{-# OPTIONS --cubical --no-import-sorts --safe #-}
module Cubical.Structures.Group.MorphismProperties where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv.HalfAdjoint
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
open import Cubical.Foundations.SIP
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function using (_∘_)
open import Cubical.Foundations.GroupoidLaws
open import Cubical.Functions.Embedding
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma

open import Cubical.Structures.Axioms
open import Cubical.Structures.Pointed
open import Cubical.Structures.Semigroup hiding (⟨_⟩)
open import Cubical.Structures.Monoid hiding (⟨_⟩)

open import Cubical.Structures.Group.Base
open import Cubical.Structures.Group.Properties
open import Cubical.Structures.Group.Morphism

open Iso

     ℓ' ℓ'' : Level

isPropIsGroupHom : (G : Group {}) (H : Group {ℓ'}) {f :  G    H }  isProp (isGroupHom G H f)
isPropIsGroupHom G H {f} = isPropΠ2 λ a b  Group.is-set H _ _

isSetGroupHom : {G : Group {}} {H : Group {ℓ'}}  isSet (GroupHom G H)
isSetGroupHom {G = G} {H = H} = isOfHLevelRespectEquiv 2 equiv (isSetΣ (isSetΠ λ _  is-set H) λ _  isProp→isSet (isPropIsGroupHom G H)) where
  open Group
  equiv : (Σ[ g  (Carrier G  Carrier H) ] (isGroupHom G H g))  GroupHom G H
  equiv = isoToEquiv (iso  (g , m)  grouphom g m)  (grouphom g m)  g , m)  _  refl) λ _  refl)

-- Morphism composition
isGroupHomComp : {F : Group {}} {G : Group {ℓ'}} {H : Group {ℓ''}} 
  (f : GroupHom F G)  (g : GroupHom G H)  isGroupHom F H (GroupHom.fun g  GroupHom.fun f)
isGroupHomComp (grouphom f morph-f) (grouphom g morph-g) x y =
  cong g (morph-f _ _)  morph-g _ _

compGroupHom : {F : Group {}} {G : Group {ℓ'}} {H : Group {ℓ''}}  GroupHom F G  GroupHom G H  GroupHom F H
compGroupHom {F = F} {G = G} {H = H} f g = grouphom _ (isGroupHomComp f g)

compGroupEquiv : {F : Group {}} {G : Group {ℓ'}} {H : Group {ℓ''}}  GroupEquiv F G  GroupEquiv G H  GroupEquiv F H
compGroupEquiv {F = F} {G = G} {H = H} f g =
  groupequiv (compEquiv f.eq g.eq) (isGroupHomComp f.hom g.hom) where
  module f = GroupEquiv f
  module g = GroupEquiv g

idGroupEquiv : (G : Group {})  GroupEquiv G G
idGroupEquiv G = groupequiv (idEquiv (Group.Carrier G))  _ _  refl)

-- Isomorphism inversion
isGroupHomInv : {G : Group {}} {H : Group {ℓ'}} (f : GroupEquiv G H)  isGroupHom H G (invEq (GroupEquiv.eq f))
isGroupHomInv {G = G} {H = H}  (groupequiv (f , eq) morph) h h' = isInj-f _ _ (
  f (g (h ⋆² h') )
    ≡⟨ retEq (f , eq) _ 
  h ⋆² h'
    ≡⟨ sym  i  retEq (f , eq) h i ⋆² retEq (f , eq) h' i) 
  f (g h) ⋆² f (g h')
    ≡⟨ sym (morph _ _) 
  f (g h ⋆¹ g h') )
  _⋆¹_ = Group._+_ G
  _⋆²_ = Group._+_ H
  g = invEq (f , eq)
  isEmbedding-f : isEmbedding f
  isEmbedding-f = isEquiv→isEmbedding eq
  isInj-f : (x y :  G )  f x  f y  x  y
  isInj-f x y = invEq (_ , isEquiv→isEmbedding eq x y)

invGroupEquiv : {G : Group {}} {H : Group {ℓ'}}  GroupEquiv G H  GroupEquiv H G
invGroupEquiv {G = G} {H = H} f = groupequiv (invEquiv (eq f)) (isGroupHomInv f) where open GroupEquiv

groupHomEq : {G : Group {}} {H : Group {ℓ'}} {f g : GroupHom G H}  (GroupHom.fun f  GroupHom.fun g)  f  g
groupHomEq {G = G} {H = H} {grouphom f fm} {grouphom g gm} p i = grouphom (p i) (p-hom i) where
  p-hom : PathP  i  isGroupHom G H (p i)) fm gm
  p-hom = toPathP (isPropIsGroupHom G H _ _)

groupEquivEq : {G : Group {}} {H : Group {ℓ'}} {f g : GroupEquiv G H}  (GroupEquiv.eq f  GroupEquiv.eq g)  f  g
groupEquivEq {G = G} {H = H} {groupequiv f fm} {groupequiv g gm} p i = groupequiv (p i) (p-hom i) where
  p-hom : PathP  i  isGroupHom G H (p i .fst)) fm gm
  p-hom = toPathP (isPropIsGroupHom G H _ _)

module GroupΣTheory {} where

  RawGroupStructure : Type   Type 
  RawGroupStructure = SemigroupΣTheory.RawSemigroupStructure

