{-# OPTIONS --cubical --no-import-sorts #-}

module Number.Instances.Nat where

open import Agda.Primitive renaming (_⊔_ to ℓ-max; lsuc to ℓ-suc; lzero to ℓ-zero)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything renaming (_⁻¹ to _⁻¹ᵖ; assoc to ∙-assoc)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Logic renaming (inl to inlᵖ; inr to inrᵖ)
-- open import Cubical.Structures.Ring
-- open import Cubical.Structures.Group
-- open import Cubical.Structures.AbGroup

open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary.Base renaming (¬_ to ¬ᵗ_)
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Base
open import Cubical.Data.Sum.Base renaming (_⊎_ to infixr 4 _⊎_)
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma.Base renaming (_×_ to infixr 4 _×_)
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Empty renaming (elim to ⊥-elim;  to ⊥⊥) -- `⊥` and `elim`
open import Cubical.Foundations.Logic renaming (¬_ to ¬ᵖ_; inl to inlᵖ; inr to inrᵖ)
open import Function.Base using (it; _∋_; _$_)

open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation --.Properties

open import Utils using (!_; !!_)
open import MoreLogic.Reasoning
open import MoreLogic.Definitions
open import MoreLogic.Properties
open import MorePropAlgebra.Definitions hiding (_≤''_)
open import MorePropAlgebra.Structures
open import MorePropAlgebra.Bundles
open import MorePropAlgebra.Consequences
open import Number.Structures2
open import Number.Bundles2

open import Cubical.Data.Nat as Nat renaming (_*_ to _·_)
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order renaming (_<_ to _<ᵗ_)
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Properties using
  ( inj-*sm
  ; inj-sm*
  ) renaming
  ( *-distribʳ  to ·-distribʳ
  ; *-distribˡ  to ·-distribˡ
  ; *-assoc     to ·-assoc
  ; *-comm      to ·-comm
  ; *-identityʳ to ·-identityʳ
  ; *-identityˡ to ·-identityˡ
-- open import Data.Nat.Properties using (+-assoc)
open import Data.Nat.Base using () renaming
  ( _⊔_ to max
  ; _⊓_ to min

-- _<_ as an hProp-valued relation
_<_ : (x y : )  hProp ℓ-zero
(x < y) .fst = x <ᵗ y
(x < y) .snd (k₁ , k₁+sx≡y) (k₂ , k₂+sx≡y) = φ where
  abstract φ = Σ≡Prop  k  isSetℕ _ _) (inj-+m (k₁+sx≡y  sym k₂+sx≡y))

0<suc :  a  0 <ᵗ suc a
0<suc a = a , +-comm a 1

·-nullifiesˡ :  x  0 · x  0
·-nullifiesˡ x = refl

·-nullifiesʳ :  x  x · 0  0
·-nullifiesʳ zero = refl
·-nullifiesʳ (suc x) = ·-nullifiesʳ x

  lemma10   :  n  (n <ᵗ 0)  [  ]
  lemma10   n = isoToPath (iso (λ{ (k , p)  snotz (sym (+-suc k n)  p) }) ⊥-elim  b  isProp⊥ _ _)  a  isProp[] (n < 0) _ _))

  lemma10'' :  n  (n < 0)  
  lemma10'' n = ⇔toPath (transport (lemma10 n)) (transport (sym (lemma10 n)))

  lemma12 :  n  [ 0 < suc n ]  [  ]
  lemma12 n = isoToPath (iso  _   tt)  _  n , +-suc n 0   i  suc (+-zero n i)))  b  isProp⊤ _ _)  a  isProp[] (0 < suc n) _ _))

  lemma12'' :  n  (0 < suc n)  
  lemma12'' n = ⇔toPath (transport (lemma12 n)) (transport (sym (lemma12 n)))

