{-# OPTIONS --cubical --no-import-sorts #-}
module Number.Instances.QuoIntFromInt where
open import Agda.Primitive renaming (_⊔_ to ℓ-max; lsuc to ℓ-suc; lzero to ℓ-zero)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything hiding (⋆) renaming (_⁻¹ to _⁻¹ᵖ; assoc to ∙-assoc)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Logic renaming (inl to inlᵖ; inr to inrᵖ)
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary.Base renaming (¬_ to ¬ᵗ_)
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Base
open import Cubical.Data.Sum.Base renaming (_⊎_ to infixr 4 _⊎_)
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma.Base renaming (_×_ to infixr 4 _×_)
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Bool as Bool using (Bool; not; true; false)
open import Cubical.Data.Empty renaming (elim to ⊥-elim; ⊥ to ⊥⊥)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Logic renaming (¬_ to ¬ᵖ_; inl to inlᵖ; inr to inrᵖ)
open import Function.Base using (it; _∋_; _$_)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation
open import Utils using (!_; !!_)
open import MoreLogic.Reasoning
open import MoreLogic.Definitions
open import MoreLogic.Properties
open import MorePropAlgebra.Definitions hiding (_≤''_)
open import MorePropAlgebra.Structures
open import MorePropAlgebra.Bundles
open import MorePropAlgebra.Consequences
open import Number.Structures2
open import Number.Bundles2
import Agda.Builtin.Int as Builtin
import Data.Integer.Base as BuiltinBase
import Data.Integer.Properties as BuiltinProps
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Literals
open import Number.Prelude.Nat
open import Number.Prelude.Int
import Cubical.Data.Int as Int
import Number.Instances.Int
open import Cubical.HITs.Ints.QuoInt as QuoInt using
( ℤ
; _+_
; -_
; Int≡ℤ
; signed
; posneg
; ℤ→Int
; sucℤ
; predℤ
; sign
; abs
; pos
; neg
; +-comm
; +-assoc
; sucℤ-+ʳ
) renaming
( _*_ to _·_ )
ℤ≡Int = sym Int≡ℤ
_·ᵗʳ_ : Int → Int → Int
_·ᵗʳ_ = transport (λ i → (ℤ≡Int i → ℤ≡Int i → ℤ≡Int i)) _·_
·≡·ᵗʳ : PathP (λ i → (ℤ≡Int i → ℤ≡Int i → ℤ≡Int i)) _·_ _·ᵗʳ_
