{-# OPTIONS --cubical --no-import-sorts  #-}

module MoreAlgebra where

open import Agda.Primitive renaming (_⊔_ to ℓ-max; lsuc to ℓ-suc; lzero to ℓ-zero)

     ℓ' ℓ'' : Level

open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything renaming (_⁻¹ to _⁻¹ᵖ; assoc to ∙-assoc)
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary.Base -- ¬_
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Base
open import Cubical.Data.Sum.Base renaming (_⊎_ to infixr 4 _⊎_)
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma.Base renaming (_×_ to infixr 4 _×_)
open import Cubical.Data.Empty renaming (elim to ⊥-elim) -- `⊥` and `elim`

open import Utils

module Definitions where
  -- NOTE: one needs these "all-lowercase constructors" to make use of copatterns

  _Preserves_⟶_ : ∀{Aℓ Bℓ  ℓ'} {A : Type Aℓ} {B : Type Bℓ}  (A  B)  Rel A A   Rel B B ℓ'  Set _
  f Preserves P  Q = ∀{x y}  P x y  Q (f x) (f y)
  _Reflects_⟶_ : ∀{Aℓ Bℓ  ℓ'} {A : Type Aℓ} {B : Type Bℓ}  (A  B)  Rel A A   Rel B B ℓ'  Set _
  f Reflects P  Q = ∀{x y}  Q (f x) (f y)  P x y

  -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Complete_partial_order
  --   A partially ordered set is a directed-complete partial order (dcpo) if each of its directed subsets has a supremum.
  --   A subset of a partial order is directed if it is non-empty and every pair of elements has an upper bound in the subset.
  --   In the literature, dcpos sometimes also appear under the label up-complete poset.

  -- https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/dcpo
  --   A DCPO, or directed-complete partial order, is a poset with all directed joins.
  --   Often a DCPO is required to have a bottom element ⊥\bot; then it is called a pointed DCPO or a CPO (but this term is ambiguous).

  -- In this chapter we develop the theory of directed-complete partial orders (dcpo), namely
  -- partially ordered sets in which only certain joins are required to exist.
  -- ...
  -- 3.1 Dcpos
  -- We start by defining partial orders. By a binary relation R on a set X , we mean a map X → X → HProp, as in Definition 2.7.1.
  -- We can specify which universe the binary relation lands in by saying that R is HPropᵢ-valued or is a relation in universe i if R : X → X → HPropᵢ.
  -- Definition 3.1.1. A binary relation R on a set X is
  -- 1. reflexive     if (∀ x       : X)   R x x;
  -- 2. irreflexive   if (∀ x       : X) ¬ R x x;
  -- 3. symmetric     if (∀ x, y    : X)   R x y ⇒ R y x;
  -- 4. antisymmetric if (∀ x, y    : X)   R x y ⇒ R y x ⇒ x = y;
  -- 5. transitive    if (∀ x, y, z : X)   R x y ⇒ R y z ⇒ R x z;
  -- 6. cotransitive  if (∀ x, y, z : X)   R x y ⇒ (R x z) ∨ (R z y).
  -- Remark 3.1.2. Cotransitivity is also known as weak linearity [91, Definition 11.2.7] or the approximate splitting principle [84].
  -- Definition 3.1.3.
  -- A preorder, denoted by ≤, is a reflexive transitive relation.
  -- A partial order is an antisymmetric preorder.

  -- Definition 4.1.4.
  -- - An apartness relation, denoted by #, is an irreflexive symmetric cotransitive relation.
  -- - A strict partial order, denoted by <, is an irreflexive transitive cotransitive relation.

  IsIrrefl : { ℓ' : Level} {A : Type }  (R : Rel A A ℓ')  Type (ℓ-max  ℓ')
  IsIrrefl {A = A} R = (a : A)  ¬(R a a)

  IsCotrans : { ℓ' : Level} {A : Type }  (R : Rel A A ℓ')  Type (ℓ-max  ℓ')
  IsCotrans {A = A} R = (a b : A)  R a b  (∀(x : A)  (R a x)  (R x b))

  record IsApartnessRel { ℓ' : Level} {A : Type } (R : Rel A A ℓ') : Type (ℓ-max  ℓ') where
      isIrrefl  : IsIrrefl R
      isSym     : BinaryRelation.isSym R
      isCotrans : IsCotrans R

  record IsStrictPartialOrder { ℓ' : Level} {A : Type } (R : Rel A A ℓ') : Type (ℓ-max  ℓ') where
    constructor isstrictpartialorder
      isIrrefl  : IsIrrefl R
      isTrans   : BinaryRelation.isTrans R
      isCotrans : IsCotrans R

  record IsPreorder { ℓ' : Level} {A : Type } (R : Rel A A ℓ') : Type (ℓ-max  ℓ') where
    constructor ispreorder
      isRefl    : BinaryRelation.isRefl R
      isTrans   : BinaryRelation.isTrans R

  -- NOTE: there is already
  --       isAntisym : {A : Type ℓ₀} → isSet A → Order ℓ₁ A → hProp (ℓ-max ℓ₀ ℓ₁)
  --       in Cubical.Structures.Poset. Can we use this?