  <-irrefl       : (a       : )  [ ¬ (a < a) ]
  <-irrefl zero q = transp  i  [ lemma10'' 0 i ]) i0 q
  <-irrefl (suc a) (k , p) =
    snotz (inj-m+ {a} (+-suc a k   i  suc (+-comm a k i))  sym (+-suc k a)  inj-m+ {1} (sym (+-suc k (suc a))  p)  sym (+-zero a)))

  suc-creates-< :  a b  [ a < b  suc a < suc b ]
  suc-creates-< a b .fst (k , p) = k , (+-suc k (suc a))   i  suc (p i))
  suc-creates-< a b .snd (k , p) = k , inj-m+ {1} (sym (+-suc k (suc a))  p)

  +-createsˡ-< :  a b x  [ a < b  (x + a) < (x + b) ]
  +-createsˡ-< a b  zero   .fst a<b = a<b
  +-createsˡ-< a b (suc x) .fst a<b = suc-creates-< (x + a) (x + b) .fst $ +-createsˡ-< a b x .fst a<b
  +-createsˡ-< a b zero .snd a<b = a<b
  +-createsˡ-< a b (suc x) .snd p = +-createsˡ-< a b x .snd (suc-creates-< (x + a) (x + b) .snd p)

  +-createsʳ-< :  a b x  [ a < b  (a + x) < (b + x) ]
  +-createsʳ-< a b x .fst p = transport  i  [ +-comm x a i < +-comm x b i ]) $ +-createsˡ-< a b x .fst p
  +-createsʳ-< a b x .snd p = +-createsˡ-< a b x .snd (transport  i  [ +-comm a x i < +-comm b x i ]) p)

  <-cotrans      : (a b     : )  [ a < b ]  (x : )  [ (a < x)  (x < b) ]
  <-cotrans  zero    zero        q      c  = ⊥-elim {A = λ _  [ (zero < c)  (c < zero) ]}  (<-irrefl _ q)
  <-cotrans  zero   (suc b)      q  zero   = inrᵖ q
  <-cotrans  zero   (suc b)      q (suc c) = inlᵖ (c , +-comm c 1)
  <-cotrans (suc a)  zero   (k , p)     c  = ⊥-elim {A = λ _  [ (suc a < c)  (c < zero) ]} (snotz (sym (+-suc k (suc a))  p))
  <-cotrans (suc a) (suc b)      q  zero   = inrᵖ (b , +-comm b 1)
  <-cotrans (suc a) (suc b)      q (suc c) = transport  i  [ r i  s i ]) (<-cotrans a b (suc-creates-< a b .snd q) c)
    where r : (a < c)  (suc a < suc c)
          s : (c < b)  (suc c < suc b)
          r = ⇔toPath (suc-creates-< a c .fst) (suc-creates-< a c .snd)
          s = ⇔toPath (suc-creates-< c b .fst) (suc-creates-< c b .snd)

·-reflects-≡ʳ :  a b x  [ 0 < x ]  a · x  b · x  a  b
·-reflects-≡ʳ a b zero    p q = ⊥-elim {A = λ _  a  b} $ <-irrefl 0 p
·-reflects-≡ʳ a b (suc x) p q = inj-*sm {l = a} {m = x} {n = b} q

·-reflects-≡ˡ :  a b x  [ 0 < x ]  x · a  x · b  a  b
·-reflects-≡ˡ a b zero    p q = ⊥-elim {A = λ _  a  b} $ <-irrefl 0 p
·-reflects-≡ˡ a b (suc x) p q = inj-sm* {m = x} {l = a} {n = b} q

¬suc<0 :  x  [ ¬ (suc x < 0) ]
¬suc<0 x (k , p) = snotz $ sym (+-suc k (suc x))  p