  RawGroupEquivStr : StrEquiv RawGroupStructure _
  RawGroupEquivStr = SemigroupΣTheory.RawSemigroupEquivStr

  rawGroupUnivalentStr : UnivalentStr RawGroupStructure _
  rawGroupUnivalentStr = SemigroupΣTheory.rawSemigroupUnivalentStr

  -- The neutral element and the inverse function will be derived from the
  -- axioms, instead of being defined in the RawGroupStructure in order
  -- to have that group equivalences are equivalences that preserves
  -- multiplication (so we don't have to show that they also preserve inversion
  -- and neutral element, although they will preserve them).
  GroupAxioms : (G : Type )  RawGroupStructure G  Type 
  GroupAxioms G _·_ =
      IsSemigroup _·_
    × (Σ[ e  G ] ((x : G)  (x · e  x) × (e · x  x))
                × ((x : G)  Σ[ x'  G ] (x · x'  e) × (x' · x  e)))

  GroupStructure : Type   Type 
  GroupStructure = AxiomsStructure RawGroupStructure GroupAxioms

  GroupΣ : Type (ℓ-suc )
  GroupΣ = TypeWithStr  GroupStructure

  -- Structured equivalences for groups are those for monoids (but different axioms)
  GroupEquivStr : StrEquiv GroupStructure 
  GroupEquivStr = AxiomsEquivStr RawGroupEquivStr GroupAxioms

  open MonoidTheory

  isPropGroupAxioms : (G : Type )
                       (s : RawGroupStructure G)
                       isProp (GroupAxioms G s)
  isPropGroupAxioms G _+_ = isPropΣ (isPropIsSemigroup _) γ
    γ : (h : IsSemigroup _+_) 
        isProp (Σ[ e  G ] ((x : G)  (x + e  x) × (e + x  x))
                         × ((x : G)  Σ[ x'  G ] (x + x'  e) × (x' + x  e)))
    γ h (e , P , _) (e' , Q , _) =
      Σ≡Prop  x  isPropΣ (isPropΠ λ _  isProp× (isSetG _ _) (isSetG _ _)) (β x))
             (sym (fst (Q e))  snd (P e'))
      isSetG : isSet G
      isSetG = IsSemigroup.is-set h

      β : (e : G)  ((x : G)  (x + e  x) × (e + x  x))
         isProp ((x : G)  Σ[ x'  G ] (x + x'  e) × (x' + x  e))
      β e He =
        isPropΠ λ { x (x' , _ , P) (x'' , Q , _) 
                Σ≡Prop  _  isProp× (isSetG _ _) (isSetG _ _))
                       (inv-lemma  x x' x'' P Q) }
         : Monoid
         = makeMonoid e _+_ isSetG (IsSemigroup.assoc h)  x  He x .fst)  x  He x .snd)

  Group→GroupΣ : Group  GroupΣ
  Group→GroupΣ (group _ _ _ -_ isGroup) =
   _ , _ , IsMonoid.isSemigroup (IsGroup.isMonoid isGroup) ,
   _ , IsMonoid.identity (IsGroup.isMonoid isGroup) ,
   λ x  (- x) , IsGroup.inverse isGroup x

  GroupΣ→Group : GroupΣ  Group
  GroupΣ→Group (_ , _ , SG , _ , H0g , w ) =
     group _ _ _  x  w x .fst) (isgroup (ismonoid SG H0g) λ x  w x .snd)

  GroupIsoGroupΣ : Iso Group GroupΣ
  GroupIsoGroupΣ = iso Group→GroupΣ GroupΣ→Group  _  refl)  _  refl)

  groupUnivalentStr : UnivalentStr GroupStructure GroupEquivStr
  groupUnivalentStr = axiomsUnivalentStr _ isPropGroupAxioms rawGroupUnivalentStr

  GroupΣPath : (G H : GroupΣ)  (G ≃[ GroupEquivStr ] H)  (G  H)
  GroupΣPath = SIP groupUnivalentStr

  GroupEquivΣ : (G H : Group)  Type 
  GroupEquivΣ G H = Group→GroupΣ G ≃[ GroupEquivStr ] Group→GroupΣ H

  GroupIsoΣPath : {G H : Group}  Iso (GroupEquiv G H) (GroupEquivΣ G H)
  fun GroupIsoΣPath (groupequiv e h) = (e , h)
  inv GroupIsoΣPath (e , h)        = groupequiv e h
  rightInv GroupIsoΣPath _         = refl
  leftInv GroupIsoΣPath _          = refl

  GroupPath : (G H : Group)  (GroupEquiv G H)  (G  H)
  GroupPath G H =
    GroupEquiv G H                    ≃⟨ isoToEquiv GroupIsoΣPath 
    GroupEquivΣ G H                   ≃⟨ GroupΣPath _ _ 
    Group→GroupΣ G  Group→GroupΣ H ≃⟨ isoToEquiv (invIso (congIso GroupIsoGroupΣ)) 
    G  H 

