{-# OPTIONS --cubical --no-import-sorts --safe #-}

module Cubical.Functions.Embedding where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv.Properties
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv.HalfAdjoint
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Transport
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Path
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence using (ua)

     : Level
    A B : Type 
    f : A  B
    w x : A
    y z : B

-- Embeddings are generalizations of injections. The usual
-- definition of injection as:
--    f x ≡ f y → x ≡ y
-- is not well-behaved with higher h-levels, while embeddings
-- are.
isEmbedding : (A  B)  Type _
isEmbedding f =  w x  isEquiv {A = w  x} (cong f)

isEmbeddingIsProp : isProp (isEmbedding f)
isEmbeddingIsProp {f = f} = isPropΠ2 λ _ _  isPropIsEquiv (cong f)

-- If A and B are h-sets, then injective functions between
-- them are embeddings.
-- Note: It doesn't appear to be possible to omit either of
-- the `isSet` hypotheses.
  : {f : A  B}
   isSet A  isSet B
   (∀{w x}  f w  f x  w  x)
   isEmbedding f
injEmbedding {f = f} iSA iSB inj w x
  = isoToIsEquiv (iso (cong f) inj sect retr)
  sect : section (cong f) inj
  sect p = iSB (f w) (f x) _ p

  retr : retract (cong f) inj
  retr p = iSA w x _ p

  lemma₀ : (p : y  z)  fiber f y  fiber f z
  lemma₀ {f = f} p = λ i  fiber f (p i)

  lemma₁ : isEmbedding f   x  isContr (fiber f (f x))
  lemma₁ {f = f} iE x = value , path
    value : fiber f (f x)
    value = (x , refl)

    path : ∀(fi : fiber f (f x))  value  fi
    path (w , p) i
      = case equiv-proof (iE w x) p of λ
      { ((q , sq) , _)
       hfill  j  λ { (i = i0)  (x , refl)
                      ; (i = i1)  (w , sq j)
          (inS (q (~ i) , λ j  f (q (~ i  j))))

-- If `f` is an embedding, we'd expect the fibers of `f` to be
-- propositions, like an injective function.
hasPropFibers : (A  B)  Type _
hasPropFibers f =  y  isProp (fiber f y)

-- some notation
_↪_ : Type   Type   Type 
A  B = Σ[ f  (A  B) ] hasPropFibers f

hasPropFibersIsProp : isProp (hasPropFibers f)
hasPropFibersIsProp = isPropΠ  _  isPropIsProp)

isEmbedding→hasPropFibers : isEmbedding f  hasPropFibers f
isEmbedding→hasPropFibers iE y (x , p)
  = subst  f  isProp f) (lemma₀ p) (isContr→isProp (lemma₁ iE x)) (x , p)

    : {f : A  B}
     (p : f w  f x)
     (fi : fiber (cong f) p)
     PathP  i  fiber f (p i)) (w , refl) (x , refl)
  fibCong→PathP p (q , r) i = q i , λ j  r j i

    : {f : A  B}
     (p : f w  f x)
     (pp : PathP  i  fiber f (p i)) (w , refl) (x , refl))
     fiber (cong f) p
  PathP→fibCong p pp =  i  fst (pp i)) ,  j i  snd (pp i) j)

  : {f : A  B}
   (p : f w  f x)
   PathP  i  fiber f (p i)) (w , refl) (x , refl)  fiber (cong f) p
PathP≡fibCong p
  = isoToPath (iso (PathP→fibCong p) (fibCong→PathP p)  _  refl)  _  refl))

hasPropFibers→isEmbedding : hasPropFibers f  isEmbedding f
hasPropFibers→isEmbedding {f = f} iP w x .equiv-proof p
  = subst isContr (PathP≡fibCong p) (isProp→isContrPathP  i  iP (p i)) fw fx)
  fw : fiber f (f w)
  fw = (w , refl)

  fx : fiber f (f x)
  fx = (x , refl)

isEmbedding≡hasPropFibers : isEmbedding f  hasPropFibers f
  = isoToPath
      (iso isEmbedding→hasPropFibers
            _  hasPropFibersIsProp _ _)
            _  isEmbeddingIsProp _ _))

isEquiv→hasPropFibers : isEquiv f  hasPropFibers f
isEquiv→hasPropFibers e b = isContr→isProp (equiv-proof e b)

isEquiv→isEmbedding : isEquiv f  isEmbedding f
isEquiv→isEmbedding e = λ _ _  congEquiv (_ , e) .snd

iso→isEmbedding :  {} {A B : Type }
   (isom : Iso A B)
   isEmbedding (Iso.fun isom)
iso→isEmbedding {A = A} {B} isom = (isEquiv→isEmbedding (equivIsEquiv (isoToEquiv isom)))

isEmbedding→Injection :
   {} {A B C : Type }
   (a : A -> B)
   (e : isEmbedding a)
    {f g : C -> A} ->
   x  (a (f x)  a (g x))  (f x  g x)
isEmbedding→Injection a e {f = f} {g} x = sym (ua (cong a , e (f x) (g x)))

-- if `f` has a retract, then `cong f` has, as well. If `B` is a set, then `cong f`
-- further has a section, making `f` an embedding.
module _ {f : A  B} (retf : hasRetract f) where
  open Σ retf renaming (fst to g ; snd to ϕ)

  congRetract : f w  f x  w  x
  congRetract {w = w} {x = x} p = sym (ϕ w) ∙∙ cong g p ∙∙ ϕ x

  isRetractCongRetract : retract (cong {x = w} {y = x} f) congRetract
  isRetractCongRetract p = transport (PathP≡doubleCompPathˡ _ _ _ _)  i j  ϕ (p j) i)

  hasRetract→hasRetractCong : hasRetract (cong {x = w} {y = x} f)
  hasRetract→hasRetractCong = congRetract , isRetractCongRetract

  retractableIntoSet→isEmbedding : isSet B  isEmbedding f
  retractableIntoSet→isEmbedding setB w x =
    isoToIsEquiv (iso (cong f) congRetract  _  setB _ _ _ _) (hasRetract→hasRetractCong .snd))