{-# OPTIONS --cubical --no-import-sorts #-}
open import Agda.Primitive renaming (_⊔_ to ℓ-max; lsuc to ℓ-suc; lzero to ℓ-zero)
module Number.Postulates where
ℓ ℓ' ℓ'' : Level
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything renaming (_⁻¹ to _⁻¹ᵖ; assoc to ∙-assoc)
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary.Base
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Base
open import Function.Base using (_∋_)
ℕℓ = ℓ-zero
ℕℓ' = ℓ-zero
ℤℓ ℤℓ' : Level
ℚℓ ℚℓ' : Level
ℝℓ ℝℓ' : Level
ℂℓ ℂℓ' : Level
open import Number.Structures
open import Number.Bundles
import Number.Inclusions
import MoreAlgebra
module ℕ* where
import Cubical.Data.Nat as Nat
import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order as Order
open import Agda.Builtin.Nat using () renaming (Nat to ℕ) public
module Postulates where
min max : ℕ → ℕ → ℕ
isROrderedCommSemiring : IsROrderedCommSemiring
((MoreAlgebra.Definitions._#'_ {_<_ = Order._<_}))
module Bundle = ROrderedCommSemiring {ℕℓ} {ℕℓ'}
Bundle = ROrderedCommSemiring {ℕℓ} {ℕℓ'}
Carrier = ℕ
bundle : Bundle
bundle = (record
{ Carrier = ℕ
; _<_ = Order._<_
; _≤_ = Order._≤_
; _#_ = (MoreAlgebra.Definitions._#'_ { _<_ = Order._<_ })
; min = Postulates.min
; max = Postulates.max
; 0f = Nat.zero
; 1f = (Nat.suc Nat.zero)
; _+_ = Nat._+_
; _·_ = Nat._*_
; isROrderedCommSemiring = Postulates.isROrderedCommSemiring
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order using (_≤_; _<_) public
import MoreAlgebra
open MoreAlgebra.Definitions using (_#'_) public
open import Agda.Builtin.Nat using () renaming (zero to 0f) public
_#_ = Bundle._#_ bundle
min = Bundle.min bundle
max = Bundle.max bundle
1f = Bundle.1f bundle
_+_ = Bundle._+_ bundle
_·_ = Bundle._·_ bundle
isROrderedCommSemiring = Bundle.isROrderedCommSemiring bundle
abs : ℕ → ℕ
abs x = x
open IsROrderedCommSemiring isROrderedCommSemiring public
module ℕ = ℕ* hiding (ℕ)
module ℕⁿ = ℕ*
( Carrier to Carrierⁿ
; _<_ to _<ⁿ_
; _≤_ to _≤ⁿ_
; _#_ to _#ⁿ_
; min to minⁿ
; max to maxⁿ
; 0f to 0ⁿ
; 1f to 1ⁿ
; _+_ to _+ⁿ_
; _·_ to _·ⁿ_
