{-# OPTIONS --cubical --no-import-sorts --allow-unsolved-metas #-}
open import Agda.Primitive renaming (_⊔_ to ℓ-max; lsuc to ℓ-suc; lzero to ℓ-zero)
module Number.Base where
ℓ ℓ' ℓ'' : Level
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything renaming (_⁻¹ to _⁻¹ᵖ; assoc to ∙-assoc)
open import Cubical.Data.Nat renaming (ℕ to Nat)
open import Cubical.Data.Unit.Base
open import Cubical.Data.Empty
open import Number.Postulates
open import Number.Bundles
data NumberKind : Type where
isNat : NumberKind
isInt : NumberKind
isRat : NumberKind
isReal : NumberKind
isComplex : NumberKind
NLE : NumberKind → Nat
NLE isNat = 0
NLE isInt = 1
NLE isRat = 2
NLE isReal = 3
NLE isComplex = 4
NLE⁻¹ : Nat → NumberKind
NLE⁻¹ 0 = isNat
NLE⁻¹ 1 = isInt
NLE⁻¹ 2 = isRat
NLE⁻¹ 3 = isReal
NLE⁻¹ 4 = isComplex
NLE⁻¹ x = isComplex
NLE⁻¹-isRetraction : ∀ x → NLE⁻¹ (NLE x) ≡ x
NLE⁻¹-isRetraction isNat = refl
NLE⁻¹-isRetraction isInt = refl
NLE⁻¹-isRetraction isRat = refl
NLE⁻¹-isRetraction isReal = refl
NLE⁻¹-isRetraction isComplex = refl
open import Enumeration NLE NLE⁻¹ NLE⁻¹-isRetraction using () renaming
( _≤'_ to _≤ₙₗ_
; min' to minₙₗ
; max' to maxₙₗ
; max-implies-≤' to max-implies-≤ₙₗ₂
) public
data PositivityKindOrderedRing : Type where
anyPositivityᵒʳ : PositivityKindOrderedRing
isNonzeroᵒʳ : PositivityKindOrderedRing
isNonnegativeᵒʳ : PositivityKindOrderedRing
isPositiveᵒʳ : PositivityKindOrderedRing
isNegativeᵒʳ : PositivityKindOrderedRing
isNonpositiveᵒʳ : PositivityKindOrderedRing
data PositivityKindField : Type where
anyPositivityᶠ : PositivityKindField
isNonzeroᶠ : PositivityKindField
PositivityKindType : NumberKind → Type
PositivityKindType isNat = PositivityKindOrderedRing
PositivityKindType isInt = PositivityKindOrderedRing
PositivityKindType isRat = PositivityKindOrderedRing
PositivityKindType isReal = PositivityKindOrderedRing
PositivityKindType isComplex = PositivityKindField
NumberProp = Σ NumberKind PositivityKindType
module PatternsType where
pattern X = anyPositivityᵒʳ
pattern X⁺⁻ = isNonzeroᵒʳ
pattern X₀⁺ = isNonnegativeᵒʳ
pattern X⁺ = isPositiveᵒʳ
pattern X⁻ = isNegativeᵒʳ
pattern X₀⁻ = isNonpositiveᵒʳ
pattern X = anyPositivityᶠ
pattern X⁺⁻ = isNonzeroᶠ
module PatternsProp where
pattern ⁇x⁇ = anyPositivityᵒʳ
pattern x#0 = isNonzeroᵒʳ
pattern 0≤x = isNonnegativeᵒʳ
pattern 0<x = isPositiveᵒʳ
pattern x<0 = isNegativeᵒʳ
pattern x≤0 = isNonpositiveᵒʳ
pattern ⁇x⁇ = anyPositivityᶠ
pattern x#0 = isNonzeroᶠ
open PatternsProp
coerce-PositivityKind-OR2F : PositivityKindOrderedRing → PositivityKindField
coerce-PositivityKind-OR2F ⁇x⁇ = ⁇x⁇
coerce-PositivityKind-OR2F x#0 = x#0
coerce-PositivityKind-OR2F 0≤x = ⁇x⁇
coerce-PositivityKind-OR2F 0<x = x#0
coerce-PositivityKind-OR2F x<0 = x#0
coerce-PositivityKind-OR2F x≤0 = ⁇x⁇
coerce-PositivityKind-F2OR : PositivityKindField → PositivityKindOrderedRing
coerce-PositivityKind-F2OR ⁇x⁇ = ⁇x⁇
coerce-PositivityKind-F2OR x#0 = x#0
coerce-PositivityKind-OR2 : PositivityKindOrderedRing → (to : NumberKind) → PositivityKindType to
coerce-PositivityKind-OR2 pl isNat = pl
coerce-PositivityKind-OR2 pl isInt = pl
coerce-PositivityKind-OR2 pl isRat = pl
coerce-PositivityKind-OR2 pl isReal = pl
coerce-PositivityKind-OR2 pl isComplex = coerce-PositivityKind-OR2F pl
coerce-PositivityKind-F2 : PositivityKindField → (to : NumberKind) → PositivityKindType to
coerce-PositivityKind-F2 pl isNat = coerce-PositivityKind-F2OR pl
coerce-PositivityKind-F2 pl isInt = coerce-PositivityKind-F2OR pl
coerce-PositivityKind-F2 pl isRat = coerce-PositivityKind-F2OR pl
coerce-PositivityKind-F2 pl isReal = coerce-PositivityKind-F2OR pl
coerce-PositivityKind-F2 pl isComplex = pl