  IsAntisym : { ℓ' : Level} {A : Type }  (R : Rel A A ℓ')  Type (ℓ-max  ℓ')
  IsAntisym {A = A} R =  a b  R a b  R b a  a  b

  record IsPartialOrder { ℓ' : Level} {A : Type } (R : Rel A A ℓ') : Type (ℓ-max  ℓ') where
    constructor ispartialorder
      isRefl    : BinaryRelation.isRefl R
      isAntisym : IsAntisym R
      isTrans   : BinaryRelation.isTrans R

  _#'_ : ∀{X : Type } {_<_ : Rel X X ℓ'}  Rel X X ℓ'
  _#'_ {_<_ = _<_} x y = (x < y)  (y < x)

  _≤'_ : ∀{X : Type } {_<_ : Rel X X ℓ'}  Rel X X ℓ'
  _≤'_ {_<_ = _<_} x y = ¬ (y < x)

-- NOTE: there is `Properties` and `Consequences`
--       the difference somehow is, that we do want to open `Consequences` directly
--       but we do not want to open `Properties` directly, because it might have a name clash
--       e.g. there is `Properties.Group` which clashes with `Cubical.Structures.Group.Group` when opening `Properties`
--       but it is totally fine to open `Properties.Group` directly because it does not export a `Group`
-- TODO: check whether this matches the wording of the (old) standard library
module Consequences where
  open Definitions
  -- Lemma 4.1.7.
  -- Given a strict partial order < on a set X:
  -- 1. we have an apartness relation defined by
  --    x # y := (x < y) ∨ (y < x), and

  #'-isApartnessRel : ∀{X : Type } {_<_ : Rel X X ℓ'}  (isSPO : IsStrictPartialOrder _<_)  IsApartnessRel (_#'_ {_<_ = _<_})
  #'-isApartnessRel {X = X} {_<_ = _<_} isSPO =
    let (isstrictpartialorder <-irrefl <-trans <-cotrans) = isSPO
    in λ where
      .IsApartnessRel.isIrrefl a (inl a<a)  <-irrefl _ a<a
      .IsApartnessRel.isIrrefl a (inr a<a)  <-irrefl _ a<a
      .IsApartnessRel.isSym    a b p  swap p
      .IsApartnessRel.isCotrans a b (inl a<b) x  case (<-cotrans _ _ a<b x) of λ where -- case x of f = f x
        (inl a<x)  inl (inl a<x)
        (inr x<b)  inr (inl x<b)
      .IsApartnessRel.isCotrans a b (inr b<a) x  case (<-cotrans _ _ b<a x) of λ where
        (inl b<x)  inr (inr b<x)
        (inr x<a)  inl (inr x<a)

  -- variant without copatterns: "just" move the `λ where` "into" the record
  #'-isApartnessRel' : ∀{X : Type } {_<_ : Rel X X ℓ'}  {IsStrictPartialOrder _<_}  IsApartnessRel (_#'_ {_<_ = _<_})
  #'-isApartnessRel' {X = X} {_<_ = _<_} {isSPO} =
    let (isstrictpartialorder <-irrefl <-trans <-cotrans) = isSPO
    in record
      { isIrrefl  = λ where a (inl a<a)  <-irrefl _ a<a
                            a (inr a<a)  <-irrefl _ a<a
      ; isSym     = λ where a b p  swap p
      ; isCotrans = λ where
        a b (inl a<b) x  case (<-cotrans _ _ a<b x) of λ where
          (inl a<x)  inl (inl a<x)
          (inr x<b)  inr (inl x<b)
        a b (inr b<a) x  case (<-cotrans _ _ b<a x) of λ where
          (inl b<x)  inr (inr b<x)
          (inr x<a)  inl (inr x<a)

  -- 2. we have a preorder defined by
  --    x ≤ y := ¬(y < x).

  ≤-isPreorder' : ∀{X : Type } {_<_ : Rel X X ℓ'}  {IsStrictPartialOrder _<_}  IsPreorder (_≤'_ {_<_ = _<_})
  ≤-isPreorder' {X = X} {_<_ = _<_} {isSPO} =
    let (isstrictpartialorder <-irrefl <-trans <-cotrans) = isSPO
    in λ where
     .IsPreorder.isRefl  <-irrefl
     .IsPreorder.isTrans a b c ¬b<a ¬c<b c<a  case (<-cotrans _ _ c<a b) of λ where
       (inl c<b)  ¬c<b c<b
       (inr b<a)  ¬b<a b<a

