{-# OPTIONS --cubical --no-import-sorts --allow-unsolved-metas #-}

module Number.Instances.QuoQ.Definitions where

open import Agda.Primitive renaming (_⊔_ to ℓ-max; lsuc to ℓ-suc; lzero to ℓ-zero)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything renaming (_⁻¹ to _⁻¹ᵖ; assoc to ∙-assoc)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Logic renaming (inl to inlᵖ; inr to inrᵖ)

open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary.Base renaming (¬_ to ¬ᵗ_)
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Base
open import Cubical.Data.Sum.Base renaming (_⊎_ to infixr 4 _⊎_)
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma.Base renaming (_×_ to infixr 4 _×_)
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Bool as Bool using (Bool; not; true; false)
open import Cubical.Data.Empty renaming (elim to ⊥-elim;  to ⊥⊥) -- `⊥` and `elim`
open import Cubical.Foundations.Logic renaming (¬_ to ¬ᵖ_; inl to inlᵖ; inr to inrᵖ)
open import Function.Base using (it; _∋_; _$_)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism

open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation --.Properties

open import Utils using (!_; !!_)
open import MoreLogic.Reasoning
open import MoreLogic.Definitions
open import MoreLogic.Properties
open import MorePropAlgebra.Definitions hiding (_≤''_)
open import MorePropAlgebra.Structures
open import MorePropAlgebra.Bundles
open import MorePropAlgebra.Consequences
open import Number.Structures2
open import Number.Bundles2

open import Cubical.Data.NatPlusOne using (HasFromNat; 1+_; ℕ₊₁; ℕ₊₁→ℕ)
open import Cubical.HITs.SetQuotients as SetQuotient using () renaming (_/_ to _//_)

open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Literals
open import Cubical.Data.Bool
open import Number.Prelude.Nat
open import Number.Prelude.QuoInt
open import Cubical.HITs.Ints.QuoInt using (HasFromNat)
open import Cubical.HITs.Rationals.QuoQ using
  ; onCommonDenom
  ; onCommonDenomSym
  ; eq/
  ; _//_
  ; _∼_
  ( [_] to [_]ᶠ
  ; ℕ₊₁→ℤ to [1+_ⁿ]ᶻ

    lemma1 :  a b₁ b₂ c  (a ·ᶻ b₁) ·ᶻ (b₂ ·ᶻ c)  (a ·ᶻ c) ·ᶻ (b₂ ·ᶻ b₁)
    lemma1 a b₁ b₂ c =
      (a ·ᶻ b₁) ·ᶻ (b₂ ·ᶻ c) ≡⟨ sym $ ·ᶻ-assoc a b₁ (b₂ ·ᶻ c) 
      a ·ᶻ (b₁ ·ᶻ (b₂ ·ᶻ c)) ≡⟨  i  a ·ᶻ ·ᶻ-assoc b₁ b₂ c i) 
      a ·ᶻ ((b₁ ·ᶻ b₂) ·ᶻ c) ≡⟨  i  a ·ᶻ ·ᶻ-comm (b₁ ·ᶻ b₂) c i) 
      a ·ᶻ (c ·ᶻ (b₁ ·ᶻ b₂)) ≡⟨ ·ᶻ-assoc a c (b₁ ·ᶻ b₂) 
      (a ·ᶻ c) ·ᶻ (b₁ ·ᶻ b₂) ≡⟨  i  (a ·ᶻ c) ·ᶻ ·ᶻ-comm b₁ b₂ i) 
      (a ·ᶻ c) ·ᶻ (b₂ ·ᶻ b₁) 

    ·ᶻ-commʳ :  a b c  (a ·ᶻ b) ·ᶻ c  (a ·ᶻ c) ·ᶻ b
    ·ᶻ-commʳ a b c = (a ·ᶻ  b) ·ᶻ c  ≡⟨ sym $ ·ᶻ-assoc a b c 
                      a ·ᶻ (b  ·ᶻ c) ≡⟨  i  a ·ᶻ ·ᶻ-comm b c i) 
                      a ·ᶻ (c  ·ᶻ b) ≡⟨ ·ᶻ-assoc a c b 
                     (a ·ᶻ  c) ·ᶻ b  

