{-# OPTIONS --cubical --no-import-sorts #-}

module Number.Bundles2 where

open import Agda.Primitive renaming (_⊔_ to ℓ-max; lsuc to ℓ-suc; lzero to ℓ-zero)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything renaming (_⁻¹ to _⁻¹ᵖ; assoc to ∙-assoc)
-- open import Cubical.Foundations.Logic
-- open import Cubical.Structures.Ring
-- open import Cubical.Structures.Group
-- open import Cubical.Structures.AbGroup

open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary.Base -- ¬_
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Base
open import Cubical.Data.Sum.Base renaming (_⊎_ to infixr 4 _⊎_)
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma.Base renaming (_×_ to infixr 4 _×_)
open import Cubical.Data.Empty renaming (elim to ⊥-elim;  to ⊥⊥) -- `⊥` and `elim`
open import Cubical.Foundations.Logic renaming (¬_ to ¬ᵖ_; inl to inlᵖ; inr to inrᵖ)
open import Function.Base using (it; _∋_)

open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation --.Properties

open import Utils using (!_; !!_)
open import MoreLogic.Reasoning
open import MoreLogic.Definitions
open import MoreLogic.Properties
open import MorePropAlgebra.Definitions hiding (_≤''_)
open import MorePropAlgebra.Consequences
open import Number.Structures2

| name | struct              | apart | abs | order | cauchy | sqrt₀⁺  | exp | final name                                                             |
| ℕ    | CommSemiring        |  (✓)  | (✓) | lin.  |        | (on x²) |     | LinearlyOrderedCommSemiring                                            |
| ℤ    | CommRing            |  (✓)  | (✓) | lin.  |        | (on x²) |     | LinearlyOrderedCommRing                                                |
| ℚ    | Field               |  (✓)  | (✓) | lin.  |        | (on x²) | (✓) | LinearlyOrderedField                                                   |
| ℝ    | Field               |  (✓)  | (✓) | part. |   ✓    |    ✓    | (✓) | CompletePartiallyOrderedFieldWithSqrt                                  |
| ℂ    | euclidean 2-Product |  (✓)  | (✓) |       |  (✓)   |         |  ?  | EuclideanTwoProductOfCompletePartiallyOrderedFieldWithSqrt             |
| R    | Ring                |   ✓   |  ✓  |       |        |         |  ?  | ApartnessRingWithAbsIntoCompletePartiallyOrderedFieldWithSqrt          |
| G    | Group               |   ✓   |  ✓  |       |        |         |  ?  | ApartnessGroupWithAbsIntoCompletePartiallyOrderedFieldWithSqrt         |
| K    | Field               |   ✓   |  ✓  |       |   ✓    |         |  ?  | CompleteApartnessFieldWithAbsIntoCompletePartiallyOrderedFieldWithSqrt |

record LinearlyOrderedCommSemiring { ℓ'} : Type (ℓ-suc (ℓ-max  ℓ')) where
  constructor linearlyorderedcommsemiring
    Carrier : Type 
    0f 1f   : Carrier
    _+_     : Carrier  Carrier  Carrier
    _·_     : Carrier  Carrier  Carrier
    min max : Carrier  Carrier  Carrier
    _<_     : hPropRel Carrier Carrier ℓ'
    is-LinearlyOrderedCommSemiring : [ isLinearlyOrderedCommSemiring 0f 1f _+_ _·_ _<_ min max ] -- defines `_≤_` and `_#_`

  infixl 7 _·_
  infixl 5 _+_
  infixl 4 _<_

  open IsLinearlyOrderedCommSemiring is-LinearlyOrderedCommSemiring public

record LinearlyOrderedCommRing { ℓ'} : Type (ℓ-suc (ℓ-max  ℓ')) where
  constructor linearlyorderedcommring
    Carrier : Type 
    0f 1f   : Carrier
    _+_     : Carrier  Carrier  Carrier
    -_      : Carrier  Carrier
    _·_     : Carrier  Carrier  Carrier
    min max : Carrier  Carrier  Carrier
    _<_     : hPropRel Carrier Carrier ℓ'
    is-LinearlyOrderedCommRing : [ isLinearlyOrderedCommRing 0f 1f _+_ _·_ -_ _<_ min max ] -- defines `_≤_` and `_#_`

