
This file contains:

- Properties of set truncations

{-# OPTIONS --cubical --no-import-sorts --safe #-}
module Cubical.HITs.SetTruncation.Properties where

open import Cubical.HITs.SetTruncation.Base

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma

     : Level
    A B C D : Type 

rec : isSet B  (A  B)   A ∥₂  B
rec Bset f  x ∣₂ = f x
rec Bset f (squash₂ x y p q i j) =
  Bset _ _ (cong (rec Bset f) p) (cong (rec Bset f) q) i j

-- lemma 6.9.1 in HoTT book
elim : {B :  A ∥₂  Type }
       (Bset : (x :  A ∥₂)  isSet (B x))
       (g : (a : A)  B ( a ∣₂))
       (x :  A ∥₂)  B x
elim Bset g  a ∣₂ = g a
elim Bset g (squash₂ x y p q i j) =
  isOfHLevel→isOfHLevelDep 2 Bset _ _
    (cong (elim Bset g) p) (cong (elim Bset g) q) (squash₂ x y p q) i j

setTruncUniversal : isSet B  ( A ∥₂  B)  (A  B)
setTruncUniversal {B = B} Bset =
  isoToEquiv (iso  h x  h  x ∣₂) (rec Bset)  _  refl) rinv)
  rinv : (f :  A ∥₂  B)  rec Bset  x  f  x ∣₂)  f
  rinv f i x =
    elim  x  isProp→isSet (Bset (rec Bset  x  f  x ∣₂) x) (f x)))
          _  refl) x i

elim2 : {B :  A ∥₂   A ∥₂  Type }
        (Bset : ((x y :  A ∥₂)  isSet (B x y)))
        (g : (a b : A)  B  a ∣₂  b ∣₂)
        (x y :  A ∥₂)  B x y
elim2 Bset g = elim  _  isSetΠ  _  Bset _ _))
                     a  elim  _  Bset _ _) (g a))

elim3 : {B : (x y z :  A ∥₂)  Type }
        (Bset : ((x y z :  A ∥₂)  isSet (B x y z)))
        (g : (a b c : A)  B  a ∣₂  b ∣₂  c ∣₂)
        (x y z :  A ∥₂)  B x y z
elim3 Bset g = elim2  _ _  isSetΠ  _  Bset _ _ _))
                      a b  elim  _  Bset _ _ _) (g a b))

setTruncIsSet : isSet  A ∥₂
setTruncIsSet a b p q = squash₂ a b p q

setTruncIdempotent≃ : isSet A   A ∥₂  A
setTruncIdempotent≃ {A = A} hA = isoToEquiv f
  f : Iso  A ∥₂ A
  Iso.fun f = rec hA (idfun A)
  Iso.inv f x =  x ∣₂
  Iso.rightInv f _ = refl
  Iso.leftInv f = elim  _  isSet→isGroupoid setTruncIsSet _ _)  _  refl)

setTruncIdempotent : isSet A   A ∥₂  A
setTruncIdempotent hA = ua (setTruncIdempotent≃ hA)

isContr→isContrSetTrunc : isContr A  isContr ( A ∥₂)
isContr→isContrSetTrunc contr =  fst contr ∣₂
                                , elim  _  isOfHLevelPath 2 (setTruncIsSet) _ _)
                                       λ a  cong ∣_∣₂ (snd contr a)

setTruncIso : Iso A B  Iso  A ∥₂  B ∥₂
Iso.fun (setTruncIso is) = rec setTruncIsSet  x   Iso.fun is x ∣₂)
Iso.inv (setTruncIso is) = rec setTruncIsSet  x   Iso.inv is x ∣₂)
Iso.rightInv (setTruncIso is) =
  elim  _  isOfHLevelPath 2 setTruncIsSet _ _)
        λ a  cong ∣_∣₂ (Iso.rightInv is a)
Iso.leftInv (setTruncIso is) =
  elim  _  isOfHLevelPath 2 setTruncIsSet _ _)
        λ a  cong ∣_∣₂ (Iso.leftInv is a)