∼-preserves-<ᶻ :  aᶻ aⁿ bᶻ bⁿ  (aᶻ , aⁿ)  (bᶻ , bⁿ)  [ ((aᶻ <ᶻ 0)  (bᶻ <ᶻ 0))  ((0 <ᶻ aᶻ)  (0 <ᶻ bᶻ)) ]
∼-preserves-<ᶻ aᶻ aⁿ bᶻ bⁿ r = γ where
  aⁿᶻ = [1+ aⁿ ⁿ]ᶻ
  bⁿᶻ = [1+ bⁿ ⁿ]ᶻ
  0<aⁿᶻ : [ 0 <ᶻ aⁿᶻ ]
  0<aⁿᶻ = ℕ₊₁.n aⁿ , +ⁿ-comm (ℕ₊₁.n aⁿ) 1
  0<bⁿᶻ : [ 0 <ᶻ bⁿᶻ ]
  0<bⁿᶻ = ℕ₊₁.n bⁿ , +ⁿ-comm (ℕ₊₁.n bⁿ) 1
  γ : [ ((aᶻ <ᶻ 0)  (bᶻ <ᶻ 0))  ((0 <ᶻ aᶻ)  (0 <ᶻ bᶻ)) ]
  γ .fst aᶻ<0 = (
    aᶻ <ᶻ 0               ⇒ᵖ⟨ ·ᶻ-preserves-<ᶻ aᶻ 0 bⁿᶻ 0<bⁿᶻ 
    aᶻ ·ᶻ bⁿᶻ <ᶻ 0 ·ᶻ bⁿᶻ ⇒ᵖ⟨ (subst  p  [ aᶻ ·ᶻ bⁿᶻ <ᶻ p ]) $ ·ᶻ-nullifiesˡ bⁿᶻ) 
    aᶻ ·ᶻ bⁿᶻ <ᶻ 0        ⇒ᵖ⟨ subst  p  [ p <ᶻ 0 ]) r 
    bᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ <ᶻ 0        ⇒ᵖ⟨ subst  p  [ bᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ <ᶻ p ]) (sym (·ᶻ-nullifiesˡ aⁿᶻ)) 
    bᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ <ᶻ 0 ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ ⇒ᵖ⟨ ·ᶻ-reflects-<ᶻ bᶻ 0 aⁿᶻ 0<aⁿᶻ 
    bᶻ        <ᶻ 0        ◼ᵖ) .snd aᶻ<0
  γ .snd 0<aᶻ = (
    0        <ᶻ aᶻ        ⇒ᵖ⟨ ·ᶻ-preserves-<ᶻ 0 aᶻ bⁿᶻ 0<bⁿᶻ 
    0 ·ᶻ bⁿᶻ <ᶻ aᶻ ·ᶻ bⁿᶻ ⇒ᵖ⟨ (subst  p  [ p <ᶻ aᶻ ·ᶻ bⁿᶻ ]) $ ·ᶻ-nullifiesˡ bⁿᶻ) 
    0        <ᶻ aᶻ ·ᶻ bⁿᶻ ⇒ᵖ⟨ subst  p  [ 0 <ᶻ p ]) r 
    0        <ᶻ bᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ ⇒ᵖ⟨ subst  p  [ p <ᶻ bᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ ]) (sym (·ᶻ-nullifiesˡ aⁿᶻ)) 
    0 ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ <ᶻ bᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ ⇒ᵖ⟨ ·ᶻ-reflects-<ᶻ 0 bᶻ aⁿᶻ 0<aⁿᶻ 
    0        <ᶻ bᶻ        ◼ᵖ) .snd 0<aᶻ

