{-# OPTIONS --cubical --no-import-sorts #-}

module Number.Prelude.QuoInt where

open import Cubical.HITs.Ints.QuoInt public using
  ; HasFromNat
  ; HasFromNeg
  ; Int≡ℤ
  ; signed
  ; posneg
  ; ℤ→Int
  ; sucℤ
  ; predℤ
  ; pos
  ; neg
  ; sucℤ-+ʳ
  ; Sign
  ; spos
  ; sneg
  ) renaming
  ( isSetℤ         to is-setᶻ
  ; _+_            to _+ᶻ_
  ; _*_            to _·ᶻ_
  ; -_             to infixl 6 -ᶻ_
  ; *-comm         to ·ᶻ-comm
  ; *-assoc        to ·ᶻ-assoc
  ; +-comm         to +ᶻ-comm
  ; +-assoc        to +ᶻ-assoc
  ; sign           to signᶻ
  ; abs            to absᶻ
  ; _*S_           to _·ˢ_

open import Number.Instances.QuoInt public using
  ( ℤlattice
  ; ⊕-identityʳ
  ) renaming
  ( is-LinearlyOrderedCommRing to is-LinearlyOrderedCommRingᶻ
  ; min                    to minᶻ
  ; max                    to maxᶻ
  ; _<_                    to _<ᶻ_
  ; ·-reflects-<           to ·ᶻ-reflects-<ᶻ
  ; ·-reflects-<ˡ          to ·ᶻ-reflects-<ᶻˡ
  ; 0<1                    to 0<1
  ; +-reflects-<           to +ᶻ-reflects-<ᶻ
  ; +-preserves-<          to +ᶻ-preserves-<ᶻ
  ; +-creates-<            to +ᶻ-creates-<ᶻ
  ; suc-creates-<          to suc-creates-<ᶻ
  ; +-creates-≤            to +ᶻ-creates-≤ᶻ
  ; ·-creates-<            to ·ᶻ-creates-<ᶻ
  ; ·-creates-≤            to ·ᶻ-creates-≤ᶻ
  ; ·-creates-≤-≡          to ·ᶻ-creates-≤ᶻ-≡
  ; ·-creates-<ˡ-≡         to ·ᶻ-creates-<ᶻˡ-≡
  ; ·-creates-<-flippedˡ-≡ to ·ᶻ-creates-<ᶻ-flippedˡ-≡
  ; ·-creates-<-flippedʳ-≡ to ·ᶻ-creates-<ᶻ-flippedʳ-≡
  ; ≤-dicho                to ≤ᶻ-dicho
  ; ≤-min-+                to ≤ᶻ-minᶻ-+ᶻ
  ; ≤-max-+                to ≤ᶻ-maxᶻ-+ᶻ
  ; ≤-min-·                to ≤ᶻ-minᶻ-·ᶻ
  ; ≤-max-·                to ≤ᶻ-maxᶻ-·ᶻ
  ; +-min-distribʳ         to +ᶻ-minᶻ-distribʳ
  ; ·-min-distribʳ         to ·ᶻ-minᶻ-distribʳ
  ; +-max-distribʳ         to +ᶻ-maxᶻ-distribʳ
  ; ·-max-distribʳ         to ·ᶻ-maxᶻ-distribʳ
  ; +-min-distribˡ         to +ᶻ-minᶻ-distribˡ
  ; ·-min-distribˡ         to ·ᶻ-minᶻ-distribˡ
  ; +-max-distribˡ         to +ᶻ-maxᶻ-distribˡ
  ; ·-max-distribˡ         to ·ᶻ-maxᶻ-distribˡ
  ; pos<pos[suc]           to pos<ᶻpos[suc]
  ; 0<ᶻpos[suc]            to 0<ᶻpos[suc]
  ; ·-nullifiesˡ           to ·ᶻ-nullifiesˡ
  ; ·-nullifiesʳ           to ·ᶻ-nullifiesʳ
  ; ·-preserves-0<         to ·ᶻ-preserves-0<ᶻ
  ; ·-reflects-0<          to ·ᶻ-reflects-0<ᶻ
  ; ·-creates-<-≡          to ·ᶻ-creates-<ᶻ-≡
  ; -flips-<0              to -flips-<ᶻ0
  ; -flips-<               to -ᶻ-flips-<ᶻ
  ; -identity-·            to -ᶻ-identity-·ᶻ
  ; -distˡ                 to -ᶻ-distˡ
  ; ·-reflects-<-flippedˡ  to ·ᶻ-reflects-<ᶻ-flippedˡ
  ; ·-reflects-<-flippedʳ  to ·ᶻ-reflects-<ᶻ-flippedʳ
  ; #-dicho                to #ᶻ-dicho
  ; ·-preserves-signˡ      to ·ᶻ-preserves-signᶻˡ
  ; #⇒≢                    to #ᶻ⇒≢
  ; <-split-pos            to <ᶻ-split-pos
  ; <-split-neg            to <ᶻ-split-neg
  ; <0-sign                to <ᶻ0-signᶻ
  ; 0<-sign                to 0<ᶻ-signᶻ
  ; sign-pos               to signᶻ-pos
  ; ·-reflects-≡ˡ          to ·ᶻ-reflects-≡ˡ
  ; ·-reflects-≡ʳ          to ·ᶻ-reflects-≡ʳ

