : {A : Type } {a b c : A} (p : a  b) (q r : b  c)  (q  r)  (p  q  p  r)
compl≡Equiv p q r = congEquiv ((λ s  p  s) , (compPathl-isEquiv p))