{-# OPTIONS --cubical --no-import-sorts --allow-unsolved-metas #-}
module Number.Structures2 where
open import Agda.Primitive renaming (_⊔_ to ℓ-max; lsuc to ℓ-suc; lzero to ℓ-zero)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything renaming (_⁻¹ to _⁻¹ᵖ; assoc to ∙-assoc)
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary.Base renaming (¬_ to ¬ᵗ_)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Logic
open import Cubical.Data.Sum.Base renaming (_⊎_ to infixr 4 _⊎_)
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma renaming (_×_ to infixr 4 _×_)
open import Utils
open import MoreLogic.Definitions
open import MoreLogic.Properties
open import MorePropAlgebra.Definitions
open import MorePropAlgebra.Consequences
open import MorePropAlgebra.Structures
record IsLinearlyOrderedCommSemiring {ℓ ℓ'} {F : Type ℓ} (0f 1f : F) (_+_ _·_ : F → F → F) (_<_ : hPropRel F F ℓ') (min max : F → F → F) : Type (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ') where
constructor islinearlyorderedcommsemiring
infixl 4 _#_
infixl 4 _≤_
_≤_ : hPropRel F F ℓ'
x ≤ y = ¬ (y < x)
is-CommSemiring : [ isCommSemiring 0f 1f _+_ _·_ ]
<-StrictLinearOrder : [ isStrictLinearOrder _<_ ]
≤-Lattice : [ isLattice _≤_ min max ]
+-<-ext : ∀ w x y z → [ (w + x) < (y + z) ] → [ (w < y) ⊔ (x < z) ]
·-preserves-< : ∀ x y z → [ 0f < z ] → [ x < y ] → [ (x · z) < (y · z) ]
open IsCommSemiring is-CommSemiring public
open IsStrictLinearOrder <-StrictLinearOrder public
( is-irrefl to <-irrefl
; is-trans to <-trans
; is-tricho to <-trichoᵗ )
<-asym : ∀ a b → [ a < b ] → [ ¬ b < a ]
<-asym = irrefl+trans⇒asym _<_ <-irrefl <-trans
<-irrefl'' : ∀ a b → ([ a < b ] ⊎ [ b < a ]) → [ ¬(a ≡ₚ b) ]
<-irrefl'' = isIrrefl'⇔isIrrefl'' _<_ <-asym .fst (isIrrefl⇔isIrrefl' _<_ .fst <-irrefl)
<-irreflˢ'' : ∀ a b → ([ a < b ] ⊎ [ b < a ]) → ¬ᵗ(a ≡ b)
<-irreflˢ'' = isIrreflˢ''⇔isIrrefl'' _<_ is-set <-asym .snd <-irrefl''
<-tricho : ∀ a b → ([ a < b ] ⊎ [ b < a ]) ⊎ (a ≡ b)
<-tricho = isTrichotomousˢ⇔isTrichotomous _<_ is-set <-irrefl'' <-irreflˢ'' <-asym .snd <-trichoᵗ
<-StrictPartialOrder : [ isStrictPartialOrder _<_ ]
<-StrictPartialOrder = strictlinearorder⇒strictpartialorder _<_ <-StrictLinearOrder
≤-LinearOrder : [ isLinearOrder _≤_ ]
≤-LinearOrder = ≤'-isLinearOrder <-StrictLinearOrder
≤-Preorder : [ isPreorder _≤_ ]
≤-Preorder = ≤'-isPreorder <-StrictPartialOrder
_#_ : hPropRel F F ℓ'
x # y = [ <-asym x y ] (x < y) ⊎ᵖ (y < x)
#-ApartnessRel : [ isApartnessRel _#_ ]
#-ApartnessRel = #''-isApartnessRel <-StrictPartialOrder <-asym
open IsApartnessRel #-ApartnessRel public renaming
( is-irrefl to #-irrefl
; is-sym to #-sym
; is-cotrans to #-cotrans
_ : [ isCommSemiring 0f 1f _+_ _·_ ]; _ = is-CommSemiring
_ : [ isStrictLinearOrder _<_ ]; _ = <-StrictLinearOrder
_ : [ isLattice _≤_ min max ]; _ = ≤-Lattice
open IsLattice ≤-Lattice renaming (≤-antisym to ≤-antisymᵗ) public