open import Number.Structures2
open IsLinearlyOrderedCommRing is-LinearlyOrderedCommRingᶻ public using () renaming
  ( _-_           to _-ᶻ_
  -- ; is-LinearlyOrderedCommSemiring to is-LinearlyOrderedCommSemiringᶻ
  ; _≤_           to _≤ᶻ_      -- NOTE: somehow this get an ugly prefix turning `0 ≤ᶻ aᶻ` into `(is-LinearlyOrderedCommSemiringᶻ IsLinearlyOrderedCommSemiring.≤ pos 0) aⁿᶻ`
  ; _#_           to _#ᶻ_      --       but some-other-how _#ᶻ_ works fine ... ?
  ; <-irrefl      to <ᶻ-irrefl --       turns out that this was due to `p = [ 0 ≤ᶻ aⁿᶻ ] ∋ is-0≤ⁿᶻ` instead of `p : [ 0 ≤ᶻ aⁿᶻ ]; p = is-0≤ⁿᶻ`
  ; <-trans       to <ᶻ-trans
  ; +-<-ext       to +ᶻ-<ᶻ-ext
  ; +-rinv        to +ᶻ-rinv
  ; +-identity    to +ᶻ-identity
  ; ·-preserves-< to ·ᶻ-preserves-<ᶻ
  ; <-tricho      to <ᶻ-tricho
  ; <-asym        to <ᶻ-asym
  ; ·-identity    to ·ᶻ-identity
  ; is-min        to is-minᶻ
  ; is-max        to is-maxᶻ
  ; is-dist       to is-distᶻ

-- open IsLinearlyOrderedCommSemiring is-LinearlyOrderedCommSemiringᶻ public using () renaming
--   ( _≤_           to _≤ᶻ_ )

open import MorePropAlgebra.Properties.Lattice ℤlattice
open OnSet is-setᶻ public using () renaming
  ( min-≤              to minᶻ-≤ᶻ
  ; max-≤              to maxᶻ-≤ᶻ
  ; ≤-reflectsʳ-≡      to ≤ᶻ-reflectsʳ-≡
  ; ≤-reflectsˡ-≡      to ≤ᶻ-reflectsˡ-≡
  ; min-identity       to minᶻ-identity
  ; min-identity-≤     to minᶻ-identity-≤ᶻ
  ; max-identity-≤     to maxᶻ-identity-≤ᶻ
  ; min-comm           to minᶻ-comm
  ; min-assoc          to minᶻ-assoc
  ; max-identity       to maxᶻ-identity
  ; max-comm           to maxᶻ-comm
  ; max-assoc          to maxᶻ-assoc
  ; min-max-absorptive to minᶻ-maxᶻ-absorptive
  ; max-min-absorptive to maxᶻ-minᶻ-absorptive