·≡·ᵗʳ i = transp (λ j → ℤ≡Int (i ∧ j) → ℤ≡Int (i ∧ j) → ℤ≡Int (i ∧ j)) (~ i) _·_
lemma1 : ∀ a b → b +ⁿ a ·ⁿ suc b ≡ a ·ⁿ b +ⁿ (a +ⁿ b)
lemma1 a b =
b +ⁿ a ·ⁿ suc b ≡⟨ (λ i → b +ⁿ ·ⁿ-suc a b i) ⟩
b +ⁿ (a +ⁿ a ·ⁿ b) ≡⟨ +ⁿ-assoc b a (a ·ⁿ b) ⟩
(b +ⁿ a) +ⁿ a ·ⁿ b ≡⟨ (λ i → +ⁿ-comm b a i +ⁿ a ·ⁿ b) ⟩
(a +ⁿ b) +ⁿ a ·ⁿ b ≡⟨ +ⁿ-comm (a +ⁿ b) (a ·ⁿ b) ⟩
a ·ⁿ b +ⁿ (a +ⁿ b) ∎
·ᵗʳ≡'·ᶻ : ∀ a b → a ·ᵗʳ b ≡ a ·ᶻ b
·ᵗʳ≡'·ᶻ (posᶻ 0 ) (posᶻ 0 ) = refl
·ᵗʳ≡'·ᶻ (posᶻ 0 ) (posᶻ (suc b)) = refl
·ᵗʳ≡'·ᶻ (posᶻ (suc a)) (posᶻ 0 ) = refl
·ᵗʳ≡'·ᶻ (posᶻ (suc a)) (posᶻ (suc b)) = refl
·ᵗʳ≡'·ᶻ (posᶻ 0 ) (negsucᶻ b ) = refl
·ᵗʳ≡'·ᶻ (posᶻ (suc a)) (negsucᶻ b ) i = negsucᶻ (lemma1 a b i)
·ᵗʳ≡'·ᶻ (negsucᶻ a ) (posᶻ 0 ) i = ℤ→Int (signed sneg (·ⁿ-nullifiesʳ a i))
·ᵗʳ≡'·ᶻ (negsucᶻ a ) (posᶻ (suc b)) i = negsucᶻ (lemma1 a b i)
·ᵗʳ≡'·ᶻ (negsucᶻ a ) (negsucᶻ b ) = refl
·ᵗʳ≡·ᶻ : _·ᵗʳ_ ≡ _·ᶻ_
·ᵗʳ≡·ᶻ i a b = ·ᵗʳ≡'·ᶻ a b i
·≡·ᶻ : PathP (λ i → (ℤ≡Int i → ℤ≡Int i → ℤ≡Int i)) _·_ _·ᶻ_
·≡·ᶻ = J (λ _⋆_ _ → PathP (λ i → (ℤ≡Int i → ℤ≡Int i → ℤ≡Int i)) _·_ _⋆_) ·≡·ᵗʳ ·ᵗʳ≡·ᶻ
sucInt-preserves-ℤ→Int : ∀ a → sucInt (ℤ→Int a) ≡ ℤ→Int (sucℤ a)
sucInt-preserves-ℤ→Int (signed spos n) = refl
sucInt-preserves-ℤ→Int (signed sneg zero) = refl
sucInt-preserves-ℤ→Int (signed sneg (suc zero)) = refl
sucInt-preserves-ℤ→Int (signed sneg (suc (suc n))) = refl
sucInt-preserves-ℤ→Int (posneg i) = refl
predInt-preserves-ℤ→Int : ∀ a → predInt (ℤ→Int a) ≡ ℤ→Int (predℤ a)
predInt-preserves-ℤ→Int (signed spos zero) = refl
predInt-preserves-ℤ→Int (signed spos (suc n)) = refl
predInt-preserves-ℤ→Int (signed sneg zero) = refl
predInt-preserves-ℤ→Int (signed sneg (suc n)) = refl
predInt-preserves-ℤ→Int (posneg i) = refl
-sucℤ-sucℤ≡id : ∀ a → - sucℤ (- sucℤ a) ≡ a
-sucℤ-sucℤ≡id (signed spos n) = refl
-sucℤ-sucℤ≡id (signed sneg zero) = posneg
-sucℤ-sucℤ≡id (signed sneg (suc n)) = refl
-sucℤ-sucℤ≡id (posneg i) j = posneg (i ∧ j)
sucℤ-sucℤ-≡id : ∀ a → sucℤ (- sucℤ (- a)) ≡ a
sucℤ-sucℤ-≡id (signed spos zero) i = posneg (~ i)
sucℤ-sucℤ-≡id (signed spos (suc n)) = refl