·-reflects-< :  a b x  [ 0 < x ]  [ (a · x) < (b · x) ]  [ a < b ]
·-reflects-< zero zero x p q = q
·-reflects-< zero (suc b) x p q = 0<suc b
·-reflects-< (suc a) zero x p q = ⊥-elim {A = λ _  [ suc a < 0 ]} $ ¬-<-zero q
·-reflects-< (suc a) (suc b) x p q = suc-creates-< a b .fst $ ·-reflects-< a b x p (+-createsˡ-< (a · x) (b · x) x .snd q)

min-comm :  x y  min x y  min y x
min-comm zero zero = refl
min-comm zero (suc y) = refl
min-comm (suc x) zero = refl
min-comm (suc x) (suc y) i = suc $ min-comm x y i

min-tightˡ :  x y  [ x < y ]  min x y  x
min-tightˡ zero zero x<y = refl
min-tightˡ zero (suc y) x<y = refl
min-tightˡ (suc x) zero x<y = ⊥-elim {A = λ _  zero  suc x} (¬suc<0 x x<y)
min-tightˡ (suc x) (suc y) x<y i = suc $ min-tightˡ x y (suc-creates-< x y .snd x<y) i

min-tightʳ :  x y  [ y < x ]  min x y  y
min-tightʳ x y y<x = min-comm x y  min-tightˡ y x y<x

min-identity :  x  min x x  x
min-identity zero = refl
min-identity (suc x) i = suc $ min-identity x i

max-comm :  x y  max x y  max y x
max-comm zero zero = refl
max-comm zero (suc y) = refl
max-comm (suc x) zero = refl
max-comm (suc x) (suc y) i = suc $ max-comm x y i

max-tightˡ :  x y  [ y < x ]  max x y  x
max-tightˡ zero zero y<x = refl
max-tightˡ zero (suc y) y<x = ⊥-elim {A = λ _  suc y  zero} (¬suc<0 y y<x)
max-tightˡ (suc x) zero y<x = refl
max-tightˡ (suc x) (suc y) y<x i = suc $ max-tightˡ x y (suc-creates-< y x .snd y<x) i

max-tightʳ :  x y  [ x < y ]  max x y  y
max-tightʳ x y x<y = max-comm x y  max-tightˡ y x x<y

max-identity :  x  max x x  x
max-identity zero = refl
max-identity (suc x) i = suc $ max-identity x i

-- +-reflects-< : ∀ a b x → [ a + x < b + x ] → [ a < b ]
-- +-reflects-< a b x

-- suc-preserves-min : ∀ x y → suc (min x y) ≡ min (suc x) (suc y)
-- suc-preserves-min zero y = refl
-- suc-preserves-min (suc x) zero = refl
-- suc-preserves-min (suc x) (suc y) = refl
-- min-dichotomy : ∀ x y → (min x y ≡ x) ⊎ (min x y ≡ y)
-- min-dichotomy zero y = inl refl
-- min-dichotomy (suc x) zero = inr refl
-- min-dichotomy (suc x) (suc y) with min-dichotomy x y
-- ... | inl p = inl λ i → suc (p i)
-- ... | inr p = inr λ i → suc (p i)

data MinTrichtotomy (x y : ) : Type where
  min-lt : min x y  x  [ x < y ]    MinTrichtotomy x y
  min-gt : min x y  y  [ y < x ]    MinTrichtotomy x y
  min-eq : min x y  x  min x y  y  MinTrichtotomy x y

data MaxTrichtotomy (x y : ) : Type where
  max-lt : max x y  y  [ x < y ]    MaxTrichtotomy x y
  max-gt : max x y  x  [ y < x ]    MaxTrichtotomy x y
  max-eq : max x y  x  max x y  y  MaxTrichtotomy x y

  min-trichotomy :  x y  MinTrichtotomy x y
  min-trichotomy zero zero = min-eq refl refl
  min-trichotomy zero (suc y) = min-lt refl (y , (+-comm y 1))
  min-trichotomy (suc x) zero = min-gt refl (x , (+-comm x 1))
  min-trichotomy (suc x) (suc y) with min-trichotomy x y
  ... | min-lt p (k , q) = min-lt  i  suc (p i)) (k , (+-assoc k 1 (suc x)   i  +-comm k 1 i + suc x)   i  1 + q i)))
  ... | min-gt p (k , q) = min-gt  i  suc (p i)) (k , (+-assoc k 1 (suc y)   i  +-comm k 1 i + suc y)   i  1 + q i)))
  ... | min-eq p q       = min-eq  i  suc (p i))  i  suc (q i))