-- < on ℤ × ℕ₊₁ in terms of < on ℤ
_<'_ :  × ℕ₊₁   × ℕ₊₁  hProp ℓ-zero
(aᶻ , aⁿ) <' (bᶻ , bⁿ) =
  let aⁿᶻ = [1+ aⁿ ⁿ]ᶻ
      bⁿᶻ = [1+ bⁿ ⁿ]ᶻ
  in (aᶻ ·ᶻ bⁿᶻ) <ᶻ (bᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ)

  lem1 :  x y z  [ 0 <ᶻ y ]  [ 0 <ᶻ z ]  (0 <ᶻ (x ·ᶻ y))  (0 <ᶻ (x ·ᶻ z))
  lem1 x y z p q =
     0       <ᶻ (x ·ᶻ y) ≡⟨  i  ·ᶻ-nullifiesˡ y (~ i) <ᶻ x ·ᶻ y) 
    (0 ·ᶻ y) <ᶻ (x ·ᶻ y) ≡⟨ sym $ ·ᶻ-creates-<ᶻ-≡ 0 x y p 
     0       <ᶻ  x       ≡⟨ ·ᶻ-creates-<ᶻ-≡ 0 x z q 
    (0 ·ᶻ z) <ᶻ (x ·ᶻ z) ≡⟨  i  ·ᶻ-nullifiesˡ z i <ᶻ x ·ᶻ z) 
     0       <ᶻ (x ·ᶻ z) 

<'-respects-∼ˡ :  a b x  a  b  a <' x  b <' x
<'-respects-∼ˡ a@(aᶻ , aⁿ) b@(bᶻ , bⁿ) x@(xᶻ , xⁿ) a~b = γ where
  aⁿᶻ = [1+ aⁿ ⁿ]ᶻ; 0<aⁿᶻ : [ 0 <ᶻ aⁿᶻ ]; 0<aⁿᶻ = 0<ᶻpos[suc] _
  bⁿᶻ = [1+ bⁿ ⁿ]ᶻ; 0<bⁿᶻ : [ 0 <ᶻ bⁿᶻ ]; 0<bⁿᶻ = 0<ᶻpos[suc] _
  xⁿᶻ = [1+ xⁿ ⁿ]ᶻ
  p : aᶻ ·ᶻ bⁿᶻ  bᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ
  p = a~b
  γ : ((aᶻ ·ᶻ xⁿᶻ) <ᶻ (xᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ))  ((bᶻ ·ᶻ xⁿᶻ) <ᶻ (xᶻ ·ᶻ bⁿᶻ))
  γ = aᶻ ·ᶻ xⁿᶻ        <ᶻ xᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ        ≡⟨ ·ᶻ-creates-<ᶻ-≡ (aᶻ ·ᶻ xⁿᶻ) (xᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ) bⁿᶻ 0<bⁿᶻ 
      aᶻ ·ᶻ xⁿᶻ ·ᶻ bⁿᶻ <ᶻ xᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ ·ᶻ bⁿᶻ ≡⟨  i  ·ᶻ-commʳ aᶻ xⁿᶻ bⁿᶻ i <ᶻ xᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ ·ᶻ bⁿᶻ) 
      aᶻ ·ᶻ bⁿᶻ ·ᶻ xⁿᶻ <ᶻ xᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ ·ᶻ bⁿᶻ ≡⟨  i  p i ·ᶻ xⁿᶻ <ᶻ xᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ ·ᶻ bⁿᶻ) 
      bᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ ·ᶻ xⁿᶻ <ᶻ xᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ ·ᶻ bⁿᶻ ≡⟨  i  ·ᶻ-commʳ bᶻ aⁿᶻ xⁿᶻ i <ᶻ ·ᶻ-commʳ xᶻ aⁿᶻ bⁿᶻ i) 
      bᶻ ·ᶻ xⁿᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ <ᶻ xᶻ ·ᶻ bⁿᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ ≡⟨ sym $ ·ᶻ-creates-<ᶻ-≡ (bᶻ ·ᶻ xⁿᶻ) (xᶻ ·ᶻ bⁿᶻ) aⁿᶻ 0<aⁿᶻ 
      bᶻ ·ᶻ xⁿᶻ        <ᶻ xᶻ ·ᶻ bⁿᶻ        

