{-# OPTIONS --cubical --no-import-sorts #-}
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything renaming (_⁻¹ to _⁻¹ᵖ; assoc to ∙-assoc)
open import Function.Base using (_∋_; _$_)
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma renaming (_×_ to infixr 4 _×_)
open import Cubical.Data.Empty renaming (elim to ⊥-elim; ⊥ to ⊥⊥)
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation.Base
import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation.Properties as PTrunc
open import Cubical.Foundations.Logic renaming
( inl to inlᵖ
; inr to inrᵖ
; _⇒_ to infixr 0 _⇒_
; _⇔_ to infixr -2 _⇔_
; ∃[]-syntax to infix -4 ∃[]-syntax
; ∃[∶]-syntax to infix -4 ∃[∶]-syntax
; ∀[∶]-syntax to infix -4 ∀[∶]-syntax
; ∀[]-syntax to infix -4 ∀[]-syntax
open import Utils
open import MoreLogic.Reasoning
open import MoreLogic.Definitions renaming
( _ᵗ⇒_ to infixr 0 _ᵗ⇒_
; ∀ᵖ[∶]-syntax to infix -4 ∀ᵖ[∶]-syntax
; ∀ᵖ〚∶〛-syntax to infix -4 ∀ᵖ〚∶〛-syntax
; ∀ᵖ!〚∶〛-syntax to infix -4 ∀ᵖ!〚∶〛-syntax
; ∀〚∶〛-syntax to infix -4 ∀〚∶〛-syntax
; Σᵖ[]-syntax to infix -4 Σᵖ[]-syntax
; Σᵖ[∶]-syntax to infix -4 Σᵖ[∶]-syntax
) hiding (≡ˢ-syntax)
open import MoreLogic.Properties
open import MorePropAlgebra.Definitions hiding (_≤''_)
open import MorePropAlgebra.Consequences
open import MorePropAlgebra.Bundles
module MorePropAlgebra.Properties.AlmostPartiallyOrderedField {ℓ} {ℓ'} (assumptions : AlmostPartiallyOrderedField {ℓ} {ℓ'})
(let F = AlmostPartiallyOrderedField.Carrier assumptions
_≡ˢ_ = λ(x y : F) → MoreLogic.Definitions.≡ˢ-syntax x y {AlmostPartiallyOrderedField.is-set assumptions}
infixl 4 _≡ˢ_
) where
import MorePropAlgebra.Properties.Group
module Group'Properties = MorePropAlgebra.Properties.Group record { AlmostPartiallyOrderedField assumptions ; is-Group = AlmostPartiallyOrderedField.+-Group assumptions }
module Group' = Group record { AlmostPartiallyOrderedField assumptions ; is-Group = AlmostPartiallyOrderedField.+-Group assumptions }
( Group') = Group ∋ record { AlmostPartiallyOrderedField assumptions ; is-Group = AlmostPartiallyOrderedField.+-Group assumptions }
module GroupLemmas' = Group'Properties.GroupLemmas'
import MorePropAlgebra.Properties.Ring
module Ring'Properties = MorePropAlgebra.Properties.Ring record { AlmostPartiallyOrderedField assumptions }
module Ring' = Ring record { AlmostPartiallyOrderedField assumptions }
( Ring') = Ring ∋ record { AlmostPartiallyOrderedField assumptions }
module RingTheory' = Ring'Properties.RingTheory'
open AlmostPartiallyOrderedField assumptions
_≤''_ : hPropRel F F (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ')
x ≤'' y = ∀[ ε ] (y < ε) ⇒ (x < ε)
infixl 4 _≤''_
≡ˢ-sym : ∀ a b → [ (a ≡ˢ b) ⇔ (b ≡ˢ a) ]
≡ˢ-sym a b .fst a≡b = sym a≡b
≡ˢ-sym a b .snd b≡a = sym b≡a
≡ˢ-symᵗ : ∀ a b → (a ≡ˢ b) ≡ (b ≡ˢ a)
≡ˢ-symᵗ a b = let (p , q) = ≡ˢ-sym a b in ⇔toPath p q