  max-trichotomy :  x y  MaxTrichtotomy x y
  max-trichotomy zero zero = max-eq refl refl
  max-trichotomy zero (suc y) = max-lt refl (y , (+-comm y 1))
  max-trichotomy (suc x) zero = max-gt refl (x , (+-comm x 1))
  max-trichotomy (suc x) (suc y) with max-trichotomy x y
  ... | max-lt p (k , q) = max-lt  i  suc (p i)) (k , (+-assoc k 1 (suc x)   i  +-comm k 1 i + suc x)   i  1 + q i)))
  ... | max-gt p (k , q) = max-gt  i  suc (p i)) (k , (+-assoc k 1 (suc y)   i  +-comm k 1 i + suc y)   i  1 + q i)))
  ... | max-eq p q       = max-eq  i  suc (p i))  i  suc (q i))

  is-min : (x y z : )  [ ¬ᵖ (min x y < z)  ¬ᵖ (x < z)  ¬ᵖ (y < z) ]
  is-min x y z .fst z≤minxy with min-trichotomy x y
  ... | min-lt p x<y =  x<z  z≤minxy $ pathTo⇐  i  p i < z) x<z)
                     ,  y<z  z≤minxy $ pathTo⇐  i  p i < z) $ <-trans {x} {y} {z} x<y y<z)
  ... | min-gt p y<x =  x<z  z≤minxy $ pathTo⇐  i  p i < z) $ <-trans {y} {x} {z} y<x x<z)
                     ,  y<z  z≤minxy $ pathTo⇐  i  p i < z) y<z)
  ... | min-eq p q   =  x<z  z≤minxy $ pathTo⇐  i  p i < z) x<z)
                     ,  y<z  z≤minxy $ pathTo⇐  i  q i < z) y<z)
  is-min x y z .snd (z≤x , z≤y) minxy<z with min-trichotomy x y
  ... | min-lt p _   = z≤x $ pathTo⇒  i  p i < z) minxy<z
  ... | min-gt p _   = z≤y $ pathTo⇒  i  p i < z) minxy<z
  ... | min-eq p q   = z≤x $ pathTo⇒  i  p i < z) minxy<z

  is-max : (x y z : )  [ ¬ᵖ (z < max x y)  ¬ᵖ (z < x)  ¬ᵖ (z < y) ]
  is-max x y z .fst maxxy≤z with max-trichotomy x y
  ... | max-gt p y<x =  z<x  maxxy≤z $ pathTo⇐  i  z < p i) z<x )
                     ,  z<y  maxxy≤z $ pathTo⇐  i  z < p i) $ <-trans {z} {y} {x} z<y y<x )
  ... | max-lt p x<y =  z<x  maxxy≤z $ pathTo⇐  i  z < p i) $ <-trans {z} {x} {y} z<x x<y )
                     ,  z<y  maxxy≤z $ pathTo⇐  i  z < p i) z<y )
  ... | max-eq p q   =  z<x  maxxy≤z $ pathTo⇐  i  z < p i) z<x )
                     ,  z<y  maxxy≤z $ pathTo⇐  i  z < q i) z<y )
  is-max x y z .snd (z≤x , z≤y) maxxy<z with max-trichotomy x y
  ... | max-gt p _   = z≤x $ pathTo⇒  i  z < p i) maxxy<z
  ... | max-lt p _   = z≤y $ pathTo⇒  i  z < p i) maxxy<z
  ... | max-eq p q   = z≤x $ pathTo⇒  i  z < p i) maxxy<z