  RawGroupΣ : Type (ℓ-suc )
  RawGroupΣ = TypeWithStr  RawGroupStructure

  Group→RawGroupΣ : Group  RawGroupΣ
  Group→RawGroupΣ (group G _ _+_ _ _) = G , _+_

  InducedGroup : (G : Group) (H : RawGroupΣ) (e : G .Group.Carrier  H .fst)
                RawGroupEquivStr (Group→RawGroupΣ G) H e  Group
  InducedGroup G H e r =
    GroupΣ→Group (transferAxioms rawGroupUnivalentStr (Group→GroupΣ G) H (e , r))

  InducedGroupPath : (G : Group {}) (H : RawGroupΣ) (e : G .Group.Carrier  H .fst)
                     (E : RawGroupEquivStr (Group→RawGroupΣ G) H e)
                    G  InducedGroup G H e E
  InducedGroupPath G H e E =
    GroupPath G (InducedGroup G H e E) .fst (groupequiv e E)

-- Extract the characterization of equality of groups
GroupPath : (G H : Group {})  (GroupEquiv G H)  (G  H)
GroupPath = GroupΣTheory.GroupPath

InducedGroup : (G : Group {}) (H : GroupΣTheory.RawGroupΣ) (e : G .Group.Carrier  H .fst)
              GroupΣTheory.RawGroupEquivStr (GroupΣTheory.Group→RawGroupΣ G) H e
InducedGroup = GroupΣTheory.InducedGroup

InducedGroupPath : (G : Group {}) (H : GroupΣTheory.RawGroupΣ) (e : G .Group.Carrier  H .fst)
                   (E : GroupΣTheory.RawGroupEquivStr (GroupΣTheory.Group→RawGroupΣ G) H e)
                  G  InducedGroup G H e E
InducedGroupPath = GroupΣTheory.InducedGroupPath

uaGroup : {G H : Group {}}  GroupEquiv G H  G  H
uaGroup {G = G} {H = H} = equivFun (GroupPath G H)

carac-uaGroup : {G H : Group {}} (f : GroupEquiv G H)  cong Group.Carrier (uaGroup f)  ua (GroupEquiv.eq f)
carac-uaGroup (groupequiv f m) =
  (refl ∙∙ ua f ∙∙ refl)
    ≡⟨ sym (rUnit (ua f)) 
  ua f 

-- Group-ua functoriality
open Group

Group≡ : (G H : Group {})  (
  Σ[ p  Carrier G  Carrier H ]
  Σ[ q  PathP  i  p i) (0g G) (0g H) ]
  Σ[ r  PathP  i  p i  p i  p i) (_+_ G) (_+_ H) ]
  Σ[ s  PathP  i  p i  p i) (-_ G) (-_ H) ]
  PathP  i  IsGroup (q i) (r i) (s i)) (isGroup G) (isGroup H))
   (G  H)
Group≡ G H = isoToEquiv (iso
   (p , q , r , s , t) i  group (p i) (q i) (r i) (s i) (t i))
   p  cong Carrier p , cong 0g p , cong _+_ p , cong -_ p , cong isGroup p)
   _  refl)  _  refl))

caracGroup≡ : {G H : Group {}} (p q : G  H)  cong Group.Carrier p  cong Group.Carrier q  p  q
caracGroup≡ {G = G} {H = H} p q t = cong (fst (Group≡ G H)) (Σ≡Prop  t 
    (isOfHLevelPathP' 1 (is-set H) _ _) λ t₁  isPropΣ
    (isOfHLevelPathP' 1 (isSetΠ2 λ _ _  is-set H) _ _) λ t₂  isPropΣ
    (isOfHLevelPathP' 1 (isSetΠ λ _  is-set H) _ _) λ t₃ 
    isOfHLevelPathP 1 (isPropIsGroup _ _ _) _ _)

uaGroupId : (G : Group {})  uaGroup (idGroupEquiv G)  refl
uaGroupId G = caracGroup≡ _ _ (carac-uaGroup (idGroupEquiv G)  uaIdEquiv)

uaCompGroupEquiv : {F G H : Group {}} (f : GroupEquiv F G) (g : GroupEquiv G H)  uaGroup (compGroupEquiv f g)  uaGroup f  uaGroup g
uaCompGroupEquiv f g = caracGroup≡ _ _ (
  cong Carrier (uaGroup (compGroupEquiv f g))
    ≡⟨ carac-uaGroup (compGroupEquiv f g) 
  ua (eq (compGroupEquiv f g))
    ≡⟨ uaCompEquiv _ _ 
  ua (eq f)  ua (eq g)
    ≡⟨ cong (_∙ ua (eq g)) (sym (carac-uaGroup f)) 
  cong Carrier (uaGroup f)  ua (eq g)
    ≡⟨ cong (cong Carrier (uaGroup f) ∙_) (sym (carac-uaGroup g)) 
  cong Carrier (uaGroup f)  cong Carrier (uaGroup g)
    ≡⟨ sym (cong-∙ Carrier (uaGroup f) (uaGroup g)) 
  cong Carrier (uaGroup f  uaGroup g) ) where
  open GroupEquiv