<'-respects-∼ʳ :  x a b  a  b  x <' a  x <' b
<'-respects-∼ʳ x@(xᶻ , xⁿ) a@(aᶻ , aⁿ) b@(bᶻ , bⁿ) a~b =
  let aⁿᶻ = [1+ aⁿ ⁿ]ᶻ; 0<aⁿᶻ : [ 0 <ᶻ aⁿᶻ ]; 0<aⁿᶻ = 0<ᶻpos[suc] _
      bⁿᶻ = [1+ bⁿ ⁿ]ᶻ; 0<bⁿᶻ : [ 0 <ᶻ bⁿᶻ ]; 0<bⁿᶻ = 0<ᶻpos[suc] _
      xⁿᶻ = [1+ xⁿ ⁿ]ᶻ
      p : aᶻ ·ᶻ bⁿᶻ  bᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ
      p = a~b
  in xᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ        <ᶻ aᶻ  ·ᶻ  xⁿᶻ        ≡⟨  i  xᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ <ᶻ ·ᶻ-comm aᶻ xⁿᶻ i) 
     xᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ        <ᶻ xⁿᶻ ·ᶻ  aᶻ         ≡⟨ ·ᶻ-creates-<ᶻ-≡ (xᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ) (xⁿᶻ ·ᶻ  aᶻ) bⁿᶻ 0<bⁿᶻ 
     xᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ ·ᶻ bⁿᶻ <ᶻ xⁿᶻ ·ᶻ  aᶻ ·ᶻ bⁿᶻ  ≡⟨  i  xᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ ·ᶻ bⁿᶻ <ᶻ ·ᶻ-assoc xⁿᶻ aᶻ bⁿᶻ (~ i)) 
     xᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ ·ᶻ bⁿᶻ <ᶻ xⁿᶻ ·ᶻ (aᶻ ·ᶻ bⁿᶻ) ≡⟨  i  xᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ ·ᶻ bⁿᶻ <ᶻ xⁿᶻ ·ᶻ (p i)) 
     xᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ ·ᶻ bⁿᶻ <ᶻ xⁿᶻ ·ᶻ (bᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ) ≡⟨  i  ·ᶻ-commʳ xᶻ aⁿᶻ bⁿᶻ i <ᶻ ·ᶻ-assoc xⁿᶻ bᶻ aⁿᶻ i) 
     xᶻ ·ᶻ bⁿᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ <ᶻ xⁿᶻ ·ᶻ  bᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ  ≡⟨ sym $ ·ᶻ-creates-<ᶻ-≡ (xᶻ ·ᶻ bⁿᶻ) (xⁿᶻ ·ᶻ bᶻ) aⁿᶻ 0<aⁿᶻ 
     xᶻ ·ᶻ bⁿᶻ        <ᶻ xⁿᶻ ·ᶻ  bᶻ         ≡⟨  i  xᶻ ·ᶻ bⁿᶻ <ᶻ ·ᶻ-comm xⁿᶻ bᶻ i) 
     xᶻ ·ᶻ bⁿᶻ        <ᶻ bᶻ  ·ᶻ  xⁿᶻ        

infixl 4 _<_
_<_ : hPropRel   ℓ-zero
a < b = SetQuotient.rec2 {R = _∼_} {B = hProp ℓ-zero} isSetHProp _<'_ <'-respects-∼ˡ <'-respects-∼ʳ a b