  -- NOTE: maybe some clever use of cotrans makes this a bit shorter
  +-<-ext : (w x y z : )  [ (w + x) < (y + z) ]  [ (w < y)  (x < z) ]
  +-<-ext w x y z (k , k+suc[w+x]≡y+z) with w  y | x  z
  ... | lt w<y | q =  inl w<y 
  ... | gt (l , l+suc[y]≡w) | q = inrᵖ (k + suc l , inj-m+ ((
    y + ((k + suc l) + suc x) ≡⟨ +-assoc y (k + suc l) (suc x) 
    (y + (k + suc l)) + suc x ≡⟨  i  +-assoc y k (suc l) i + suc x) 
    ((y + k) + suc l) + suc x ≡⟨  i  (+-comm y k i + suc l) + suc x) 
    ((k + y) + suc l) + suc x ≡⟨  i  +-assoc k y (suc l) (~ i) + suc x) 
    (k + (y + suc l)) + suc x ≡⟨ sym $ +-assoc k (y + suc l) (suc x) 
    k + ((y + suc l) + suc x) ≡⟨  i  k + (+-suc y l i + suc x)) 
    k + (suc (y + l) + suc x) ≡⟨  i  k + (suc (+-comm y l i) + suc x)) 
    k + (suc (l + y) + suc x) ≡⟨  i  k + (+-suc l y (~ i) + suc x)) 
    k + ((l + suc y) + suc x) ≡⟨  i  k + +-suc (l + suc y) x i) 
    k + suc ((l + suc y) + x) ≡⟨  i  k + suc (l+suc[y]≡w i + x)) 
    k + suc (w + x) )  k+suc[w+x]≡y+z))
  ... | eq w≡y | q = inrᵖ (k , inj-m+ ((
    y + (k + suc x) ≡⟨ +-assoc y k (suc x) 
    (y + k) + suc x ≡⟨  i  +-comm y k i + suc x) 
    (k + y) + suc x ≡⟨ sym $ +-assoc k y (suc x) 
    k + (y + suc x) ≡⟨  i  k + +-suc y x i) 
    k + suc (y + x) ≡⟨  i  k + suc (w≡y (~ i) + x)) 
    k + suc (w + x) )  k+suc[w+x]≡y+z))

  -- NOTE: instead of equational reasoning, this might follow more easily from induction on `z`?
  ·-preserves-< : (x y z : )  [ 0 < z ]  [ x < y ]  [ (x · z) < (y · z) ]
  ·-preserves-< x y z (k , k+1≡z) (l , l+suc[x]≡y) = l · z + k , (
    (l · z + k) + suc (x · z) ≡⟨ sym $ +-assoc (l · z) k (suc (x · z)) 
    l · z + (k + suc (x · z)) ≡⟨ refl  -- 1 + x ≡ suc x holds definitionally
    l · z + (k + (1 + x · z)) ≡⟨  i  l · z + +-assoc k 1 (x · z) i) 
    l · z + ((k + 1) + x · z) ≡⟨  i  l · z + (k+1≡z i + x · z)) 
    l · z + (z + x · z)       ≡⟨ refl  -- suc x · z ≡ z + x · z holds definitionally
    l · z + (suc x) · z       ≡⟨ ·-distribʳ l (suc x) z 
    (l + suc x) · z           )   i  l+suc[x]≡y i · z)  refl

  -- ·-reflects-< : (x y z : ℕ) → [ 0 < z ] → [ (x · z) < (y · z) ] → [ x < y ]
  -- ·-reflects-< x y zero (k , k+1≡z) _ = ⊥-elim {A = λ _ → [ x < y ]} $ snotz (sym (+-comm k 1) ∙ k+1≡z)
  -- ·-reflects-< x y (suc zero) _ (l , l+suc[xz]≡yz) = l , (λ i → l + suc (·-identityʳ x (~ i))) ∙ l+suc[xz]≡yz ∙ ·-identityʳ y
  -- ·-reflects-< x y (suc (suc z)) _ p@(l , l+suc[xz]≡yz) =
  --   let ind = {! ·-reflects-< x y (suc z) (0<suc z)   !}
  --     -- (x · suc (suc z)) < (y · suc (suc z))
  --     -- x + x · suc z < y + y · suc z
  --     -- (x + x · suc z) + < (y + y · suc z)
  --   in {! ·-suc x (suc z)  !}
  -- -- ·-reflects-< x y zero 0<z xz<yz = {!   !} -- ·-suc x z
  -- -- ·-reflects-< x y (suc z) 0<z xz<yz = {! ·-reflects-< x y z  !}
  -- --   (x · suc z) < (y · suc z)