; isROrderedCommSemiring to isROrderedCommSemiringⁿ
; abs to absⁿ
module ℤ* where
module Postulates where
ℤ : Type ℤℓ
_<_ _≤_ _#_ : Rel ℤ ℤ ℤℓ'
min max : ℤ → ℤ → ℤ
0f 1f : ℤ
_+_ _·_ : ℤ → ℤ → ℤ
-_ : ℤ → ℤ
abs : ℤ → ℤ
abs x = max x (- x)
isROrderedCommRing : IsROrderedCommRing _<_ _≤_ _#_ min max 0f 1f _+_ _·_ -_
isAbsOrderedCommRing : IsAbsOrderedCommRing _<_ _≤_ _#_ min max 0f 1f _+_ _·_ -_ abs
module Bundle = ROrderedCommRing {ℤℓ} {ℤℓ'}
Bundle = ROrderedCommRing {ℤℓ} {ℤℓ'}
open Postulates public
Carrier = ℤ
bundle : Bundle
bundle = (record
{ Carrier = ℤ
; _<_ = _<_
; _≤_ = _≤_
; _#_ = _#_
; min = min
; max = max
; 0f = 0f
; 1f = 1f
; _+_ = _+_
; _·_ = _·_
; -_ = -_
; isROrderedCommRing = isROrderedCommRing
; isAbsOrderedCommRing = isAbsOrderedCommRing
open IsROrderedCommRing isROrderedCommRing public
module ℤ = ℤ* hiding (ℤ)
module ℤᶻ = ℤ*
( Carrier to Carrierᶻ
; _<_ to _<ᶻ_
; _≤_ to _≤ᶻ_
; _#_ to _#ᶻ_
; min to minᶻ
; max to maxᶻ
; 0f to 0ᶻ
; 1f to 1ᶻ
; _+_ to _+ᶻ_
; _·_ to _·ᶻ_
; -_ to -ᶻ_
; isROrderedCommRing to isROrderedCommRingᶻ
; abs to absᶻ
module ℚ* where
module Postulates where
ℚ : Type ℚℓ
_<_ _≤_ _#_ : Rel ℚ ℚ ℚℓ'
min max : ℚ → ℚ → ℚ
0f 1f : ℚ
_+_ _·_ : ℚ → ℚ → ℚ
-_ : ℚ → ℚ
_⁻¹ : (x : ℚ) → {{ x # 0f }} → ℚ
abs : ℚ → ℚ
abs x = max x (- x)
isROrderedField : IsROrderedField _<_ _≤_ _#_ min max 0f 1f _+_ _·_ -_ _⁻¹
isAbsOrderedCommRing : IsAbsOrderedCommRing _<_ _≤_ _#_ min max 0f 1f _+_ _·_ -_ abs
module Bundle = ROrderedField {ℚℓ} {ℚℓ'}
Bundle = ROrderedField {ℚℓ} {ℚℓ'}
open Postulates public
Carrier = ℚ
bundle : Bundle
bundle = (record
{ Carrier = ℚ
; _<_ = _<_
; _≤_ = _≤_
; _#_ = _#_
; min = min
; max = max
; 0f = 0f
; 1f = 1f
; _+_ = _+_
; _·_ = _·_
; -_ = -_
; _⁻¹ = _⁻¹
; isROrderedField = isROrderedField
; isAbsOrderedCommRing = isAbsOrderedCommRing
open IsROrderedField isROrderedField public
module ℚ = ℚ* hiding (ℚ)
module ℚᶠ = ℚ*
( Carrier to Carrierᶠ
; _<_ to _<ᶠ_
; _≤_ to _≤ᶠ_
; _#_ to _#ᶠ_
; min to minᶠ
; max to maxᶠ
; 0f to 0ᶠ
; 1f to 1ᶠ
; _+_ to _+ᶠ_
; _·_ to _·ᶠ_
; -_ to -ᶠ_
; _⁻¹ to _⁻¹ᶠ
; isROrderedField to isROrderedFieldᶠ
; abs to absᶠ