_≤_ : hPropRel   ℓ-zero
x  y = ¬ᵖ (y < x)

min' :  × ℕ₊₁   × ℕ₊₁  
min' (aᶻ , aⁿ) (bᶻ , bⁿ) =
  let aⁿᶻ = [1+ aⁿ ⁿ]ᶻ
      bⁿᶻ = [1+ bⁿ ⁿ]ᶻ
  in minᶻ (aᶻ ·ᶻ bⁿᶻ) (bᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ)

max' :  × ℕ₊₁   × ℕ₊₁  
max' (aᶻ , aⁿ) (bᶻ , bⁿ) =
  let aⁿᶻ = [1+ aⁿ ⁿ]ᶻ
      bⁿᶻ = [1+ bⁿ ⁿ]ᶻ
  in maxᶻ (aᶻ ·ᶻ bⁿᶻ) (bᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ)

min'-sym :  x y  min' x y  min' y x
min'-sym (aᶻ , aⁿ) (bᶻ , bⁿ) = minᶻ-comm (aᶻ ·ᶻ [1+ bⁿ ⁿ]ᶻ) (bᶻ ·ᶻ [1+ aⁿ ⁿ]ᶻ)

max'-sym :  x y  max' x y  max' y x
max'-sym (aᶻ , aⁿ) (bᶻ , bⁿ) = maxᶻ-comm (aᶻ ·ᶻ [1+ bⁿ ⁿ]ᶻ) (bᶻ ·ᶻ [1+ aⁿ ⁿ]ᶻ)

min'-respects-∼ : (a@(aᶻ , aⁿ) b@(bᶻ , bⁿ) x@(xᶻ , xⁿ) :  × ℕ₊₁)
                 a  b
                 [1+ bⁿ ⁿ]ᶻ ·ᶻ min' a x  [1+ aⁿ ⁿ]ᶻ ·ᶻ min' b x
min'-respects-∼ a@(aᶻ , aⁿ) b@(bᶻ , bⁿ) x@(xᶻ , xⁿ) a~b =
  bⁿᶻ ·ᶻ minᶻ (aᶻ ·ᶻ xⁿᶻ) (xᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ)            ≡⟨ ·ᶻ-minᶻ-distribˡ (aᶻ ·ᶻ xⁿᶻ) (xᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ) bⁿᶻ 0≤bⁿᶻ 
  minᶻ (bⁿᶻ ·ᶻ (aᶻ ·ᶻ xⁿᶻ)) (bⁿᶻ ·ᶻ (xᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ)) ≡⟨  i  minᶻ (·ᶻ-assoc bⁿᶻ aᶻ xⁿᶻ i) (bⁿᶻ ·ᶻ (xᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ))) 
  minᶻ ((bⁿᶻ ·ᶻ aᶻ) ·ᶻ xⁿᶻ) (bⁿᶻ ·ᶻ (xᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ)) ≡⟨  i  minᶻ ((·ᶻ-comm bⁿᶻ aᶻ i) ·ᶻ xⁿᶻ) (bⁿᶻ ·ᶻ (xᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ))) 
  minᶻ ((aᶻ ·ᶻ bⁿᶻ) ·ᶻ xⁿᶻ) (bⁿᶻ ·ᶻ (xᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ)) ≡⟨  i  minᶻ (p i ·ᶻ xⁿᶻ) (bⁿᶻ ·ᶻ (xᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ))) 
  minᶻ ((bᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ) ·ᶻ xⁿᶻ) (bⁿᶻ ·ᶻ (xᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ)) ≡⟨  i  minᶻ (·ᶻ-comm bᶻ aⁿᶻ i ·ᶻ xⁿᶻ) (·ᶻ-assoc bⁿᶻ xᶻ aⁿᶻ i)) 
  minᶻ ((aⁿᶻ ·ᶻ bᶻ) ·ᶻ xⁿᶻ) ((bⁿᶻ ·ᶻ xᶻ) ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ) ≡⟨  i  minᶻ (·ᶻ-assoc aⁿᶻ bᶻ xⁿᶻ (~ i)) (·ᶻ-comm (bⁿᶻ ·ᶻ xᶻ) aⁿᶻ i)) 
  minᶻ (aⁿᶻ ·ᶻ (bᶻ ·ᶻ xⁿᶻ)) (aⁿᶻ ·ᶻ (bⁿᶻ ·ᶻ xᶻ)) ≡⟨ sym $ ·ᶻ-minᶻ-distribˡ (bᶻ ·ᶻ xⁿᶻ) (bⁿᶻ ·ᶻ xᶻ) aⁿᶻ 0≤aⁿᶻ 
  aⁿᶻ ·ᶻ minᶻ (bᶻ ·ᶻ xⁿᶻ) (bⁿᶻ ·ᶻ xᶻ)            ≡⟨  i  aⁿᶻ ·ᶻ minᶻ (bᶻ ·ᶻ xⁿᶻ) (·ᶻ-comm bⁿᶻ xᶻ i)) 
  aⁿᶻ ·ᶻ minᶻ (bᶻ ·ᶻ xⁿᶻ) (xᶻ ·ᶻ bⁿᶻ)            
    aⁿᶻ = [1+ aⁿ ⁿ]ᶻ
    bⁿᶻ = [1+ bⁿ ⁿ]ᶻ
    xⁿᶻ = [1+ xⁿ ⁿ]ᶻ
    p : aᶻ ·ᶻ bⁿᶻ  bᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ
    p = a~b
    0≤aⁿᶻ : [ 0 ≤ᶻ aⁿᶻ ]
    0≤aⁿᶻ (k , p) = snotzⁿ $ sym (+ⁿ-suc k _)  p
    0≤bⁿᶻ : [ 0 ≤ᶻ bⁿᶻ ]
    0≤bⁿᶻ (k , p) = snotzⁿ $ sym (+ⁿ-suc k _)  p