  infixl 7 _·_
  infix  6 -_
  infixl 5 _+_
  infixl 4 _<_

  open IsLinearlyOrderedCommRing is-LinearlyOrderedCommRing public

record LinearlyOrderedField { ℓ'} : Type (ℓ-suc (ℓ-max  ℓ')) where
  constructor linearlyorderedfield
    Carrier : Type 
    0f 1f   : Carrier
    _+_     : Carrier  Carrier  Carrier
    -_      : Carrier  Carrier
    _·_     : Carrier  Carrier  Carrier
    min max : Carrier  Carrier  Carrier
    _<_     : hPropRel Carrier Carrier ℓ'
    is-LinearlyOrderedField : [ isLinearlyOrderedField 0f 1f _+_ _·_ -_ _<_ min max ] -- defines `_≤_` and `_#_`

  infixl 7 _·_
  infix  6 -_
  infixl 5 _+_
  infixl 4 _<_

  open IsLinearlyOrderedField is-LinearlyOrderedField public

-- NOTE: this smells like "CPO" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Complete_partial_order
record CompletePartiallyOrderedFieldWithSqrt { ℓ' : Level} : Type (ℓ-suc (ℓ-max  ℓ')) where
    Carrier : Type 
    is-set   : isSet Carrier
    0f      : Carrier
    1f      : Carrier
    _<_     : hPropRel Carrier Carrier ℓ'
    min     : Carrier  Carrier  Carrier
    max     : Carrier  Carrier  Carrier
    _+_     : Carrier  Carrier  Carrier
    _·_     : Carrier  Carrier  Carrier
    -_      : Carrier  Carrier
    <-irrefl  : [ isIrrefl   _<_ ]
    <-trans   : [ isTrans    _<_ ]
    <-cotrans : [ isCotrans  _<_ ]

  -- NOTE: these intermediate definitions are restricted and behave like let-definitions
  --       e.g. they show up in goal contexts and they do not allow for `where` blocks

  _-_ : Carrier  Carrier  Carrier
  a - b = a + (- b)

  <-asym : [ isAsym  _<_ ]
  <-asym = irrefl+trans⇒asym _<_ <-irrefl <-trans

  _#_ : hPropRel Carrier Carrier ℓ'
  x # y = [ <-asym x y ] (x < y) ⊎ᵖ (y < x)

    #-tight : [ isTightˢ''' _#_ is-set ]

  _≤_ : hPropRel Carrier Carrier ℓ'
  x  y = ¬ᵖ(y < x)

  _>_ = flip _<_
  _≥_ = flip _≤_

  ≤-refl : [ isRefl _≤_ ]
  ≤-refl = <-irrefl

  ≤-trans : [ isTrans  _≤_ ]
  ≤-trans = <-cotrans⇒≤-trans _<_ <-cotrans

  -- if x > y then x > y ≥ x, wich contradicts 4. Hence ¬(x > y). Similarly, ¬(y > x), so ¬(x ≠ y) and therefore by axiom R2(3), x = y.
  -- NOTE: this makes use of #-tight to proof ≤-antisym
  --       but we are alrady using ≤-antisym to proof #-tight
  --       so I guess that we have to assume one of them?
  --       Bridges lists tightness a property of _<_, so he seems to assume #-tight
  --       Booij assumes `≤-isLattice : IsLattice _≤_ min max` which gives ≤-refl, ≤-antisym and ≤-trans and proofs #-tight from it
  -- ≤-antisym : (∀ x y → [ ¬ᵖ (x # y) ] → x ≡ y) → [ isAntisymˢ is-set _≤_ ]
  ≤-antisym : [ isAntisymˢ _≤_ is-set ]
  ≤-antisym = fst (isTightˢ'''⇔isAntisymˢ _<_ is-set <-asym) #-tight

  -- NOTE: we have `R3-8 = ∀[ x ] ∀[ y ] (¬(x ≤ y) ⇔ ¬ ¬(y < x))`
  --       so I guess that we do not have `dne-over-< : ¬ ¬(y < x) ⇔ (y < x)`
  --       and that would be my plan to prove `≤-cotrans` with `<-asym`
  -- ≤-cotrans : [ isCotrans  _≤_ ]
  -- ≤-cotrans x y x≤y z = [ (x ≤ z) ⊔ (z ≤ y) ] ∋  {! (≤-antisym x y x≤y)  !}

  abs : Carrier  Carrier
  abs x = max x (- x)