  module _
    {X : Type } (_<_ : Rel X X ℓ')
    (isSPO : IsStrictPartialOrder _<_)
    (<-isProp :  x y  isProp (x < y))
    (let _#_ = _#'_ {_<_ = _<_})
    (let (isstrictpartialorder <-irrefl <-trans <-cotrans) = isSPO)
    -- open IsStrictPartialOrder isSPO
    #-from-<-isProp :  x y  isProp (x # y)
    #-from-<-isProp x y (inl x<y₁) (inl x<y₂) = cong inl (<-isProp x y x<y₁ x<y₂)
    -- NOTE: ⊥-elim could not resolve the level here and needed some hint on `A`
    #-from-<-isProp x y (inl x<y ) (inr y<x ) = ⊥-elim {A = λ _  inl x<y  inr y<x} (<-irrefl y (<-trans y x y y<x x<y))
    #-from-<-isProp x y (inr y<x ) (inl x<y ) = ⊥-elim {A = λ _  inr y<x  inl x<y} (<-irrefl y (<-trans y x y y<x x<y))
    #-from-<-isProp x y (inr y<x₁) (inr y<x₂) = cong inr (<-isProp y x y<x₁ y<x₂)

module Properties where

  module _ where
    open import Cubical.Structures.Group
    -- import Cubical.Structures.Group.Properties

    module GroupProperties (G : Group {}) where
      open Group G
        simplR = GroupLemmas.simplR G

      invUniqueL : {g h : Carrier}  g + h  0g  g  - h
      invUniqueL {g} {h} p = simplR h (p  sym (invl h))
      -- ported from `Algebra.Properties.Group`
      right-helper :  x y  y  - x + (x + y)
      right-helper x y = (
        y               ≡⟨ sym (snd (identity y)) 
        0g          + y ≡⟨ cong₂ _+_ (sym (snd (inverse x))) refl  
        ((- x) + x) + y ≡⟨ sym (assoc (- x) x y) 
        (- x) + (x + y) )

      -- alternative:
      --   follows from uniqueness of -
      --     (a + -a) ≡ 0
      --     ∃! b . a + b = 0
      --   show that a is an additive inverse of - a then it must be THE additive inverse of - a and has to be called - - a which is a by uniqueness
      -involutive :  x  - - x  x
      -involutive x = (
        (- (- x))             ≡⟨ sym (fst (identity _)) 
        (- (- x)) + 0g        ≡⟨ cong₂ _+_ refl (sym (snd (inverse _))) 
        (- (- x)) + (- x + x) ≡⟨ sym (right-helper (- x) x) 
        x                    )

  module _ where  
    open import Cubical.Structures.Ring
    module RingProperties (R : Ring {}) where
      open Ring R
      open Cubical.Structures.Ring.Theory R

      -- NOTE: a few facts about rings that might be collected from elsewhere
      a+b-b≡a :  a b  a  (a + b) - b
      a+b-b≡a a b = let P = sym (fst (+-inv b))
                        Q = sym (fst (+-identity a))
                        R = transport  i  a  a + P i) Q
                        S = transport  i  a  (+-assoc a b (- b)) i ) R
                    in S

      -- NOTE: this is called `simplL` and `simplL` in `Cubical.Structures.Group.Properties.GroupLemmas`
      +-preserves-≡ : ∀{a b}   c  a  b  a + c  b + c
      +-preserves-≡ c a≡b i = a≡b i + c

      +-preserves-≡-l : ∀{a b}   c  a  b  c + a  c + b
      +-preserves-≡-l c a≡b i = c + a≡b i

      a+b≡0→a≡-b : ∀{a b}  a + b  0r  a  - b
      a+b≡0→a≡-b {a} {b} a+b≡0 = transport
          let RHS = snd (+-identity (- b))
              LHS₁ : a + (b + - b)  a + 0r
              LHS₁ = +-preserves-≡-l a (fst (+-inv b))
              LHS₂ : (a + b) - b  a
              LHS₂ = transport  j   (+-assoc a b (- b)) j  fst (+-identity a) j) LHS₁
              in  LHS₂ i  RHS i
        ) (+-preserves-≡ (- b) a+b≡0)

      -- NOTE: there is already
      -- -commutesWithRight-· : (x y : R) →  x · (- y) ≡ - (x · y)

      a·-b≡-a·b :  a b  a · (- b)  - (a · b)
      a·-b≡-a·b a b =
        let P : a · 0r  0r
            P = 0-rightNullifies a
            Q : a · (- b + b)  0r
            Q = transport  i   a · snd (+-inv b) (~ i)  0r) P
            R : a · (- b) + a · b  0r
            R = transport  i  ·-rdist-+ a (- b) b i  0r) Q
        in a+b≡0→a≡-b R 

      a·b-a·c≡a·[b-c] :  a b c  a · b - (a · c)  a · (b - c)
      a·b-a·c≡a·[b-c] a b c =
        let P : a · b + a · (- c)  a · (b + - c)
            P = sym (·-rdist-+ a b (- c))
            Q : a · b - a · c  a · (b + - c)
            Q = transport  i   a · b + a·-b≡-a·b a c i  a · (b + - c) ) P 
        in  Q

  -- exports  
  module Group = GroupProperties
  module Ring  = RingProperties