+-Semigroup : [ isSemigroup _+_ ]
+-Semigroup .IsSemigroup.is-set   = isSetℕ
+-Semigroup .IsSemigroup.is-assoc = +-assoc

·-Semigroup : [ isSemigroup _·_ ]
·-Semigroup .IsSemigroup.is-set   = isSetℕ
·-Semigroup .IsSemigroup.is-assoc = ·-assoc

+-Monoid : [ isMonoid 0 _+_ ]
+-Monoid .IsMonoid.is-Semigroup = +-Semigroup
+-Monoid .IsMonoid.is-identity x = +-zero x , refl

·-Monoid : [ isMonoid 1 _·_ ]
·-Monoid .IsMonoid.is-Semigroup = ·-Semigroup
·-Monoid .IsMonoid.is-identity x = ·-identityʳ x , ·-identityˡ x

is-Semiring : [ isSemiring 0 1 _+_ _·_ ]
is-Semiring .IsSemiring.+-Monoid = +-Monoid
is-Semiring .IsSemiring.·-Monoid = ·-Monoid
is-Semiring .IsSemiring.+-comm   = +-comm
is-Semiring .IsSemiring.is-dist x y z = sym (·-distribˡ x y z) , sym (·-distribʳ x y z)

is-CommSemiring : [ isCommSemiring 0 1 _+_ _·_ ]
is-CommSemiring .IsCommSemiring.is-Semiring = is-Semiring
is-CommSemiring .IsCommSemiring.·-comm      = ·-comm

<-StrictLinearOrder : [ isStrictLinearOrder _<_ ]
<-StrictLinearOrder .IsStrictLinearOrder.is-irrefl = <-irrefl
<-StrictLinearOrder .IsStrictLinearOrder.is-trans  a b c = <-trans {a} {b} {c}
<-StrictLinearOrder .IsStrictLinearOrder.is-tricho a b with a  b
... | lt a<b = inl (inl a<b)
... | eq a≡b = inr  a≡b 
... | gt b<a = inl (inr b<a)

≤-Lattice : [ isLattice  x y  ¬ᵖ (y < x)) min max ]
≤-Lattice .IsLattice.≤-PartialOrder = linearorder⇒partialorder _ (≤'-isLinearOrder <-StrictLinearOrder)
≤-Lattice .IsLattice.is-min         = is-min
≤-Lattice .IsLattice.is-max         = is-max

is-LinearlyOrderedCommSemiring : [ isLinearlyOrderedCommSemiring 0 1 _+_ _·_ _<_ min max ]
is-LinearlyOrderedCommSemiring .IsLinearlyOrderedCommSemiring.is-CommSemiring     = is-CommSemiring
is-LinearlyOrderedCommSemiring .IsLinearlyOrderedCommSemiring.<-StrictLinearOrder = <-StrictLinearOrder
is-LinearlyOrderedCommSemiring .IsLinearlyOrderedCommSemiring.≤-Lattice           = ≤-Lattice
is-LinearlyOrderedCommSemiring .IsLinearlyOrderedCommSemiring.+-<-ext             = +-<-ext
is-LinearlyOrderedCommSemiring .IsLinearlyOrderedCommSemiring.·-preserves-<       = ·-preserves-<

bundle : LinearlyOrderedCommSemiring {ℓ-zero} {ℓ-zero}
bundle .LinearlyOrderedCommSemiring.Carrier                         = 
bundle .LinearlyOrderedCommSemiring.0f                              = 0
bundle .LinearlyOrderedCommSemiring.1f                              = 1
bundle .LinearlyOrderedCommSemiring._+_                             = _+_
bundle .LinearlyOrderedCommSemiring._·_                             = _·_
bundle .LinearlyOrderedCommSemiring.min                             = min
bundle .LinearlyOrderedCommSemiring.max                             = max
bundle .LinearlyOrderedCommSemiring._<_                             = _<_
bundle .LinearlyOrderedCommSemiring.is-LinearlyOrderedCommSemiring  = is-LinearlyOrderedCommSemiring