coerce-PositivityKind : (from to : NumberKind) → PositivityKindType from → PositivityKindType to
coerce-PositivityKind isNat to x = coerce-PositivityKind-OR2 x to
coerce-PositivityKind isInt to x = coerce-PositivityKind-OR2 x to
coerce-PositivityKind isRat to x = coerce-PositivityKind-OR2 x to
coerce-PositivityKind isReal to x = coerce-PositivityKind-OR2 x to
coerce-PositivityKind isComplex to x = coerce-PositivityKind-F2 x to
NumberKindLevel : NumberKind → Level
NumberKindLevel isNat = ℕℓ
NumberKindLevel isInt = ℤℓ
NumberKindLevel isRat = ℚℓ
NumberKindLevel isReal = ℝℓ
NumberKindLevel isComplex = ℂℓ
NumberKindProplevel : NumberKind → Level
NumberKindProplevel isNat = ℕℓ'
NumberKindProplevel isInt = ℤℓ'
NumberKindProplevel isRat = ℚℓ'
NumberKindProplevel isReal = ℝℓ'
NumberKindProplevel isComplex = ℂℓ'
NumberKindInterpretation : (x : NumberKind) → Type (NumberKindLevel x)
NumberKindInterpretation isNat = let open ℕ* in ℕ
NumberKindInterpretation isInt = let open ℤ* in ℤ
NumberKindInterpretation isRat = let open ℚ* in ℚ
NumberKindInterpretation isReal = let open ℝ* in ℝ
NumberKindInterpretation isComplex = let open ℂ* in ℂ
PositivityKindInterpretation : (nl : NumberKind) → PositivityKindType nl → (x : NumberKindInterpretation nl) → Type (NumberKindProplevel nl)
PositivityKindInterpretation isNat ⁇x⁇ x = Unit
PositivityKindInterpretation isNat x#0 x = let open ℕ in x # 0f
PositivityKindInterpretation isNat 0≤x x = let open ℕ in 0f ≤ x
PositivityKindInterpretation isNat 0<x x = let open ℕ in 0f < x
PositivityKindInterpretation isNat x≤0 x = let open ℕ in x ≤ 0f
PositivityKindInterpretation isNat x<0 x = ⊥
PositivityKindInterpretation isInt ⁇x⁇ x = Lift Unit
PositivityKindInterpretation isInt x#0 x = let open ℤ in x # 0f
PositivityKindInterpretation isInt 0≤x x = let open ℤ in 0f ≤ x
PositivityKindInterpretation isInt 0<x x = let open ℤ in 0f < x
PositivityKindInterpretation isInt x≤0 x = let open ℤ in x ≤ 0f
PositivityKindInterpretation isInt x<0 x = let open ℤ in x < 0f
PositivityKindInterpretation isRat ⁇x⁇ x = Lift Unit
PositivityKindInterpretation isRat x#0 x = let open ℚ in x # 0f
PositivityKindInterpretation isRat 0≤x x = let open ℚ in 0f ≤ x
PositivityKindInterpretation isRat 0<x x = let open ℚ in 0f < x
PositivityKindInterpretation isRat x≤0 x = let open ℚ in x ≤ 0f
PositivityKindInterpretation isRat x<0 x = let open ℚ in x < 0f
PositivityKindInterpretation isReal ⁇x⁇ x = Lift Unit
PositivityKindInterpretation isReal x#0 x = let open ℝ in x # 0f
PositivityKindInterpretation isReal 0≤x x = let open ℝ in 0f ≤ x
PositivityKindInterpretation isReal 0<x x = let open ℝ in 0f < x
PositivityKindInterpretation isReal x≤0 x = let open ℝ in x ≤ 0f
PositivityKindInterpretation isReal x<0 x = let open ℝ in x < 0f
PositivityKindInterpretation isComplex ⁇x⁇ x = Lift Unit
PositivityKindInterpretation isComplex x#0 x = let open ℂ in x # 0f
NumberLevel : NumberKind → Level
NumberLevel l = ℓ-max (NumberKindLevel l) (NumberKindProplevel l)
NumberInterpretation : ((l , p) : NumberProp) → Type (NumberLevel l)
NumberInterpretation (level , positivity) = Σ (NumberKindInterpretation level) (PositivityKindInterpretation level positivity)
data Number (p : NumberProp) : Type (NumberLevel (fst p)) where
_,,_ : (x : NumberKindInterpretation (fst p))
→ (PositivityKindInterpretation (fst p) (snd p) x)
→ Number p
num : ∀{(l , p) : NumberProp} → Number (l , p) → NumberKindInterpretation l
num (p ,, q) = p
prp : ∀{pp@(l , p) : NumberProp} → (x : Number pp) → PositivityKindInterpretation l p (num x)
prp (p ,, q) = q
pop : ∀{p : NumberProp} → Number p → NumberInterpretation p
pop (x ,, p) = x , p
open PatternsType