sucℤ-sucℤ-≡id (signed sneg n) = refl
sucℤ-sucℤ-≡id (posneg i) j = posneg (i ∨ (~ j))
-sucℤ-sucℤ≡sucℤ-sucℤ- : ∀ a → - sucℤ (- sucℤ a) ≡ sucℤ (- sucℤ (- a))
-sucℤ-sucℤ≡sucℤ-sucℤ- a = -sucℤ-sucℤ≡id a ∙ sym (sucℤ-sucℤ-≡id a)
_+ᵗʳ_ : Int → Int → Int
_+ᵗʳ_ = transport (λ i → (ℤ≡Int i → ℤ≡Int i → ℤ≡Int i)) _+_
+≡+ᵗʳ : PathP (λ i → (ℤ≡Int i → ℤ≡Int i → ℤ≡Int i)) _+_ _+ᵗʳ_
+≡+ᵗʳ i = transp (λ j → ℤ≡Int (i ∧ j) → ℤ≡Int (i ∧ j) → ℤ≡Int (i ∧ j)) (~ i) _+_
+ᵗʳ≡'+ᶻ : ∀ a b → a +ᵗʳ b ≡ a +ᶻ b
+ᵗʳ≡'+ᶻ (posᶻ 0 ) (posᶻ 0 ) = refl
+ᵗʳ≡'+ᶻ (posᶻ 0 ) (posᶻ (suc b)) i = sucInt (Int.+-comm (posᶻ b) 0 i)
+ᵗʳ≡'+ᶻ (posᶻ (suc a)) (posᶻ 0 ) i = ℤ→Int (sucℤ (+-comm (pos a) 0 i))
+ᵗʳ≡'+ᶻ (posᶻ (suc a)) (posᶻ (suc b)) =
(posᶻ (suc a) +ᵗʳ posᶻ (suc b)) ≡⟨ sym (sucInt-preserves-ℤ→Int (signed spos a + signed spos (suc b))) ⟩
sucInt (posᶻ a +ᵗʳ posᶻ (suc b)) ≡⟨ (λ i → sucInt $ (+ᵗʳ≡'+ᶻ (posᶻ a) (posᶻ (suc b)) ∙ sucInt+ (posᶻ a) (posᶻ b)) i) ⟩
sucInt (posᶻ (suc a) +pos b) ∎
+ᵗʳ≡'+ᶻ (posᶻ 0 ) (negsucᶻ b ) = sym (+negsuc-identityˡ b)
+ᵗʳ≡'+ᶻ (posᶻ (suc a)) (negsucᶻ b ) =
(posᶻ (suc a) +ᵗʳ negsucᶻ b) ≡⟨ sym $ sucInt-preserves-ℤ→Int (signed spos a + signed sneg (suc b)) ⟩
sucInt (posᶻ a +ᵗʳ negsucᶻ b) ≡⟨ (λ i → sucInt $ +ᵗʳ≡'+ᶻ (posᶻ a) (negsucᶻ b) i) ⟩
sucInt (posᶻ a +ᶻ negsucᶻ b) ≡⟨ sucInt+ (posᶻ a) (negsucᶻ b) ⟩
(posᶻ (suc a) +negsuc b) ∎
+ᵗʳ≡'+ᶻ (negsucᶻ a ) (posᶻ 0 ) i = ℤ→Int $ -_ $ sucℤ $ -_ $ +-comm (signed sneg a) (pos 0) i
+ᵗʳ≡'+ᶻ (negsucᶻ a ) (posᶻ (suc b)) =
(negsucᶻ a +ᵗʳ posᶻ (suc b)) ≡⟨ (λ i → ℤ→Int $ - sucℤ (- sucℤ-+ʳ (signed sneg a) (signed spos b) (~ i))) ⟩
ℤ→Int (- sucℤ (- sucℤ (signed sneg a + signed spos b))) ≡⟨ (λ i → ℤ→Int $ -sucℤ-sucℤ≡sucℤ-sucℤ- (signed sneg a + signed spos b) i) ⟩
ℤ→Int (sucℤ (- sucℤ (- (signed sneg a + signed spos b)))) ≡⟨ sym $ sucInt-preserves-ℤ→Int (- sucℤ (- (signed sneg a + signed spos b))) ⟩
sucInt (negsucᶻ a +ᵗʳ posᶻ b) ≡⟨ (λ i → sucInt $ +ᵗʳ≡'+ᶻ (negsucᶻ a) (posᶻ b) i) ⟩
sucInt (negsucᶻ a +pos b) ∎
+ᵗʳ≡'+ᶻ (negsucᶻ zero) (negsucᶻ b) = sym $ negsuc+negsuc≡+ⁿ 0 b
+ᵗʳ≡'+ᶻ (negsucᶻ (suc a)) (negsucᶻ b) =