-- same proof as for min
max'-respects-∼ : (a@(aᶻ , aⁿ) b@(bᶻ , bⁿ) x@(xᶻ , xⁿ) :  × ℕ₊₁)
   a  b
   [1+ bⁿ ⁿ]ᶻ ·ᶻ max' a x  [1+ aⁿ ⁿ]ᶻ ·ᶻ max' b x
max'-respects-∼ a@(aᶻ , aⁿ) b@(bᶻ , bⁿ) x@(xᶻ , xⁿ) a~b =
  bⁿᶻ ·ᶻ maxᶻ (aᶻ ·ᶻ xⁿᶻ) (xᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ)            ≡⟨ ·ᶻ-maxᶻ-distribˡ (aᶻ ·ᶻ xⁿᶻ) (xᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ) bⁿᶻ 0≤bⁿᶻ 
  maxᶻ (bⁿᶻ ·ᶻ (aᶻ ·ᶻ xⁿᶻ)) (bⁿᶻ ·ᶻ (xᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ)) ≡⟨  i  maxᶻ (·ᶻ-assoc bⁿᶻ aᶻ xⁿᶻ i) (bⁿᶻ ·ᶻ (xᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ))) 
  maxᶻ ((bⁿᶻ ·ᶻ aᶻ) ·ᶻ xⁿᶻ) (bⁿᶻ ·ᶻ (xᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ)) ≡⟨  i  maxᶻ ((·ᶻ-comm bⁿᶻ aᶻ i) ·ᶻ xⁿᶻ) (bⁿᶻ ·ᶻ (xᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ))) 
  maxᶻ ((aᶻ ·ᶻ bⁿᶻ) ·ᶻ xⁿᶻ) (bⁿᶻ ·ᶻ (xᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ)) ≡⟨  i  maxᶻ (p i ·ᶻ xⁿᶻ) (bⁿᶻ ·ᶻ (xᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ))) 
  maxᶻ ((bᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ) ·ᶻ xⁿᶻ) (bⁿᶻ ·ᶻ (xᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ)) ≡⟨  i  maxᶻ (·ᶻ-comm bᶻ aⁿᶻ i ·ᶻ xⁿᶻ) (·ᶻ-assoc bⁿᶻ xᶻ aⁿᶻ i)) 
  maxᶻ ((aⁿᶻ ·ᶻ bᶻ) ·ᶻ xⁿᶻ) ((bⁿᶻ ·ᶻ xᶻ) ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ) ≡⟨  i  maxᶻ (·ᶻ-assoc aⁿᶻ bᶻ xⁿᶻ (~ i)) (·ᶻ-comm (bⁿᶻ ·ᶻ xᶻ) aⁿᶻ i)) 
  maxᶻ (aⁿᶻ ·ᶻ (bᶻ ·ᶻ xⁿᶻ)) (aⁿᶻ ·ᶻ (bⁿᶻ ·ᶻ xᶻ)) ≡⟨ sym $ ·ᶻ-maxᶻ-distribˡ (bᶻ ·ᶻ xⁿᶻ) (bⁿᶻ ·ᶻ xᶻ) aⁿᶻ 0≤aⁿᶻ 
  aⁿᶻ ·ᶻ maxᶻ (bᶻ ·ᶻ xⁿᶻ) (bⁿᶻ ·ᶻ xᶻ)            ≡⟨  i  aⁿᶻ ·ᶻ maxᶻ (bᶻ ·ᶻ xⁿᶻ) (·ᶻ-comm bⁿᶻ xᶻ i)) 
  aⁿᶻ ·ᶻ maxᶻ (bᶻ ·ᶻ xⁿᶻ) (xᶻ ·ᶻ bⁿᶻ)            
    aⁿᶻ = [1+ aⁿ ⁿ]ᶻ
    bⁿᶻ = [1+ bⁿ ⁿ]ᶻ
    xⁿᶻ = [1+ xⁿ ⁿ]ᶻ
    p : aᶻ ·ᶻ bⁿᶻ  bᶻ ·ᶻ aⁿᶻ
    p = a~b
    0≤aⁿᶻ : [ 0 ≤ᶻ aⁿᶻ ]
    0≤aⁿᶻ (k , p) = snotzⁿ $ sym (+ⁿ-suc k _)  p
    0≤bⁿᶻ : [ 0 ≤ᶻ bⁿᶻ ]
    0≤bⁿᶻ (k , p) = snotzⁿ $ sym (+ⁿ-suc k _)  p

