{-# OPTIONS --cubical --no-import-sorts #-}
module MoreAlgebra where
open import Agda.Primitive renaming (_⊔_ to ℓ-max; lsuc to ℓ-suc; lzero to ℓ-zero)
ℓ ℓ' ℓ'' : Level
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything renaming (_⁻¹ to _⁻¹ᵖ; assoc to ∙-assoc)
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary.Base
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Base
open import Cubical.Data.Sum.Base renaming (_⊎_ to infixr 4 _⊎_)
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma.Base renaming (_×_ to infixr 4 _×_)
open import Cubical.Data.Empty renaming (elim to ⊥-elim)
open import Utils
module Definitions where
_Preserves_⟶_ : ∀{Aℓ Bℓ ℓ ℓ'} {A : Type Aℓ} {B : Type Bℓ} → (A → B) → Rel A A ℓ → Rel B B ℓ' → Set _
f Preserves P ⟶ Q = ∀{x y} → P x y → Q (f x) (f y)
_Reflects_⟶_ : ∀{Aℓ Bℓ ℓ ℓ'} {A : Type Aℓ} {B : Type Bℓ} → (A → B) → Rel A A ℓ → Rel B B ℓ' → Set _
f Reflects P ⟶ Q = ∀{x y} → Q (f x) (f y) → P x y
IsIrrefl : {ℓ ℓ' : Level} {A : Type ℓ} → (R : Rel A A ℓ') → Type (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ')
IsIrrefl {A = A} R = (a : A) → ¬(R a a)
IsCotrans : {ℓ ℓ' : Level} {A : Type ℓ} → (R : Rel A A ℓ') → Type (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ')
IsCotrans {A = A} R = (a b : A) → R a b → (∀(x : A) → (R a x) ⊎ (R x b))
record IsApartnessRel {ℓ ℓ' : Level} {A : Type ℓ} (R : Rel A A ℓ') : Type (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ') where
isIrrefl : IsIrrefl R
isSym : BinaryRelation.isSym R
isCotrans : IsCotrans R
record IsStrictPartialOrder {ℓ ℓ' : Level} {A : Type ℓ} (R : Rel A A ℓ') : Type (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ') where
constructor isstrictpartialorder
isIrrefl : IsIrrefl R
isTrans : BinaryRelation.isTrans R
isCotrans : IsCotrans R
record IsPreorder {ℓ ℓ' : Level} {A : Type ℓ} (R : Rel A A ℓ') : Type (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ') where
constructor ispreorder
isRefl : BinaryRelation.isRefl R
isTrans : BinaryRelation.isTrans R
IsAntisym : {ℓ ℓ' : Level} {A : Type ℓ} → (R : Rel A A ℓ') → Type (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ')
IsAntisym {A = A} R = ∀ a b → R a b → R b a → a ≡ b
record IsPartialOrder {ℓ ℓ' : Level} {A : Type ℓ} (R : Rel A A ℓ') : Type (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ') where
constructor ispartialorder
isRefl : BinaryRelation.isRefl R
isAntisym : IsAntisym R
isTrans : BinaryRelation.isTrans R
_#'_ : ∀{X : Type ℓ} {_<_ : Rel X X ℓ'} → Rel X X ℓ'
_#'_ {_<_ = _<_} x y = (x < y) ⊎ (y < x)
_≤'_ : ∀{X : Type ℓ} {_<_ : Rel X X ℓ'} → Rel X X ℓ'
_≤'_ {_<_ = _<_} x y = ¬ (y < x)
module Consequences where
open Definitions
#'-isApartnessRel : ∀{X : Type ℓ} {_<_ : Rel X X ℓ'} → (isSPO : IsStrictPartialOrder _<_) → IsApartnessRel (_#'_ {_<_ = _<_})
#'-isApartnessRel {X = X} {_<_ = _<_} isSPO =
let (isstrictpartialorder <-irrefl <-trans <-cotrans) = isSPO
in λ where
.IsApartnessRel.isIrrefl a (inl a<a) → <-irrefl _ a<a
.IsApartnessRel.isIrrefl a (inr a<a) → <-irrefl _ a<a
.IsApartnessRel.isSym a b p → swap p
.IsApartnessRel.isCotrans a b (inl a<b) x → case (<-cotrans _ _ a<b x) of λ where
(inl a<x) → inl (inl a<x)
(inr x<b) → inr (inl x<b)
.IsApartnessRel.isCotrans a b (inr b<a) x → case (<-cotrans _ _ b<a x) of λ where
(inl b<x) → inr (inr b<x)
(inr x<a) → inl (inr x<a)
#'-isApartnessRel' : ∀{X : Type ℓ} {_<_ : Rel X X ℓ'} → {IsStrictPartialOrder _<_} → IsApartnessRel (_#'_ {_<_ = _<_})
#'-isApartnessRel' {X = X} {_<_ = _<_} {isSPO} =
let (isstrictpartialorder <-irrefl <-trans <-cotrans) = isSPO