setSigmaIso :  {} {B : A  Type }  Iso  Σ A B ∥₂  Σ A  x   B x ∥₂) ∥₂
setSigmaIso {A = A} {B = B} = iso fun funinv sect retr
  {- writing it out explicitly to avoid yellow highlighting -}
  fun :  Σ A B ∥₂   Σ A  x   B x ∥₂) ∥₂
  fun = rec setTruncIsSet λ {(a , p)   a ,  p ∣₂ ∣₂}
  funinv :  Σ A  x   B x ∥₂) ∥₂   Σ A B ∥₂
  funinv = rec setTruncIsSet  {(a , p)  rec setTruncIsSet  p   a , p ∣₂) p})
  sect : section fun funinv
  sect = elim  _  isOfHLevelPath 2 setTruncIsSet _ _)
              λ { (a , p)  elim {B = λ p  fun (funinv  a , p ∣₂)   a , p ∣₂}
               p  isOfHLevelPath 2 setTruncIsSet _ _)  _  refl) p }
  retr : retract fun funinv
  retr = elim  _  isOfHLevelPath 2 setTruncIsSet _ _)
              λ { _  refl }

sigmaElim :  { ℓ'} {B :  A ∥₂  Type } {C : Σ  A ∥₂ B   Type ℓ'}
            (Bset : (x : Σ  A ∥₂ B)  isSet (C x))
            (g : (a : A) (b : B  a ∣₂)  C ( a ∣₂ , b))
            (x : Σ  A ∥₂ B)  C x
sigmaElim {B = B} {C = C} set g (x , y) = elim {B = λ x  (y : B x)  C (x , y)}
                                                _  isOfHLevelΠ 2 λ _  set (_ , _))
                                               g x y

sigmaProdElim :  { ℓ'} {C :  A ∥₂ ×  B ∥₂  Type } {D : Σ ( A ∥₂ ×  B ∥₂) C   Type ℓ'}
             (Bset : (x : Σ ( A ∥₂ ×  B ∥₂) C)  isSet (D x))
             (g : (a : A) (b : B) (c : C ( a ∣₂ ,  b ∣₂))  D (( a ∣₂ ,  b ∣₂) , c))
             (x : Σ ( A ∥₂ ×  B ∥₂) C)  D x
sigmaProdElim {B = B} {C = C} {D = D} set g ((x , y) , c) =
  elim {B = λ x  (y :  B ∥₂) (c : C (x , y))  D ((x , y) , c)}
        _  isOfHLevelΠ 2 λ _  isOfHLevelΠ 2 λ _  set _)
        x  elim  _  isOfHLevelΠ 2 λ _  set _)
                    λ y c  g x y c)
       x y c

prodElim :  {} {C :  A ∥₂ ×  B ∥₂  Type }
         ((x :  A ∥₂ ×  B ∥₂)  isOfHLevel 2 (C x))
         ((a : A) (b : B)  C ( a ∣₂ ,  b ∣₂))
         (x :  A ∥₂ ×  B ∥₂)  C x
prodElim {A = A} {B = B} {C = C} hlevel ind (a , b) = schonf a b
  schonf : (a :  A ∥₂) (b :  B ∥₂)  C (a , b)
  schonf = elim  x  isOfHLevelΠ 2 λ y  hlevel (_ , _)) λ a  elim  x  hlevel (_ , _))
                 λ b  ind a b

prodElim2 :  {} {E : ( A ∥₂ ×  B ∥₂)  ( C ∥₂ ×  D ∥₂)  Type }
          ((x :  A ∥₂ ×  B ∥₂) (y :  C ∥₂ ×  D ∥₂)  isOfHLevel 2 (E x y))
          ((a : A) (b : B) (c : C) (d : D)  E ( a ∣₂ ,  b ∣₂) ( c ∣₂ ,  d ∣₂))
          ((x :  A ∥₂ ×  B ∥₂) (y :  C ∥₂ ×  D ∥₂)  (E x y))
prodElim2 isset f = prodElim  _  isOfHLevelΠ 2 λ _  isset _ _)
                             λ a b  prodElim  _  isset _ _)
                                     λ c d  f a b c d

setTruncOfProdIso :  Iso  A × B ∥₂ ( A ∥₂ ×  B ∥₂)
Iso.fun setTruncOfProdIso = rec (isOfHLevelΣ 2 setTruncIsSet  _  setTruncIsSet)) λ { (a , b)   a ∣₂ ,  b ∣₂ }
Iso.inv setTruncOfProdIso = prodElim  _  setTruncIsSet) λ a b   a , b ∣₂
Iso.rightInv setTruncOfProdIso =
  prodElim  _  isOfHLevelPath 2 (isOfHLevelΣ 2 setTruncIsSet  _  setTruncIsSet)) _ _)
           λ _ _  refl
Iso.leftInv setTruncOfProdIso =
  elim  _  isOfHLevelPath 2 setTruncIsSet _ _)
        λ {(a , b)  refl}