(negsucᶻ (suc a) +ᵗʳ negsucᶻ b) ≡⟨ sym $ predInt-preserves-ℤ→Int (- sucℤ (- (signed sneg a + signed sneg (suc b)))) ⟩
predInt (negsucᶻ a +ᵗʳ negsucᶻ b) ≡⟨ (λ i → predInt $ +ᵗʳ≡'+ᶻ (negsucᶻ a) (negsucᶻ b) i) ⟩
predInt (negsucᶻ a +ᶻ negsucᶻ b) ≡⟨ predInt+ (negsucᶻ a) (negsucᶻ b) ⟩
(negsucᶻ (suc a) +negsuc b) ∎
+ᵗʳ≡+ᶻ : _+ᵗʳ_ ≡ _+ᶻ_
+ᵗʳ≡+ᶻ i a b = +ᵗʳ≡'+ᶻ a b i
+≡+ᶻ : PathP (λ i → (ℤ≡Int i → ℤ≡Int i → ℤ≡Int i)) _+_ _+ᶻ_
+≡+ᶻ = J (λ _+ᵗʳ_ _ → PathP (λ i → (ℤ≡Int i → ℤ≡Int i → ℤ≡Int i)) _+_ _+ᵗʳ_) +≡+ᵗʳ +ᵗʳ≡+ᶻ
-ᵗʳ_ : Int → Int
-ᵗʳ_ = transport (λ i → (ℤ≡Int i → ℤ≡Int i)) -_
-≡-ᵗʳ : PathP (λ i → (ℤ≡Int i → ℤ≡Int i)) -_ -ᵗʳ_
-≡-ᵗʳ i = transp (λ j → ℤ≡Int (i ∧ j) → ℤ≡Int (i ∧ j)) (~ i) -_
-ᵗʳ≡'-ᶻ : ∀ a → -ᵗʳ a ≡ -ᶻ a
-ᵗʳ≡'-ᶻ (posᶻ zero) = refl
-ᵗʳ≡'-ᶻ (posᶻ (suc n)) = refl
-ᵗʳ≡'-ᶻ (negsucᶻ n) = refl
-ᵗʳ≡-ᶻ : (-ᵗʳ_) ≡ (-ᶻ_)
-ᵗʳ≡-ᶻ i a = -ᵗʳ≡'-ᶻ a i
-≡-ᶻ : PathP (λ i → (ℤ≡Int i → ℤ≡Int i)) (-_) (-ᶻ_)
-≡-ᶻ = J (λ -ᵗʳ_ _ → PathP (λ i → (ℤ≡Int i → ℤ≡Int i)) -_ -ᵗʳ_) -≡-ᵗʳ -ᵗʳ≡-ᶻ
min : ℤ → ℤ → ℤ
min x y with sign x | sign y
... | spos | spos = pos (minⁿ (abs x) (abs y))
... | spos | sneg = y
... | sneg | spos = x
... | sneg | sneg = neg (maxⁿ (abs x) (abs y))
max : ℤ → ℤ → ℤ
max x y with sign x | sign y
... | spos | spos = pos (maxⁿ (abs x) (abs y))
... | spos | sneg = x
... | sneg | spos = y
... | sneg | sneg = neg (minⁿ (abs x) (abs y))
minᵗʳ : Int → Int → Int
minᵗʳ = transport (λ i → (ℤ≡Int i → ℤ≡Int i → ℤ≡Int i)) min
maxᵗʳ : Int → Int → Int
maxᵗʳ = transport (λ i → (ℤ≡Int i → ℤ≡Int i → ℤ≡Int i)) max
min≡minᵗʳ : PathP (λ i → (ℤ≡Int i → ℤ≡Int i → ℤ≡Int i)) min minᵗʳ
min≡minᵗʳ i = transp (λ j → ℤ≡Int (i ∧ j) → ℤ≡Int (i ∧ j) → ℤ≡Int (i ∧ j)) (~ i) min
max≡maxᵗʳ : PathP (λ i → (ℤ≡Int i → ℤ≡Int i → ℤ≡Int i)) max maxᵗʳ
max≡maxᵗʳ i = transp (λ j → ℤ≡Int (i ∧ j) → ℤ≡Int (i ∧ j) → ℤ≡Int (i ∧ j)) (~ i) max
minᵗʳ≡'minᶻ : ∀ a b → minᵗʳ a b ≡ minᶻ a b
minᵗʳ≡'minᶻ (posᶻ 0 ) (posᶻ 0 ) = refl
minᵗʳ≡'minᶻ (posᶻ 0 ) (posᶻ (suc b)) = refl
minᵗʳ≡'minᶻ (posᶻ (suc a)) (posᶻ 0 ) = refl
minᵗʳ≡'minᶻ (posᶻ (suc a)) (posᶻ (suc b)) = refl
minᵗʳ≡'minᶻ (posᶻ 0 ) (negsucᶻ b ) = refl