in record
{ isIrrefl = λ where a (inl a<a) → <-irrefl _ a<a
a (inr a<a) → <-irrefl _ a<a
; isSym = λ where a b p → swap p
; isCotrans = λ where
a b (inl a<b) x → case (<-cotrans _ _ a<b x) of λ where
(inl a<x) → inl (inl a<x)
(inr x<b) → inr (inl x<b)
a b (inr b<a) x → case (<-cotrans _ _ b<a x) of λ where
(inl b<x) → inr (inr b<x)
(inr x<a) → inl (inr x<a)
≤-isPreorder' : ∀{X : Type ℓ} {_<_ : Rel X X ℓ'} → {IsStrictPartialOrder _<_} → IsPreorder (_≤'_ {_<_ = _<_})
≤-isPreorder' {X = X} {_<_ = _<_} {isSPO} =
let (isstrictpartialorder <-irrefl <-trans <-cotrans) = isSPO
in λ where
.IsPreorder.isRefl → <-irrefl
.IsPreorder.isTrans a b c ¬b<a ¬c<b c<a → case (<-cotrans _ _ c<a b) of λ where
(inl c<b) → ¬c<b c<b
(inr b<a) → ¬b<a b<a
module _
{X : Type ℓ} (_<_ : Rel X X ℓ')
(isSPO : IsStrictPartialOrder _<_)
(<-isProp : ∀ x y → isProp (x < y))
(let _#_ = _#'_ {_<_ = _<_})
(let (isstrictpartialorder <-irrefl <-trans <-cotrans) = isSPO)
#-from-<-isProp : ∀ x y → isProp (x # y)
#-from-<-isProp x y (inl x<y₁) (inl x<y₂) = cong inl (<-isProp x y x<y₁ x<y₂)
#-from-<-isProp x y (inl x<y ) (inr y<x ) = ⊥-elim {A = λ _ → inl x<y ≡ inr y<x} (<-irrefl y (<-trans y x y y<x x<y))
#-from-<-isProp x y (inr y<x ) (inl x<y ) = ⊥-elim {A = λ _ → inr y<x ≡ inl x<y} (<-irrefl y (<-trans y x y y<x x<y))
#-from-<-isProp x y (inr y<x₁) (inr y<x₂) = cong inr (<-isProp y x y<x₁ y<x₂)
module Properties where
module _ where
open import Cubical.Structures.Group
module GroupProperties (G : Group {ℓ}) where
open Group G
simplR = GroupLemmas.simplR G
invUniqueL : {g h : Carrier} → g + h ≡ 0g → g ≡ - h
invUniqueL {g} {h} p = simplR h (p ∙ sym (invl h))
right-helper : ∀ x y → y ≡ - x + (x + y)
right-helper x y = (
y ≡⟨ sym (snd (identity y)) ⟩
0g + y ≡⟨ cong₂ _+_ (sym (snd (inverse x))) refl ⟩
((- x) + x) + y ≡⟨ sym (assoc (- x) x y) ⟩
(- x) + (x + y) ∎)
-involutive : ∀ x → - - x ≡ x
-involutive x = (
(- (- x)) ≡⟨ sym (fst (identity _)) ⟩
(- (- x)) + 0g ≡⟨ cong₂ _+_ refl (sym (snd (inverse _))) ⟩
(- (- x)) + (- x + x) ≡⟨ sym (right-helper (- x) x) ⟩
x ∎)
module _ where
open import Cubical.Structures.Ring
module RingProperties (R : Ring {ℓ}) where
open Ring R
open Cubical.Structures.Ring.Theory R
a+b-b≡a : ∀ a b → a ≡ (a + b) - b
a+b-b≡a a b = let P = sym (fst (+-inv b))
Q = sym (fst (+-identity a))
R = transport (λ i → a ≡ a + P i) Q
S = transport (λ i → a ≡ (+-assoc a b (- b)) i ) R
in S
+-preserves-≡ : ∀{a b} → ∀ c → a ≡ b → a + c ≡ b + c
+-preserves-≡ c a≡b i = a≡b i + c
+-preserves-≡-l : ∀{a b} → ∀ c → a ≡ b → c + a ≡ c + b
+-preserves-≡-l c a≡b i = c + a≡b i
a+b≡0→a≡-b : ∀{a b} → a + b ≡ 0r → a ≡ - b
a+b≡0→a≡-b {a} {b} a+b≡0 = transport
(λ i →
let RHS = snd (+-identity (- b))
LHS₁ : a + (b + - b) ≡ a + 0r
LHS₁ = +-preserves-≡-l a (fst (+-inv b))
LHS₂ : (a + b) - b ≡ a
LHS₂ = transport (λ j → (+-assoc a b (- b)) j ≡ fst (+-identity a) j) LHS₁
in LHS₂ i ≡ RHS i
) (+-preserves-≡ (- b) a+b≡0)
a·-b≡-a·b : ∀ a b → a · (- b) ≡ - (a · b)
a·-b≡-a·b a b =
let P : a · 0r ≡ 0r
P = 0-rightNullifies a
Q : a · (- b + b) ≡ 0r
Q = transport (λ i → a · snd (+-inv b) (~ i) ≡ 0r) P
R : a · (- b) + a · b ≡ 0r
R = transport (λ i → ·-rdist-+ a (- b) b i ≡ 0r) Q
in a+b≡0→a≡-b R
a·b-a·c≡a·[b-c] : ∀ a b c → a · b - (a · c) ≡ a · (b - c)
a·b-a·c≡a·[b-c] a b c =
let P : a · b + a · (- c) ≡ a · (b + - c)
P = sym (·-rdist-+ a b (- c))
Q : a · b - a · c ≡ a · (b + - c)
Q = transport (λ i → a · b + a·-b≡-a·b a c i ≡ a · (b + - c) ) P
in Q
module Group = GroupProperties
module Ring = RingProperties