min :     
min a b = onCommonDenomSym min' min'-sym min'-respects-∼ a b

max :     
max a b = onCommonDenomSym max' max'-sym max'-respects-∼ a b

-- injᶻⁿ⁺¹ : ∀ x → [ 0 <ᶻ x ] → Σ[ y ∈ ℕ₊₁ ] x ≡ [1+ y ⁿ]ᶻ
-- injᶻⁿ⁺¹ (signed spos zero) p = ⊥-elim {A = λ _ → Σ[ y ∈ ℕ₊₁ ] ℤ.posneg i0 ≡ [1+ y ⁿ]ᶻ}  (¬-<ⁿ-zero p)
-- injᶻⁿ⁺¹ (signed sneg  zero) p = ⊥-elim {A = λ _ → Σ[ y ∈ ℕ₊₁ ] ℤ.posneg i1 ≡ [1+ y ⁿ]ᶻ}  (¬-<ⁿ-zero p)
-- injᶻⁿ⁺¹ (ℤ.posneg i)        p = ⊥-elim {A = λ _ → Σ[ y ∈ ℕ₊₁ ] ℤ.posneg i  ≡ [1+ y ⁿ]ᶻ}  (¬-<ⁿ-zero p)
-- injᶻⁿ⁺¹ (signed spos (suc n)) p =  1+ n , refl

absᶻ⁺¹ :   ℕ₊₁
absᶻ⁺¹ (pos zero)    = 1+ 0
absᶻ⁺¹ (neg zero)    = 1+ 0
absᶻ⁺¹ (posneg i)    = 1+ 0
absᶻ⁺¹ (pos (suc n)) = 1+ n
absᶻ⁺¹ (neg (suc n)) = 1+ n