minᵗʳ≡'minᶻ (posᶻ (suc a)) (negsucᶻ b ) = refl
minᵗʳ≡'minᶻ (negsucᶻ a ) (posᶻ 0 ) = refl
minᵗʳ≡'minᶻ (negsucᶻ a ) (posᶻ (suc b)) = refl
minᵗʳ≡'minᶻ (negsucᶻ a ) (negsucᶻ b ) = refl
maxᵗʳ≡'maxᶻ : ∀ a b → maxᵗʳ a b ≡ maxᶻ a b
maxᵗʳ≡'maxᶻ (posᶻ 0 ) (posᶻ 0 ) = refl
maxᵗʳ≡'maxᶻ (posᶻ 0 ) (posᶻ (suc b)) = refl
maxᵗʳ≡'maxᶻ (posᶻ (suc a)) (posᶻ 0 ) = refl
maxᵗʳ≡'maxᶻ (posᶻ (suc a)) (posᶻ (suc b)) = refl
maxᵗʳ≡'maxᶻ (posᶻ 0 ) (negsucᶻ b ) = refl
maxᵗʳ≡'maxᶻ (posᶻ (suc a)) (negsucᶻ b ) = refl
maxᵗʳ≡'maxᶻ (negsucᶻ a ) (posᶻ 0 ) = refl
maxᵗʳ≡'maxᶻ (negsucᶻ a ) (posᶻ (suc b)) = refl
maxᵗʳ≡'maxᶻ (negsucᶻ a ) (negsucᶻ b ) = refl
minᵗʳ≡minᶻ : minᵗʳ ≡ minᶻ
minᵗʳ≡minᶻ i a b = minᵗʳ≡'minᶻ a b i
maxᵗʳ≡maxᶻ : maxᵗʳ ≡ maxᶻ
maxᵗʳ≡maxᶻ i a b = maxᵗʳ≡'maxᶻ a b i
min≡min : PathP (λ i → (ℤ≡Int i → ℤ≡Int i → ℤ≡Int i)) min minᶻ
min≡min = J (λ minᵗʳ _ → PathP (λ i → (ℤ≡Int i → ℤ≡Int i → ℤ≡Int i)) min minᵗʳ) min≡minᵗʳ minᵗʳ≡minᶻ
max≡max : PathP (λ i → (ℤ≡Int i → ℤ≡Int i → ℤ≡Int i)) max maxᶻ
max≡max = J (λ maxᵗʳ _ → PathP (λ i → (ℤ≡Int i → ℤ≡Int i → ℤ≡Int i)) max maxᵗʳ) max≡maxᵗʳ maxᵗʳ≡maxᶻ
infixl 4 _<_
_<_ : ∀(x y : ℤ) → hProp ℓ-zero
x < y with sign x | sign y
... | spos | spos = abs x <ⁿ abs y
... | spos | sneg = ⊥
... | sneg | spos = ⊤
... | sneg | sneg = abs y <ⁿ abs x
_<ᵗʳ_ : Int → Int → hProp ℓ-zero
_<ᵗʳ_ = transport (λ i → (ℤ≡Int i → ℤ≡Int i → hProp ℓ-zero)) _<_
<≡<ᵗʳ : PathP (λ i → (ℤ≡Int i → ℤ≡Int i → hProp ℓ-zero)) _<_ _<ᵗʳ_
<≡<ᵗʳ i = transp (λ j → ℤ≡Int (i ∧ j) → ℤ≡Int (i ∧ j) → hProp ℓ-zero) (~ i) _<_
<ᵗʳ⇔<ᶻ : ∀ a b → [ (a <ᵗʳ b) ⇔ (a <ᶻ b) ]
<ᵗʳ⇔<ᶻ (posᶻ 0 ) (posᶻ 0 ) .fst pᵗʳ = pᵗʳ
<ᵗʳ⇔<ᶻ (posᶻ 0 ) (posᶻ (suc b)) .fst pᵗʳ = pᵗʳ
<ᵗʳ⇔<ᶻ (posᶻ (suc a)) (posᶻ 0 ) .fst pᵗʳ = pᵗʳ
<ᵗʳ⇔<ᶻ (posᶻ (suc a)) (posᶻ (suc b)) .fst pᵗʳ = pᵗʳ
<ᵗʳ⇔<ᶻ (posᶻ 0 ) (negsucᶻ b ) .fst pᵗʳ = pᵗʳ
<ᵗʳ⇔<ᶻ (posᶻ (suc a)) (negsucᶻ b ) .fst pᵗʳ = pᵗʳ
<ᵗʳ⇔<ᶻ (negsucᶻ a ) (posᶻ 0 ) .fst pᵗʳ = pᵗʳ
<ᵗʳ⇔<ᶻ (negsucᶻ a ) (posᶻ (suc b)) .fst pᵗʳ = pᵗʳ
<ᵗʳ⇔<ᶻ (negsucᶻ a ) (negsucᶻ b ) .fst pᵗʳ = sucⁿ-creates-<ⁿ b a .snd pᵗʳ
<ᵗʳ⇔<ᶻ (posᶻ 0 ) (posᶻ 0 ) .snd p = p