    -- `R3.12` in [Bridges 1999]
    -- bridges-R2-2  : ∀ x y → [ y < x ] → ∀ z → [ (z < x) ⊔ (y < z) ]
    sqrt : (x : Carrier)  {{ ! [ 0f  x ] }}  Carrier
    0≤sqrt :  x  {{ p : ! [ 0f  x ] }}  [ 0f  sqrt x {{p}} ]
    0≤x² :  x  [ 0f  (x · x) ]

  instance _ = λ {x}  !! 0≤x² x

    -- NOTE: all "interface" instance arguments (i.e. those that appear in the goal) need to be passed in as arguments
    -- sqrt-of-²  : ∀ x → {{ p₁ : ! [ 0f ≤ x ] }} → {{ p₂ : ! [ 0f ≤ x · x ] }} → sqrt (x · x) {{p₂}} ≡ x
    -- sqrt-unique-existence : ∀ x → {{ p : ! [ 0f ≤ x ] }} → Σ[ y ∈ Carrier ] y · y ≡ x
    -- sqrt-uniqueness : ∀ x y z → {{ p : ! [ 0f ≤ x ] }} → y · y ≡ x → z · z ≡ x → y ≡ z
    ·-uniqueness :  x y  {{ p₁ : ! [ 0f  x ] }}  {{ p₂ : ! [ 0f  y ] }}  x · x  y · y  x  y
    sqrt-existence   :  x    {{ p  : ! [ 0f  x ] }}  sqrt x {{p}} · sqrt x {{p}}  x
    sqrt-preserves-· :  x y  {{ p₁ : ! [ 0f  x ] }}  {{ p₁ : ! [ 0f  y ] }}  {{ p₁ : ! [ 0f  x · y ] }}  sqrt (x · y)  sqrt x · sqrt y
    sqrt0≡0 : {{ p : ! [ 0f  0f ] }}  sqrt 0f {{p}}  0f
    sqrt1≡1 : {{ p : ! [ 0f  1f ] }}  sqrt 1f {{p}}  1f
    -- √x √x = x ⇒ √xx = x
    -- √x √x √x √x = x x
    -- √(√x √x √x √x) = √(x x)

  -- ²-of-sqrt' : ∀ x → {{ p : ! [ 0f ≤ x ] }} → sqrt x {{p}} · sqrt x {{p}} ≡ x
  -- ²-of-sqrt' x {{p}} = let y = sqrt x; instance q = !! 0≤sqrt x in transport (
  --   sqrt (y · y) ≡ y ≡⟨ {!   !} ⟩
  --   sqrt (y · y) · sqrt (y · y) ≡ y · sqrt (y · y) ≡⟨ {!   !} ⟩
  --   sqrt (y · y) · sqrt (y · y) ≡ y · y ≡⟨ {! λ x → x  !} ⟩
  --   sqrt x · sqrt x ≡ x ∎) (sqrt-of-² y)
  --    {!   !} ⇒⟨ {!   !} ⟩
  --    {!   !} ◼) {! (sqrt-of-² y ) !}
  -- sqrt (x · x) ≡ x
  -- sqrt (x · x) · sqrt (x · x) ≡ x · sqrt (x · x)
  -- sqrt (x · x) · sqrt (x · x) ≡ x · x
  -- x = sqrt y
  -- sqrt y · sqrt y ≡ y

  sqrt-test : (x y z : Carrier)  [ 0f  x ]  [ 0f  y ]  Carrier
  sqrt-test x y z 0≤x 0≤y = let instance _ = !! 0≤x
                                instance _ = !! 0≤y
                            in (sqrt x) + (sqrt y) + (sqrt (z · z))

    _⁻¹ : (x : Carrier)  {{p : [ x # 0f ]}}  Carrier

  _/_ : (x y : Carrier)  {{p : [ y # 0f ]}}  Carrier
  (x / y) {{p}} = x · (y ⁻¹) {{p}}

  infix  9 _⁻¹
  infixl 7 _·_
  infixl 7 _/_
  infix  6 -_
  infix  5 _-_
  infixl 5 _+_
  infixl 4 _#_
  infixl 4 _≤_
  infixl 4 _<_

open import MorePropAlgebra.Bridges1999

-- mkBridges : ∀{ℓ ℓ'} → CompletePartiallyOrderedFieldWithSqrt {ℓ} {ℓ'} → BooijResults {ℓ} {ℓ'}
-- mkBridges CPOFS = record { CompletePartiallyOrderedFieldWithSqrt CPOFS }


