{-# OPTIONS --cubical --no-import-sorts --safe #-}
module Cubical.HITs.Rationals.QuoQ.Base where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv

open import Cubical.Data.Nat as  using (discreteℕ)
open import Cubical.Data.NatPlusOne
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma

open import Cubical.HITs.Ints.QuoInt
open import Cubical.HITs.SetQuotients as SetQuotient
  using ([_]; eq/; discreteSetQuotients) renaming (_/_ to _//_) public

open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Base
open BinaryRelation

ℕ₊₁→ℤ : ℕ₊₁  
ℕ₊₁→ℤ n = pos (ℕ₊₁→ℕ n)

  ℕ₊₁→ℤ-hom :  m n  ℕ₊₁→ℤ (m *₊₁ n)  ℕ₊₁→ℤ m * ℕ₊₁→ℤ n
  ℕ₊₁→ℤ-hom _ _ = refl

-- ℚ as a set quotient of ℤ × ℕ₊₁ (as in the HoTT book)

_∼_ :  × ℕ₊₁   × ℕ₊₁  Type₀
(a , b)  (c , d) = a * ℕ₊₁→ℤ d  c * ℕ₊₁→ℤ b

 : Type₀
 = ( × ℕ₊₁) // _∼_

isSetℚ : isSet 
isSetℚ = SetQuotient.squash/

[_/_] :   ℕ₊₁  
[ a / b ] = [ a , b ]

isEquivRel∼ : isEquivRel _∼_
isEquivRel.reflexive isEquivRel∼ (a , b) = refl
isEquivRel.symmetric isEquivRel∼ (a , b) (c , d) = sym
isEquivRel.transitive isEquivRel∼ (a , b) (c , d) (e , f) p q = *-injʳ _ _ _ r
  where r = (a * ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) * ℕ₊₁→ℤ d ≡[ i ]⟨ *-comm a (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) i * ℕ₊₁→ℤ d 
            (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f * a) * ℕ₊₁→ℤ d ≡⟨ sym (*-assoc (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) a (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d)) 
            ℕ₊₁→ℤ f * (a * ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) ≡[ i ]⟨ ℕ₊₁→ℤ f * p i 
            ℕ₊₁→ℤ f * (c * ℕ₊₁→ℤ b) ≡⟨ *-assoc (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) c (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b) 
            (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f * c) * ℕ₊₁→ℤ b ≡[ i ]⟨ *-comm (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) c i * ℕ₊₁→ℤ b 
            (c * ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) * ℕ₊₁→ℤ b ≡[ i ]⟨ q i * ℕ₊₁→ℤ b 
            (e * ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) * ℕ₊₁→ℤ b ≡⟨ sym (*-assoc e (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b)) 
            e * (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d * ℕ₊₁→ℤ b) ≡[ i ]⟨ e * *-comm (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b) i 
            e * (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b * ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) ≡⟨ *-assoc e (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) 
            (e * ℕ₊₁→ℤ b) * ℕ₊₁→ℤ d 

eq/⁻¹ :  x y  Path  [ x ] [ y ]  x  y
eq/⁻¹ = SetQuotient.effective  _ _  isSetℤ _ _) isEquivRel∼

discreteℚ : Discrete 
discreteℚ = discreteSetQuotients (discreteΣ discreteℤ  _  subst Discrete 1+Path discreteℕ))
                                  _ _  isSetℤ _ _) isEquivRel∼  _ _  discreteℤ _ _)

-- Natural number and negative integer literals for ℚ

open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Literals public

  fromNatℚ : HasFromNat 
  fromNatℚ = record { Constraint = λ _  Unit ; fromNat = λ n  [ pos n / 1 ] }

  fromNegℚ : HasFromNeg 
  fromNegℚ = record { Constraint = λ _  Unit ; fromNeg = λ n  [ neg n / 1 ] }