-dist' : ∀ a b → -(a + b) ≡ (- b) + (- a)
-dist : ∀ a b → -(a + b) ≡ (- a) + (- b)
·-inv#0 : ∀ x y → x · y ≡ 1f → [ (x # 0f) ⊓ (y # 0f) ]
·-reflects-≡ : (a b c : F) → [ c # 0f ⇒ (a · c ≡ˢ b · c) ⇒ (a ≡ˢ b) ]; _ : [ operation _·_ reflects _≡ˢ_ when (λ c → c # 0f) ]; _ = ·-reflects-≡
·-rinv-unique'' : (x y z : F) → [ x · y ≡ˢ 1f ] → [ x · z ≡ˢ 1f ] → [ y ≡ˢ z ]
_⁻¹'' : ∀ x → {{[ x # 0f ]}} → Σ[ y ∈ F ] x · y ≡ 1f
_⁻¹ : ∀ x → {{[ x # 0f ]}} → F
infix 9 _⁻¹
·-rinv : ∀ x → (p : [ x # 0f ]) → [ x · (x ⁻¹) {{p}} ≡ˢ 1f ]
·-linv : ∀ x → (p : [ x # 0f ]) → [ (x ⁻¹) {{p}} · x ≡ˢ 1f ]
·-linv-unique : (x y : F) → x · y ≡ 1f → (p : [ y # 0f ]) → x ≡ (y ⁻¹) {{p}}
<-≤-trans : ∀ x y z → [ x < y ⇒ y ≤ z ⇒ x < z ]
≤-<-trans : ∀ x y z → [ x ≤ y ⇒ y < z ⇒ x < z ]
≤-⇔-≤'' : ∀ x y → [ (x ≤ y) ⇔ (x ≤'' y) ]
≤-reflects-≡ : ∀ x y → [ (∀[ z ] z ≤ x ⇔ z ≤ y) ⇔ x ≡ˢ y ]
-dist' a b = GroupLemmas'.invDistr a b
-dist a b = -dist' a b ∙ +-comm _ _
·-inv#0 x y x·y≡1 .fst = ·-inv'' x .fst ∣ (y , x·y≡1) ∣
·-inv#0 x y x·y≡1 .snd = ·-inv'' y .fst ∣ (x , ·-comm y x ∙ x·y≡1) ∣
·-reflects-≡ a b c p = PTrunc.rec (isProp[] ((a · c ≡ˢ b · c) ⇒ (a ≡ˢ b) )) γ (·-inv'' c .snd p) where
γ : Σ[ c⁻¹ ∈ F ] [ c · c⁻¹ ≡ˢ 1f ] → [ (a · c ≡ˢ b · c) ⇒ a ≡ˢ b ]
γ (c⁻¹ , c·c⁻¹≡1) a·c≡b·c =
a ≡⟨ sym (fst (·-identity a)) ∙ cong (a ·_) (sym c·c⁻¹≡1) ∙ ·-assoc _ _ _ ⟩
(a · c) · (c⁻¹) ≡⟨ cong (_· c⁻¹) a·c≡b·c ⟩
(b · c) · (c⁻¹) ≡⟨ sym (·-assoc _ _ _) ∙ cong (b ·_) c·c⁻¹≡1 ∙ fst (·-identity b) ⟩
b ∎
·-rinv-unique'' x y z x·y≡1 x·z≡1 =
( x · y ≡ˢ 1f ⇒ᵖ⟨ (λ x·y≡1 i → z · x·y≡1 i) ⟩
z · (x · y) ≡ˢ z · 1f ⇒ᵖ⟨ pathTo⇒ (λ i → ·-assoc z x y i ≡ˢ ·-rid z i) ⟩
(z · x) · y ≡ˢ z ⇒ᵖ⟨ pathTo⇒ (λ i → (·-comm z x i) · y ≡ˢ z) ⟩
(x · z) · y ≡ˢ z ⇒ᵖ⟨ pathTo⇒ (λ i → x·z≡1 i · y ≡ˢ z) ⟩
1f · y ≡ˢ z ⇒ᵖ⟨ pathTo⇒ (λ i → ·-lid y i ≡ˢ z) ⟩
y ≡ˢ z ◼ᵖ) .snd x·y≡1
(x ⁻¹'') {{x#0f}} = PTrunc.rec γ (λ p → p) (·-inv'' x .snd x#0f) where
γ : isProp (Σ[ y ∈ F ] x · y ≡ 1f)
γ (a , x·a≡1) (b , x·b≡1) = let a≡b = ·-rinv-unique'' x a b x·a≡1 x·b≡1
in Σ≡Prop (λ c → isProp[] (x · c ≡ˢ 1f)) a≡b
(x ⁻¹) {{p}} = (x ⁻¹'') .fst
·-rinv x p = (x ⁻¹'') {{p}} .snd
·-linv x p = ·-comm _ _ ∙ ·-rinv x p
·-linv-unique x y x·y≡1 p = sym $ ·-rinv-unique'' y ((y ⁻¹) {{p}}) x (·-rinv y p) (·-comm _ _ ∙ x·y≡1)
<-≤-trans x y z x<y y≤z = ⊔-elim (x < z) (z < y) (λ _ → x < z) (λ x<z → x<z) (λ z<y → ⊥-elim (y≤z z<y)) (<-cotrans _ _ x<y z)
≤-<-trans x y z x≤y y<z = ⊔-elim (y < x) (x < z) (λ _ → x < z) (λ y<x → ⊥-elim (x≤y y<x)) (λ x<z → x<z) (<-cotrans y z y<z x)
≤-⇔-≤'' x y .fst x≤y ε y<ε = ≤-<-trans x y ε x≤y y<ε
≤-⇔-≤'' x y .snd x≤''y y<x = <-irrefl x (x≤''y x y<x)
≤-reflects-≡ x y .fst z≤x⇔z≤y = ≤-antisym x y (z≤x⇔z≤y x .fst (≤-refl x)) (z≤x⇔z≤y y .snd (≤-refl y))
≤-reflects-≡ x y .snd x≡y z .fst = subst (λ p → [ z ≤ p ]) x≡y
≤-reflects-≡ x y .snd x≡y z .snd = subst (λ p → [ z ≤ p ]) (sym x≡y)