-- absᶻ⁺¹-identity⁺ : ∀ x → [ 0 <ⁿ x ] → [1+ absᶻ⁺¹ (pos x) ⁿ]ᶻ ≡ pos x
-- absᶻ⁺¹-identity⁺ zero    p = ⊥-elim {A = λ _ → [1+ absᶻ⁺¹ (pos zero) ⁿ]ᶻ ≡ pos zero} (<ⁿ-irrefl 0 p)
-- absᶻ⁺¹-identity⁺ (suc x) p = refl
-- absᶻ⁺¹-identity⁻ : ∀ x → [ 0 <ⁿ x ] → [1+ absᶻ⁺¹ (neg x) ⁿ]ᶻ ≡ pos x
-- absᶻ⁺¹-identity⁻ zero p = ⊥-elim {A = λ _ → [1+ absᶻ⁺¹ (neg zero) ⁿ]ᶻ ≡ pos zero} (<ⁿ-irrefl 0 p)
-- absᶻ⁺¹-identity⁻ (suc x) p = refl

absᶻ⁺¹-identity :  x  [ x #ᶻ 0 ]  [1+ absᶻ⁺¹ x ⁿ]ᶻ  pos (absᶻ x)
absᶻ⁺¹-identity (pos zero)    p = ⊥-elim {A = λ _  pos 1  pos 0} $ #ᶻ⇒≢ (posneg i0) p refl
absᶻ⁺¹-identity (neg zero)    p = ⊥-elim {A = λ _  pos 1  pos 0} $ #ᶻ⇒≢ (posneg i1) p posneg
absᶻ⁺¹-identity (posneg i)    p = ⊥-elim {A = λ _  pos 1  pos 0} $ #ᶻ⇒≢ (posneg i ) p  j  posneg (i  j))
absᶻ⁺¹-identity (pos (suc n)) p = refl
absᶻ⁺¹-identity (neg (suc n)) p = refl

absᶻ⁺¹-identityⁿ :  x  [ x #ᶻ 0 ]  suc (ℕ₊₁.n (absᶻ⁺¹ x))  absᶻ x
absᶻ⁺¹-identityⁿ x p i = absᶻ (absᶻ⁺¹-identity x p i)

sign' :  × ℕ₊₁  Sign
sign' (z , n) = signᶻ z

sign'-preserves-∼ : (a b :  × ℕ₊₁)  a  b  sign' a  sign' b
sign'-preserves-∼ a@(aᶻ , aⁿ) b@(bᶻ , bⁿ) p =  sym (lem aᶻ bⁿ)  ψ  lem bᶻ aⁿ where
  a' = absᶻ aᶻ ·ⁿ suc (ℕ₊₁.n bⁿ)
  b' = absᶻ bᶻ ·ⁿ suc (ℕ₊₁.n aⁿ)
  γ : signed (signᶻ aᶻ  spos) a'  signed (signᶻ bᶻ  spos) b'
  γ = p
  ψ : signᶻ (signed (signᶻ aᶻ  spos) a')  signᶻ (signed (signᶻ bᶻ  spos) b')
  ψ i = signᶻ (γ i)
  lem :  x y  signᶻ (signed (signᶻ x  spos) (absᶻ x ·ⁿ suc (ℕ₊₁.n y)))  signᶻ x
  lem (pos zero)    y = refl
  lem (neg zero)    y = refl
  lem (posneg i)    y = refl
  lem (pos (suc n)) y = refl
  lem (neg (suc n)) y = refl

sign :   Sign
sign = SetQuotient.rec {R = _∼_} {B = Sign} Bool.isSetBool sign' sign'-preserves-∼

sign-signᶻ-identity :  z n  sign [ z , n ]ᶠ  signᶻ z
sign-signᶻ-identity z n = refl