module ℝ* where
module Postulates where
ℝ : Type ℝℓ
_<_ _≤_ _#_ : Rel ℝ ℝ ℝℓ'
min max : ℝ → ℝ → ℝ
0f 1f : ℝ
_+_ _·_ : ℝ → ℝ → ℝ
-_ : ℝ → ℝ
_⁻¹ : (x : ℝ) → {{ x # 0f }} → ℝ
abs : ℝ → ℝ
abs x = max x (- x)
isROrderedField : IsROrderedField _<_ _≤_ _#_ min max 0f 1f _+_ _·_ -_ _⁻¹
isAbsOrderedCommRing : IsAbsOrderedCommRing _<_ _≤_ _#_ min max 0f 1f _+_ _·_ -_ abs
sqrt : (x : ℝ) → {{0f ≤ x}} → ℝ
0≤sqrt : ∀ x → {{p : 0f ≤ x}} → 0f ≤ sqrt x {{p}}
sqrt-reflects-≡ : ∀ x y → {{px : 0f ≤ x}} → {{py : 0f ≤ y}} → sqrt x {{px}} ≡ sqrt y {{py}} → x ≡ y
sqrt-inv : ∀ x → {{p : 0f ≤ x}} → {{q : 0f ≤ (x · x)}}→ sqrt (x · x) {{q}} ≡ x
sqrt²-id : ∀ x → {{p : 0f ≤ x}} → sqrt x {{p}} · sqrt x {{p}} ≡ x
module Bundle = ROrderedField {ℝℓ} {ℝℓ'}
Bundle = ROrderedField {ℝℓ} {ℝℓ'}
open Postulates public
Carrier = ℝ
bundle : Bundle
bundle = (record
{ Carrier = ℝ
; _<_ = _<_
; _≤_ = _≤_
; _#_ = _#_
; min = min
; max = max
; 0f = 0f
; 1f = 1f
; _+_ = _+_
; _·_ = _·_
; -_ = -_
; _⁻¹ = _⁻¹
; isROrderedField = isROrderedField
; isAbsOrderedCommRing = isAbsOrderedCommRing
open IsROrderedField isROrderedField public
module ℝ = ℝ* hiding (ℝ)
module ℝʳ = ℝ*
( Carrier to Carrierʳ
; _<_ to _<ʳ_
; _≤_ to _≤ʳ_
; _#_ to _#ʳ_
; min to minʳ
; max to maxʳ
; 0f to 0ʳ
; 1f to 1ʳ
; _+_ to _+ʳ_
; _·_ to _·ʳ_
; -_ to -ʳ_
; _⁻¹ to _⁻¹ʳ
; isROrderedField to isROrderedFieldʳ
; isRField to isRFieldʳ
; Bundle to Bundleʳ
; bundle to bundleʳ
; abs to absʳ
module ℂ* where
open ℝʳ
module Postulates where
ℂ : Type ℂℓ
_#_ : Rel ℂ ℂ ℂℓ'
0f 1f : ℂ
_+_ _·_ : ℂ → ℂ → ℂ
-_ : ℂ → ℂ
_⁻¹ : (x : ℂ) → {{ x # 0f }} → ℂ
isRField : IsRField _#_ 0f 1f _+_ _·_ -_ _⁻¹
abs : ℂ → ℝ
0≤abs : ∀ x → 0ʳ ≤ʳ abs x
abs-preserves-0 : ∀ x → x ≡ 0f → abs x ≡ 0ʳ
abs-reflects-0 : ∀ x → abs x ≡ 0ʳ → x ≡ 0f
abs-preserves-· : ∀ x y → abs (x · y) ≡ (abs x) ·ʳ (abs y)
abs-preserves-#0 : ∀ x → x # 0f → abs x #ʳ 0ʳ
abs-reflects-#0 : ∀ x → abs x #ʳ 0ʳ → x # 0f
module Bundle = RField {ℂℓ} {ℂℓ'}
Bundle = RField {ℂℓ} {ℂℓ'}
open Postulates public
Carrier = ℂ
bundle : Bundle
bundle = (record
{ Carrier = ℂ
; _#_ = _#_
; 0f = 0f
; 1f = 1f
; _+_ = _+_