<ᵗʳ⇔<ᶻ (posᶻ 0 ) (posᶻ (suc b)) .snd p = p
<ᵗʳ⇔<ᶻ (posᶻ (suc a)) (posᶻ 0 ) .snd p = p
<ᵗʳ⇔<ᶻ (posᶻ (suc a)) (posᶻ (suc b)) .snd p = p
<ᵗʳ⇔<ᶻ (negsucᶻ a ) (posᶻ 0 ) .snd p = p
<ᵗʳ⇔<ᶻ (negsucᶻ a ) (posᶻ (suc b)) .snd p = p
<ᵗʳ⇔<ᶻ (negsucᶻ a ) (negsucᶻ b ) .snd p = sucⁿ-creates-<ⁿ b a .fst p
<ᵗʳ≡<ᶻ : _<ᵗʳ_ ≡ _<ᶻ_
<ᵗʳ≡<ᶻ i a b = ⇔toPath {P = a <ᵗʳ b} {Q = a <ᶻ b} (<ᵗʳ⇔<ᶻ a b .fst) (<ᵗʳ⇔<ᶻ a b .snd) i
<≡<ᶻ : PathP (λ i → (ℤ≡Int i → ℤ≡Int i → hProp ℓ-zero)) _<_ _<ᶻ_
<≡<ᶻ = J (λ _<ᵗʳ_ _ → PathP (λ i → (ℤ≡Int i → ℤ≡Int i → hProp ℓ-zero)) _<_ _<ᵗʳ_) <≡<ᵗʳ <ᵗʳ≡<ᶻ
is-LinearlyOrderedCommRing : [ isLinearlyOrderedCommRing 0 1 _+_ _·_ -_ _<_ min max ]
is-LinearlyOrderedCommRing = transport γ is-LinearlyOrderedCommRingᶻ where
γ : ([ isLinearlyOrderedCommRing 0 1 _+ᶻ_ _·ᶻ_ (-ᶻ_) _<ᶻ_ minᶻ maxᶻ ])
≡ [ isLinearlyOrderedCommRing 0 1 _+_ _·_ -_ _<_ min max ]
γ i = [ isLinearlyOrderedCommRing 0ⁱ 1ⁱ _+ⁱ_ _·ⁱ_ -ⁱ_ _<ⁱ_ minⁱ maxⁱ ] where
0ⁱ = transport (λ j → ℤ≡Int (~ i ∧ j)) 0
1ⁱ = transport (λ j → ℤ≡Int (~ i ∧ j)) 1
_+ⁱ_ = +≡+ᶻ (~ i)
_·ⁱ_ = ·≡·ᶻ (~ i)
-ⁱ_ = -≡-ᶻ (~ i)
_<ⁱ_ = <≡<ᶻ (~ i)
minⁱ = min≡min (~ i)
maxⁱ = max≡max (~ i)
bundle : LinearlyOrderedCommRing {ℓ-zero} {ℓ-zero}
bundle .LinearlyOrderedCommRing.Carrier = ℤ
bundle .LinearlyOrderedCommRing.0f = 0
bundle .LinearlyOrderedCommRing.1f = 1
bundle .LinearlyOrderedCommRing._+_ = _+_
bundle .LinearlyOrderedCommRing._·_ = _·_
bundle .LinearlyOrderedCommRing.-_ = -_
bundle .LinearlyOrderedCommRing.min = min
bundle .LinearlyOrderedCommRing.max = max
bundle .LinearlyOrderedCommRing._<_ = _<_
bundle .LinearlyOrderedCommRing.is-LinearlyOrderedCommRing = is-LinearlyOrderedCommRing
·-reflects-< : (x y z : ℤ) → [ 0 < z ] → [ (x · z) < (y · z) ] → [ x < y ]
·-reflects-< = transport γ ·ᶻ-reflects-<ᶻ where
γ : ((x y z : Int) → [ 0 <ᶻ z ] → [ x ·ᶻ z <ᶻ y ·ᶻ z ] → [ x <ᶻ y ])
≡ ((x y z : ℤ) → [ 0 < z ] → [ (x · z) < (y · z) ] → [ x < y ])
γ i = let _·'_ = ·≡·ᶻ (~ i); _<'_ = <≡<ᶻ (~ i); 0ⁱ = transport (λ j → ℤ≡Int (~ i ∧ j)) 0 in
((x y z : ℤ≡Int (~ i)) → [ 0ⁱ <' z ] → [ (x ·' z) <' (y ·' z) ] → [ x <' y ])