{- currently, we have that IsAbs works on "rigs" (rings where `-_` is not necessary)
   but in our applications, we do want to take the square root immediately on modules
   therefore, `abs` is defined here as always mapping into `CompletePartiallyOrderedFieldWithSqrt` although more general `abs`es would be possible

module _ -- mathematical structures with `abs` into the real numbers
  {ℝℓ ℝℓ' : Level}
  (ℝbundle : CompletePartiallyOrderedFieldWithSqrt {ℝℓ} {ℝℓ'})
  module  = CompletePartiallyOrderedFieldWithSqrt ℝbundle
  open  using () renaming (Carrier to ; is-set to is-setʳ; _≤_ to _≤ʳ_; 0f to ; 1f to ; _+_ to _+ʳ_; _·_ to _·ʳ_; -_ to -ʳ_; _-_ to _-ʳ_)

  -- this makes the complex numbers ℂ
  module EuclideanTwoProductOfCompletePartiallyOrderedFieldWithSqrt where
    Carrier : Type ℝℓ
    Carrier =  × 

    re im : Carrier  
    re = fst
    im = snd

    0f : Carrier
    0f =  , 

    1f : Carrier
    1f =  , 

    _+_ : Carrier  Carrier  Carrier
    (ar , ai) + (br , bi) = (ar  br) , (ai  bi)

    _·_ : Carrier  Carrier  Carrier
    (ar , ai) · (br , bi) = (ar ·ʳ br  ai ·ʳ bi) , (ar ·ʳ bi  br ·ʳ ai)

    -_ : Carrier  Carrier
    - (ar , ai) = ( ar ,  ai)

    is-set : isSet Carrier
    is-set = isSetΣ ℝ.is-set  _  ℝ.is-set)

  -- this makes the `R` in `RModule`
  record ApartnessRingWithAbsIntoCompletePartiallyOrderedFieldWithSqrt { ℓ' : Level} : Type (ℓ-suc (ℓ-max (ℓ-max  ℓ') (ℓ-max ℝℓ ℝℓ'))) where
      Carrier : Type 
      0f      : Carrier
      1f      : Carrier
      _+_     : Carrier  Carrier  Carrier
      _·_     : Carrier  Carrier  Carrier
      -_      : Carrier  Carrier
      _#_     : hPropRel Carrier Carrier ℓ'
      abs     : Carrier  

  -- this makes the `G` in `GModule`
  record ApartnessGroupWithAbsIntoCompletePartiallyOrderedFieldWithSqrt { ℓ' : Level} : Type (ℓ-suc (ℓ-max (ℓ-max  ℓ') (ℓ-max ℝℓ ℝℓ'))) where
      Carrier : Type 
      1f      : Carrier
      _·_     : Carrier  Carrier  Carrier
      _⁻¹     : Carrier  Carrier
      _#_     : hPropRel Carrier Carrier ℓ'
      abs     : Carrier  

  -- this makes the `K` in `KModule`
  record CompleteApartnessFieldWithAbsIntoCompletePartiallyOrderedFieldWithSqrt { ℓ' : Level} : Type (ℓ-suc (ℓ-max (ℓ-max  ℓ') (ℓ-max ℝℓ ℝℓ'))) where
      Carrier : Type 
      0f      : Carrier
      1f      : Carrier
      _+_     : Carrier  Carrier  Carrier
      _·_     : Carrier  Carrier  Carrier
      -_      : Carrier  Carrier
      _#_     : hPropRel Carrier Carrier ℓ'
      _⁻¹     : (x : Carrier)  {{p : [ x # 0f ]}}  Carrier
      abs     : Carrier  
      is-set  : isSet Carrier
      is-abs  : [ isAbs is-set 0f _+_ _·_ is-setʳ  _+ʳ_ _·ʳ_ _≤ʳ_ abs ]

    -- TODO: complete this