; _·_ = _·_
; -_ = -_
; _⁻¹ = _⁻¹
; isRField = isRField
open IsRField isRField public
module ℂ = ℂ* hiding (ℂ)
module ℂᶜ = ℂ*
( Carrier to Carrierᶜ
; _#_ to _#ᶜ_
; 0f to 0ᶜ
; 1f to 1ᶜ
; _+_ to _+ᶜ_
; _·_ to _·ᶜ_
; -_ to -ᶜ_
; _⁻¹ to _⁻¹ᶜ
; isRField to isRFieldᶜ
; abs to absᶜ
Isℕ↪ℤ = Number.Inclusions.IsROrderedCommSemiringInclusion
Isℕ↪ℚ = Number.Inclusions.IsROrderedCommSemiringInclusion
Isℕ↪ℂ = Number.Inclusions.IsRCommSemiringInclusion
Isℕ↪ℝ = Number.Inclusions.IsROrderedCommSemiringInclusion
Isℤ↪ℚ = Number.Inclusions.IsROrderedCommRingInclusion
Isℤ↪ℝ = Number.Inclusions.IsROrderedCommRingInclusion
Isℤ↪ℂ = Number.Inclusions.IsRCommRingInclusion
Isℚ↪ℝ = Number.Inclusions.IsROrderedFieldInclusion
Isℚ↪ℂ = Number.Inclusions.IsRFieldInclusion
Isℝ↪ℂ = Number.Inclusions.IsRFieldInclusion
module Isℕ↪ℤ = Number.Inclusions.IsROrderedCommSemiringInclusion
module Isℕ↪ℚ = Number.Inclusions.IsROrderedCommSemiringInclusion
module Isℕ↪ℂ = Number.Inclusions.IsRCommSemiringInclusion
module Isℕ↪ℝ = Number.Inclusions.IsROrderedCommSemiringInclusion
module Isℤ↪ℚ = Number.Inclusions.IsROrderedCommRingInclusion
module Isℤ↪ℝ = Number.Inclusions.IsROrderedCommRingInclusion
module Isℤ↪ℂ = Number.Inclusions.IsRCommRingInclusion
module Isℚ↪ℝ = Number.Inclusions.IsROrderedFieldInclusion
module Isℚ↪ℂ = Number.Inclusions.IsRFieldInclusion
module Isℝ↪ℂ = Number.Inclusions.IsRFieldInclusion
module _ where
open ℕ* using (ℕ)
open ℤ* using (ℤ)
open ℚ* using (ℚ)
open ℝ* using (ℝ)
open ℂ* using (ℂ)
ℕ↪ℤ : ℕ → ℤ
ℕ↪ℚ : ℕ → ℚ
ℕ↪ℂ : ℕ → ℂ
ℕ↪ℝ : ℕ → ℝ
ℤ↪ℚ : ℤ → ℚ
ℤ↪ℝ : ℤ → ℝ
ℤ↪ℂ : ℤ → ℂ
ℚ↪ℝ : ℚ → ℝ
ℚ↪ℂ : ℚ → ℂ
ℝ↪ℂ : ℝ → ℂ
ℕ↪ℤinc : Isℕ↪ℤ (record {ℕ*}) (record {ℤ*}) ℕ↪ℤ
ℕ↪ℚinc : Isℕ↪ℚ (record {ℕ*}) (record {ℚ*}) ℕ↪ℚ
ℕ↪ℂinc : Isℕ↪ℂ (record {ℕ*}) (record {ℂ*}) ℕ↪ℂ
ℕ↪ℝinc : Isℕ↪ℝ (record {ℕ*}) (record {ℝ*}) ℕ↪ℝ
ℤ↪ℚinc : Isℤ↪ℚ (record {ℤ*}) (record {ℚ*}) ℤ↪ℚ
ℤ↪ℝinc : Isℤ↪ℝ (record {ℤ*}) (record {ℝ*}) ℤ↪ℝ
ℤ↪ℂinc : Isℤ↪ℂ (record {ℤ*}) (record {ℂ*}) ℤ↪ℂ
ℚ↪ℝinc : Isℚ↪ℝ (record {ℚ*}) (record {ℝ*}) ℚ↪ℝ
ℚ↪ℂinc : Isℚ↪ℂ (record {ℚ*}) (record {ℂ*}) ℚ↪ℂ
ℝ↪ℂinc : Isℝ↪ℂ (record {ℝ*}) (record {ℂ*}) ℝ↪ℂ