≤-antisym : [ isAntisymˢ _≤_ is-set ]
≤-antisym = isAntisymˢ⇔isAntisym _≤_ is-set .snd ≤-antisymᵗ
isLinearlyOrderedCommSemiring : ∀{ℓ ℓ'} {F : Type ℓ} (0f 1f : F) (_+_ _·_ : F → F → F) (_<_ : hPropRel F F ℓ') (min max : F → F → F) → hProp (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ')
isLinearlyOrderedCommSemiring 0f 1f _+_ _·_ _<_ min max .fst = IsLinearlyOrderedCommSemiring 0f 1f _+_ _·_ _<_ min max
isLinearlyOrderedCommSemiring 0f 1f _+_ _·_ _<_ min max .snd = φ where
abstract φ = {! !}
record IsLinearlyOrderedCommRing {ℓ ℓ'} {F : Type ℓ} (0f 1f : F) (_+_ _·_ : F → F → F) (-_ : F → F) (_<_ : hPropRel F F ℓ') (min max : F → F → F) : Type (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ') where
constructor islinearlyorderedcommring
is-LinearlyOrderedCommSemiring : [ isLinearlyOrderedCommSemiring 0f 1f _+_ _·_ _<_ min max ]
+-inverse : ∀ x → (x + (- x) ≡ 0f) × ((- x) + x ≡ 0f)
infixl 6 _-_
_-_ : F → F → F
x - y = x + (- y)
+-linv : (x : F) → (- x) + x ≡ 0f
+-linv x = +-inverse x .snd
+-rinv : (x : F) → x + (- x) ≡ 0f
+-rinv x = +-inverse x .fst
open IsLinearlyOrderedCommSemiring is-LinearlyOrderedCommSemiring public
isLinearlyOrderedCommRing : ∀{ℓ ℓ'} {F : Type ℓ} (0f 1f : F) (_+_ _·_ : F → F → F) (-_ : F → F) (_<_ : hPropRel F F ℓ') (min max : F → F → F) → hProp (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ')
isLinearlyOrderedCommRing 0f 1f _+_ _·_ -_ _<_ min max .fst = IsLinearlyOrderedCommRing 0f 1f _+_ _·_ -_ _<_ min max
isLinearlyOrderedCommRing 0f 1f _+_ _·_ -_ _<_ min max .snd = φ where
abstract φ = {! !}
record IsLinearlyOrderedField {ℓ ℓ'} {F : Type ℓ} (0f 1f : F) (_+_ _·_ : F → F → F) (-_ : F → F) (_<_ : hPropRel F F ℓ') (min max : F → F → F) : Type (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ') where
constructor islinearlyorderedfield
is-LinearlyOrderedCommRing : [ isLinearlyOrderedCommRing 0f 1f _+_ _·_ (-_) _<_ min max ]
open IsLinearlyOrderedCommRing is-LinearlyOrderedCommRing public
·-inv'' : ∀ x → [ (∃[ y ] ([ is-set ] (x · y) ≡ˢ 1f)) ⇔ (x # 0f) ]
isLinearlyOrderedField : ∀{ℓ ℓ'} {F : Type ℓ} (0f 1f : F) (_+_ _·_ : F → F → F) (-_ : F → F) (_<_ : hPropRel F F ℓ') (min max : F → F → F) → hProp (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ')
isLinearlyOrderedField 0f 1f _+_ _·_ -_ _<_ min max .fst = IsLinearlyOrderedField 0f 1f _+_ _·_ -_ _<_ min max
isLinearlyOrderedField 0f 1f _+_ _·_ -_ _<_ min max .snd = φ where
abstract φ = {! !}
record IsCompletePartiallyOrderedFieldWithSqrt {ℓ ℓ'} {F : Type ℓ} (0f 1f : F) (_+_ _·_ : F → F → F) (-_ : F → F) (_<_ : hPropRel F F ℓ') (min max : F → F → F) (sqrt : (x : F) → {{ ! [ ¬(x < 0f) ] }} → F) : Type (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ') where
constructor iscompletepartiallyorderedfield
is-PartiallyOrderedField : [ isPartiallyOrderedField 0f 1f _+_ _·_ -_ _<_ min max ]